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Rewards, what should they be?

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#21 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:17 am

While you can argument on the renow value, i'm sure that xp value are always "double" -100, so basicaly if you get 600 renow you get 1100 exp.from sc won with 500 pt
About PQ exp, i remember medium pq in t2 gave me 1000 exo x step could it be? not sure about it

Posts: 7227

Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#22 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:43 am

I have more than 100 T1 sc screenshots here and it is 5000 on level 10. Like I said, it is less on lower ranks. Imagine killing mobs instead of doing sc, you kill 10 of them in no time and gain much more than 5000 XP. 5000 is not much on level 10 and you could get the same with kills in sc on top of that.

Btw, the renown reward for a tie with 500 points is 250 as well.
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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#23 » Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:44 pm

For me, without changing everything, I like the domination rewards.

e.g. once you own one or two keeps, or have them fully upgraded, rr for that zone are increased by a certain amount.

the fortress rewards should work the same way across the pairing.

In T1 it works with the amount of Obj owned... so on.

AAO is fantastic and acts to fill the population vacuum, creating currents of population in the process and keeps people circulating to some extent.

However all this, I don't like obscene RR bonuses... near the end there it was really disgusting because players would ONLY want to ride that RR bonus wave but I digress. Many other factors involved in the switching sides debate.

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#24 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:05 am

Scenario win 1750 XP / 600 Renown.
Scenario loose 850 XP / 250 Renown.

U might heard this 500 times before. But the sooner you fix mechanics, the sooner people will come... I think most getting bored fast when classes dont work, and if old players find out mechanics are up running, it will pull more to the game! (:

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#25 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:11 am

TipToeInMyJordans wrote:Scenario win 1750 XP / 600 Renown.
Scenario loose 850 XP / 250 Renown.

U might heard this 500 times before. But the sooner you fix mechanics, the sooner people will come... I think most getting bored fast when classes dont work, and if old players find out mechanics are up running, it will pull more to the game! (:
Aye, but keep in mind that those take ages. It will happen, just takes lots of time to get there.
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#26 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:01 pm

TipToeInMyJordans wrote: U might heard this 500 times before. But the sooner you fix mechanics, the sooner people will come... I think most getting bored fast when classes dont work, and if old players find out mechanics are up running, it will pull more to the game! (:
They work at the combat calculations atm.
You should also take a look at this just to get a clue how easy some things look ingame, but are really difficult to fix/implement.

More players are always better, but you should consider that the devs have no monetary profit from this game.
Someone has to pay for the server space, just so that we dummies can logon to get our daily dose of RoR ;)

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#27 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 5:33 pm

Combat calculation is the correct priority anyway, in my opinion. You can already see that the class representation is skewed because of armor and toughness not being incorporated into the skill damage calculation, as well as Strength being the only working offensive stat. Fixing the fundamentals before moving onto anything more complex and time consuming (as class mechanic and ability fixes will undoubtedly be) is a good idea.

The obvious exception would be Searing Touch and Bunch o' Waaagh. If they can't be fixed properly, then putting in a hack like halving the damage to compensate for them ticking twice, if such is not difficult, would be a reasonable step, since some people do derive enjoyment from the limited PvP available in the alpha.

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#28 » Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:18 am

Luth wrote:
TipToeInMyJordans wrote: U might heard this 500 times before. But the sooner you fix mechanics, the sooner people will come... I think most getting bored fast when classes dont work, and if old players find out mechanics are up running, it will pull more to the game! (:
They work at the combat calculations atm.
You should also take a look at this just to get a clue how easy some things look ingame, but are really difficult to fix/implement.

More players are always better, but you should consider that the devs have no monetary profit from this game.
Someone has to pay for the server space, just so that we dummies can logon to get our daily dose of RoR ;)
Thanks. Ill check up on it (:

Posts: 2840

Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#29 » Sat Dec 06, 2014 8:55 pm

I found some scenario guides, maybe they are of some use (don't know if the values are correct):

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#30 » Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:18 am

Yes, please get public quests and RvR objectives working.
sc win 1000 XP / 500 renown
sc lose 500 XP / 250 renown

^ i like that idea too!
"Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, they cling to the real or the gods or love."

~~ GoT ~~

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