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Re: combat questions

Post#31 » Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:49 pm

Think of a dot as a damage queue placed on the target (or hot as a heal queue)

When applied a dot
- can be avoided (block, parry, disrupt, dodge)
- can trigger procs
- can crit and trigger crit procs . Damage of ticks aren’t affected
- most importantly sets up a queue of future ticks on the target based on current stats of caster and target

Dots or damage queue on a target "ticks" (not hits)
- ticks aren’t “normal” hits and can’t be avoided (block, parry, disrupt, dodge)
- ticks can crit
- ticks are migrated by resists (and armour) toughness and absorbs
- entire queue (all future ticks) can be cleansed (as one)
- future ticks persists on the even if the caster dies
- expires when time is up

EDIT: update since resists and armour migrate dot damage
Last edited by Bozzax on Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: combat questions

Post#32 » Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:17 pm

Dana wrote:
Tesq wrote:
Kaitanaroyr wrote:All dots originally stayed on ever after the caster has died
here but not on official, if you die dot get remove as in any other game there is no difference in that, both buff and debuff, only potion and liniment remain active for the total duration of the timer

I think you speak from 2 different things.

When you dot an enemy and then you died the enemy still have the dot. Same when someone dots you and then he dies you still have the dot.

When you get a dot and then you dies the dot get removed from you. Same with enemy.
Ye dana i read target instead caster my bad

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Re: combat questions

Post#33 » Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:36 pm

Bozzax wrote:Think of a dot as a damage queue placed on the target (or hot as a heal queue)

When applied a dot
- can be avoided (block, parry, disrupt, dodge)
- can trigger procs
- can crit and trigger crit procs . Damage of ticks aren’t affected
- most importantly sets up a queue of future ticks on the target based on current stats of caster and target

Dots or damage queue on a target "ticks" (not hits)
- ticks aren’t “normal” hits and can’t be avoided (block, parry, disrupt, dodge)
- ticks can crit
- ticks are migrated only by toughness or absorbs
- entire queue (all future ticks) can be cleansed (as one)
- future ticks persists on the even if the caster dies
- expires when time is up

Yes and i forgot to add previusly what follow:

max number of dot/buff/potion/liniment x charachter =20

Dot= damaging, cripples (cripples is just damaging + snare or only snare), curse, aliment, hex, debuff
Hot=enchantment, blessing or healing (healing hot are always treated as buff, and so can't be removed, or replace exept from other buff)

When they exeed 20:

if new X is applied----------------------->if buff or hot, it replace 1 enemy dot randomly/if none, it replace a hot
---------------------------------------------> if dot, it replace 1 friendly hot, if none, it replace a dot
---------------------------------------------> if debuff, it replace 1 friendly hot / if none it replace a enemy dot

-friendly buff can never replace your own buff, they instead replace all other things (exept debuff)
-enemy dot /debuff can never replace friendly buff/hot
-friendly hot/buff can always replace enemy dot
-buff and debuff cannot be cleanse nor be reaplce by what i write up here, they ger removed when they either finish or charchter die
-Cannot be replace as well in any way potion / liniment / and chosen/kobs auras ( they count as buff)
-If caster re-use the same skill for apply a dot/hot/buff/debuff it ge replaced by new one ( it never pop new one, always replace the previous if still active)
-there can only be 2 same named hot/buff etc... active at any time
-When new dot/hot with same name are used it replace always the one with less time remaining.

So if more than 2 caster use the same dot/hot/buff /debuff there can only be 2 active at any time( so for exemple if there are active 2 hot and 3 caster use again those 3 hot, when used each one will replace first their old one if it's active or if not they will replace the one with less timer remaining)
If there are alredy 20 dot / hot etc and a new one get used, that is not alredy active on target, it replace 1 randomly as said above

The only exeption are stacking buff/debuff, it occur that sometimes some dot can be stacked( hot too? dont remember if there are any hot that can be stacked) , if in this way so :

-if same caster use the skill again the second and the third stack both refresh the timer
-if dot alredy has 3 stack then the forth time caster use the skill, stack remain at 3 but timer get refresh
-if the same stack dot have 2-3 stack they can be replace by another caster that use the skill and the dot will be replaced by a stack 1 dot
-you can't increase other and/or different skill stack with yours.
-Dot max stack is set generaly at 3
-every class meccanic that buff charcter in some way count as buff(buff and debuff are extremly rare btw in game exept meccanics)

I think that what i wrote here should be 99% right almost uncertain on de-buff being or not able to replace buff and vice versa but if not remember wrong it should be in this way even considering that if under focus guard could be removed by a debuff and this is not possible.

last edit (hope)

They only thing that can atm remove a buff it's slayer skill called "spellbreaker" (it remove 1 absorb eff either buff or blessing, etc)
Last edited by Tesq on Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: combat questions

Post#34 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:07 am

Tesq wrote:
Kaitanaroyr wrote:All dots originally stayed on ever after the caster has died
here but not on official, if you die dot get remove as in any other game there is no difference in that, both buff and debuff, only potion and liniment remain active for the total duration of the timer
Aye was referring to War non RoR.
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Re: combat questions

Post#35 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:24 am

I will also say this: some of the Magi spells could not be cleansed - I remember that clearly as I played RP and would get really pissed by that peculiarity.

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Re: combat questions

Post#36 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:31 am

Tesq truly excelent post even stuff in here I was merely guessing at myself. Thanks!

When you write (@21) "if dot, it replace 1 friendly hot" and "enemy dot /debuff can never replace friendly buff/hot". Please explain this?

Overflow stacking mechanic if I got it right? (EDIT: need to reread Tesqs post and update this one there is something bugging me about what I wrote)

Per ability ID (per player)
  • 2 of same ID (Note: effects of abilities follow normal stacking rules)
    was this true for buffs / debuffs as well?
Overflow rules (@3 same ID)
  • +1 refreshes [own] if one. Else refreshes the "oldest" one (except players OWN)
Stacking dots/hots (description says it stacks up X times)
  • [up to X] increases the multiplier and resets the timer for X-stack (all).
    [X+1] refreshes the timer of X stack. Multiplier not affected
    All X counts as one with regards to stacking/overflow of same ID (so a X-stack can be replaced with 1-stack)
Per player
  • 20 slots with overflow
Overflow rules (@21 per player)
  • +1 buff replaces (1) dot (or (1) hot)
    +1 hot replace (1) dot (or (1) hot)
    +1 dot replaces (1) hot (or (1) dot)
    +1 debuff (enemy) replaces (1) hot (or (1) dot)
Tesq wrote:UNDER UPDATE :
Bozzax wrote:Think of a dot as a damage queue placed on the target (or hot as a heal queue)
Last edited by Bozzax on Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: combat questions

Post#37 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:38 am

When you write (@21) "if dot, it replace 1 friendly hot" and "enemy dot /debuff can never replace friendly buff/hot". Please explain this?
In overflow situation as you said, when you have a alredy 20 things on you when an enemy try to dot you, 1 random of your hot get replaced by his dot(my bad i write wrong) and if not it replace 1 dot , and vice versa a frendly hot in overflow situation replace 1 enemy dot or if non 1 friendly hot

Dot > hot, i none > dot
hot> dot, if none> hot

About debuff as alredy told you im not 100% sure, there so few in game that i could not be able to properly test it and what i wrote here it was all tested in real oRvr fight,only in that way i could figurite out(otherwise is impossible to check 20+ buff behaviour)
As i said debuff should not be able to replace buff of any kind and your friendly buff cannot replace your charcater buff.
So if we look at debuff behaviour (my bad for what i write of course you don't understand) they "should"(?), first if there are replace----> hot, then if all are buff or dot/debuff i think they should replace firstly dot and then debuff ( but almost impossible to be all debuff, there are so few in game )

buff > debuff > hot/dot ( it should work in this way, where buff are above all and debuff are in the middle, both buff and debuff always try to replace hot and dot in first place)
So enemy debuff in overflow situation it should be able to replace your hot and as well rthe enemy hot

About 2 ID is the same for buff and debuff as well max 2 of each but buff debuff are all stat increase or lower and they do not stack so even if there are 2 only 1 apply at times
This not stacking applyes to all kind of "buff" in game if 2 different source buff/debuff toughness for exemple regardless what kind of dot are and regardless the source it apply only the highest of those 1 for buff and 1 for debuff, so for exemple if mroe chosen toughness aura are near, all friendly around will get their tough increase by max value only and enemy will get their value decrease by max value only

Oh just came in my mind now, differently from friendly buff, friendly hot can replace your own charcater hot.
Both on yourself and on other; there is no such limitation as for buff.

Not totaly sure if even minor buff ( for exemple 30/ 60 min minor buff like enchantemnt and blessing) should be able to be reaplace too).
For exemple shammy resistence enchantment could be replaced in overflow situation? I remember that i look at it and i remember like answer a yes but not even 50% sure and they could have been removed by a shatter enchantment so...
I'd like to have someone that had played 90% time on classes with dot and hot and minor buff, he should know more about it

If we wanna dig more another form of debuff are CC , but there are cc and cc, for exemple stag can never be replaced even if is a damging and not a debuff, instead root is marked as debuff.
I think that cc where mosltly fixed handly 1 by 1.
This hypotesis is supported by black guard and kobs knock back, becouse they work differently by any other knock back in game (just a fast example: both KB auto de-active itself if target have immunity buff to KB, this is not write on skill nor it's present in game in any other type off cc and skill )

i have to conlcude to this that CC skills and anti-cc skills work for their own way, have their own rule for being removed or ingored, and cannot be replaced, while the only exeption to this are for sure many form of snare, that are treat exatly as told above for dot and about this, i am 100% sure snare are always cleanseable or removeable/ingoreable in some way.

dont know silence, disarm, etc but generaly what is marked as curse, hex and haliment is always cleanse-able so should be no problem here ...but..... some form of knock down are aliment, but knock dowm cannot be cleanse.............................................


-exept for snare and silence/ disarm (other ?) that are cleanseable (think)
-stag, root knockdown aren't cleanseable

For last all cc can be ingored as well if you have an appropriate cc-immunity skill (Black ork, sovereign or renow one for exemple)

Immunity do not remove cc mark on buff slot but instead ingore their effects, so cc that occupy a slot can both not be removed nor reaplce until their duration fall. Furthermore even if under immunity effect cc can be used on target but character will not get affect by cc if immunity is active in all case exept snare.

If i have a 5 second duraction of immunity to all cc used on me i will get no effect but if i get snared for 10 second when those 5 sec of immunity gone i will be snared by 5 seconds.
Snare is the only cc that try to re-apply is own eff every second while other do it only in the moment when skill properly hit.
Last edited by Tesq on Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: combat questions

Post#38 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:07 am

samster wrote:I will also say this: some of the Magi spells could not be cleansed - I remember that clearly as I played RP and would get really pissed by that peculiarity.
i think that was due to curse, hex, aliment meccanic, cos every healer in game can cleanse 2/3 or there were 2-3 bugged skills in game(and it's probably considering an AM thunder could be parry by choppa...)
Last edited by Tesq on Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: combat questions

Post#39 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:11 am

Likely those bugs will not exist in the emulator as everything's being coded from scratch.

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Re: combat questions

Post#40 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:22 am

azarael i think btw you had right on resistences meccanic reducing dot, cos i remembered when talking to nalg that boiling blood from bw damage could be lowered by increasing corporeal resistence, but does this mean that physical dot are reduced by armor? or only toug work in that case?

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