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[FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

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Re: [FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

Post#31 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:06 pm

1. Did the doors take too long to destroy? Were they too easy?
JUST RIGHT! Thank You!

2. Did you find that artillery is too hard to destroy? Too easy?

3. Does the cooldown on deploying an oil or ram seem like too long? too short?
With damage from oil greatly reduced, you can speed up the cd some and it will not break the game.

4. As a defender, what do you feel are the best tools at your disposal?
Oil and siege. Simple and the way it was meant to be.

5. As a defender, do you feel like you had enough time to reach a besieged keep to defend it?
Not really. But there really is not much I can think of to do to change this, so it is fine.

6. As an attacker, what do you feel are the best tools at your disposal?
Only Rams sadly.
Siege does not do enough damage to the door to make a difference on its own, and as a Shadow Warrior I find a good third of my attacks do not work.
One of the best tools available to attackers was using AoE to stop rushes from inside the keep before they started. Now, with AoE not working on the door, the defenders have too easy a time defending by killing rams, pulling attackers into oil etc.
This makes sieges the prefered method of RvR, as seen by the entire week almost spent in t4, three days as of this morning in Praag. (I do not know what Praag status is as I write this)

Suggestions; These suggestions will speed things up slightly and allow sieges to move along at a faster pace.
1- allow aoe to pass through doors again
2- allow (fix?) all player attacks to damage the door

7. Do you feel it is currently easier to attack or defend a keep, against an equal number of opponents?
Defend.... advantage definitely defender!!!! (See suggestions above for no6).

EDIT: Pleeaaassseee add a timer to siege. Defenders dropped siege on Sat morning in praag, and the exact same siege pieces are still there!!!!!!!!!!!
Also takes care of the problem of siege staying on in a keep after it is taken.
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