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War Lion role in WB

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Re: War Lion role in WB

Post#31 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:16 am

Im the most OP class in game, i run the servier kill squishies in 2 secs everyone fears me but how can i ever join a wb im out of ap after i kill my first 3 targets. Oh i dont know how about you use 2 ap pots available or maybe put some ap in rr points or look for ap gear. Most classes have ap issuses. Also wl already has a strong places in wbs remember they do everything and have everything... and before i cop **** like a dev once said my opinions coming from a shaman, nope was a lion first, stopped playing it when they were made into a god like joke.. there damage needs to be halved the perma snare needs to be removed and it probably wouldnt hurt to tie theres skill into the pet being alive or not like other classes.

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Re: War Lion role in WB

Post#32 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:24 am

Mystry wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:44 am
dansari wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 3:33 am WL is not "meta" wb play. Meta DPS is ~4-5 BW, 2 SL, 1 pull engy, 1 dps runie, depending on how min max you want to be. To say that WL should be "changed" to fit into a wb DPS class is looking at it the wrong way. Devs have already given their opinion that not every class should be viable in every aspect of gameplay. So, it seems that, at least in the current iteration of the game, WL excels at small scale but does not bring much to large scale.
If that's the case then why are many sets of gear only buyable with medallions that you get only from ORVR? Why force a player with a non-WB class to play in WBs and bring the entire group down just so they can get their gear? Remember, for most classes, ORVR gear such as Annihilator is geared towards their 'main' role, while Scenario gear such as Mercenary is usually a defensive set or a DPS set for tanks/healers.
do you know that in oRvR yoou can roam with a party or maybee solo/duo trio, not every time zerg in WB?

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Re: War Lion role in WB

Post#33 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:28 am

I would agree it should not made made META for a WL in a warband, last year the balancing has been great, we now have BW/CHP very viable wb bomb spec's, and WL/Mara smallscale specs, also very importantly for me a lot of abilities that no-one would ever take, have now been given life and use, add more to the game, don't take away :)

New people often don't see an RVR zone kills come from 2 places - WB & 6 man
- 3 man of WL/SM/AM will get 100 kills because of utility/mobility/tankiness, obviously experienced practiced skillful play/positioning too.
- At the same time a BW/CHP with an organised warband to keep them alive will also get 100 kills per zone because of teamplay and sheer aoe damage.

Both will be killing a lot of players at key locations/times on the map to ensure their side wins/has a better time of loosing the map. More importantly have a challenging balanced and fun PVP experience.

Both have balanced abilities that enable them to do better than most other classes but only in either Smallscale or Warband play, otherwise we'd all be playing shield wearing WP's with huge aoe magic based dps. WL has a lot of tools to do really well in smallscale, doesn't need to also have giant morale pump M2 aoe bomb, role a BW and try something different rather than try to get everything in 1 class.
3 - Classes - Update defunct abilities to be more useful in either large-scale or small-scale, again not a small one, but hope the Dev's can get excited about working on this game with these sort of possibilities available, rather than feel bashed because people complain on forums because humans don't like change until they forget about it 2 weeks later.
- ROR is restricted to 6 man groups (even if its in a wb) you can only guard/buff/aoe heal your group of 6, there are 12 classes each side, if we had group size at 12, you could balance all 12 classes to be equally needed in large scale with each class having a unique essential team ability.
- As its only 6, what you can do is make 2/3 of each archtype, so melee dps, ranged dps, healer, tank, optimal in large scale, and 1/3 optimal in scenario, when i say optimal, i mean have an ability/tactic/morale that is essential in that environment, so aoe cleanse in large-scale, big ST damage in small-scale with own built in armor debuff/heal debuff.
- I would like to see each class have a large-scale spec and a small scale spec, i think this gives you options to test your character, but still maintain a specialist class for environments.
- Also i would enjoy seeing less classes the same, we don't all want to play heavy armor healers using shield/axe and magic, that's a solo game, we want to play huge damage BW/Sorc who dies so quickly, but with a very tanky tank class and big ranged healer can change a battlefield as a team.

For me, i would like to see mobility looked at as part of balancing, positioning is king in PVP, and tools like Charge/Pounce/Rift/Whirling pin/speed buff procs are being used to great effect by some players, and its fun having a WL/SM both pounce into a fight :D Sure someone has some idea's about additional mobility abilities that could be workable, maybe BW teleport?

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Re: War Lion role in WB

Post#34 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:45 am

Some classes work better in certain roles. The PvP in this game is supposed to be a mix of big and small groups, devs are working to get to that state.

WL's rule at taking lightly defended bo's away from the zerg
Alea iacta est

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Re: War Lion role in WB

Post#35 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:32 am

ella wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:16 am Im the most OP class in game, i run the servier kill squishies in 2 secs everyone fears me but how can i ever join a wb im out of ap after i kill my first 3 targets. Oh i dont know how about you use 2 ap pots available or maybe put some ap in rr points or look for ap gear. Most classes have ap issuses. Also wl already has a strong places in wbs remember they do everything and have everything... and before i cop **** like a dev once said my opinions coming from a shaman, nope was a lion first, stopped playing it when they were made into a god like joke.. there damage needs to be halved the perma snare needs to be removed and it probably wouldnt hurt to tie theres skill into the pet being alive or not like other classes.
low quality trolling :|
Nobody on the broken noob class

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Re: War Lion role in WB

Post#36 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:34 am

aa91837 wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:32 am
ella wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:16 am Im the most OP class in game, i run the servier kill squishies in 2 secs everyone fears me but how can i ever join a wb im out of ap after i kill my first 3 targets. Oh i dont know how about you use 2 ap pots available or maybe put some ap in rr points or look for ap gear. Most classes have ap issuses. Also wl already has a strong places in wbs remember they do everything and have everything... and before i cop **** like a dev once said my opinions coming from a shaman, nope was a lion first, stopped playing it when they were made into a god like joke.. there damage needs to be halved the perma snare needs to be removed and it probably wouldnt hurt to tie theres skill into the pet being alive or not like other classes.
low quality trolling :|
high quality whine though

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Re: War Lion role in WB

Post#37 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:08 pm

Think the discussion is going off track :)

But to me the problems and solution seem rather straight forward.
Problem for WL
AP and not enough AOE
Problem for destro
Too much burst and CC

Reduce damage and AP cost on single target
Increase damage and AP on AOE skills

Leave the CC and manouvering so they retain uniqueness

This would make their enemy not die as quickly, reduce AP downtime and give them more function in WB vs WB fights.
The exact %reduction of damage/AP cost I can’t say but finger in the air based upon my low level WL would be 20

Posts: 139

Re: War Lion role in WB

Post#38 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:18 pm

My opinion. There is a spec only a couple people play it. Has to do with loner spec. Dont have worry about lion. You can respectfully aoe. You can jump in and out with the new pounce mechanic. Only thing missing is pull wich i think is useful in a wb setting. Try it out works well with party aswell but you need gaurd and heals to make it function to its full potential.

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Re: War Lion role in WB

Post#39 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:22 pm

The pounce and guard always seems a problem. Some reason the tank never keeps up :)

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Re: War Lion role in WB

Post#40 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:37 pm

Problem for destro
Too much burst and CC
buy armor talismans and use armor pots
Reduce damage and AP cost on single target
WL base dmg lower than Mara

Guillotine 316 dmg vs Cull the Weak 309 dmg

Cutting Claw 216 dmg vs Force Opportunity 184 dmg

Impale 166 dmg vs Sundering Chop 159 dmg

Debilitate 191 dmg vs Cleave Limb 134 dmg
The exact %reduction of damage/AP cost I can’t say but finger in the air based upon my low level WL would be 20
read above
Nobody on the broken noob class

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