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Re: Why?

Post#31 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 4:59 pm

I miss more smallscale fights on rvr tbh, maybe i'm just unlucky. People always blob or mass afk's at BO's while watchin' tv.
Sadly you cant change people's mentality and one change is just enough to make a lot of people threaten to leave game.
it never rains to everyone's taste.
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Re: Why?

Post#32 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 5:14 pm

To the devs- lets look at the communism for a moment. It might looks like it has lot of wonderful ideas, which would works if only people stopped only caring about their own self interests. Now, open any history book to see how that one worked out.

Yes, there are lots of possible game mechanics which would work greatly if people didn't always went the path of the lest resistance. However, reality speaking- trying to get the most result with a minimum effort is not a "poisonous playerbase"- its a sign of a sane human being. Trying to fight it never worked- again, history books.

And for f's sake- plz stop trying to always insure that it is impossible to get the reward without effort, that Azarial was so stack on- it never worked, and you are really killing the game with it.

Lets compare some live and RoR mechanics.

BOs and carriers on live- yes, players could afk next to wc with a flag and get renown with zero effort. So? What it also meant is that if they did went in, even if they didn't manage to get a single kill, they would still get the same minimum renown- so there was nothing to loose but possible gain. Now, lets look at BOs in RoR- leave the BO, and you loose the microticks, for a gain only possible if you insure sufficient amount of kills. Vs 6 men bis premades most likely, as again likely undergeared <40, or at best lvl 40 in pug. End result- quite a few of those that would roam during live sit at BOs here, opposite of what was desired.

Now lets look at keeps. Live- with sufficient boredom threshold it was possible to solo swing the ram for a solo keep capture, for a full reward without a single enemy to fight. Once again, so? End result- with a several zones open, and no lord to fight- making it possible to capture a keep with a small numbers, while the main zerg would pvdoor somewhere, it was possible for a underdog to try and cap a different zone- with several of the opponents usually following resulting in fights, and with zerg having to split/move zone to prevent the zone capture. In RoR- after a wipe, or 2-3 at best, the underdog xrealms/ goes pve farming/ logs- since why keep fighting for a zero gain, while the zerg bo afks/pvlords till sleep time. Again, end result- less fights than on live, opposite of what was desired.

So stop trying to see how can you chance the mechanics to force players to fight- didn't worked so far, ain't likely to work in the future- and see how can you change the mechanics so that somebody who is looking for the path of the least resistance (=90%+ of the playerbase), will find it more beneficial to fight than to afk. And if somebody will still afk and gain rewards without lifting a finger- so what? You as devs still gained more players actually going out and fighting.

Some ideas- make the microticks zone wide (as long as your side still holds the BOs of cause)- no reason to afk at BO, if you can go looks for fights while still gaining the same minimum renown. Maybe also alter ticks- the more BOs your side holds, the higher is the tick. Add some extra rewards from kills, beyond medallions and useless green items- for example, pvp drop only set similar to rare fortune (especially for offspecs like dps healers- quite a few would be after those), pvp drop only trophies, items similar to backpack, ets. And consider replacing the lords for example with a pole with similar hp- which does not fights back (2 hours and you can solo it), but which sends server wide announcements every X time or every X% hp- "Hey, I'm XX keep, the bastards are beating on me, come get them".
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Re: Why?

Post#33 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 7:36 pm

peterthepan3 wrote: Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:38 pm To the people apparently really interested in PvP (according to this thread):

Where were your PvP-driven premades during 6v6 events/Phalanx asking for 24v24?
The issue I have with this hardcore style is it feels more like a job to me. You have to be x class with x group comp with the meta spec for each class in order to realistically compete.

Most folks even those of us who like PvP don't want to feel like we are punching a clock in a game.

I personally did do the hardcore thing on live but I'm just too tired to do it now.
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Re: Why?

Post#34 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:43 pm

A pvp heavy game with only 2 factions will always derail in to one faction roflstomping the other or carebears exploiting the system to farm some cheap renown and making it miserable for everyone else. The only way to fix this is to introduce a third faction (which is probably impossible anyway). Planetside did it (game itself is ass tho), Pirate of the Burning Sea had 3 normal factions and 1 Pirate faction that had dirt cheap ships and always came to crash everyone's party (too bad POTBS got mismanaged in to oblivion).
So as i see it the only way to fix anything in this situation is to constantly shuffle things around. Even if devs find a solution for gameplay to stop being boring it will still become boring eventually.
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Re: Why?

Post#35 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:28 pm

megadeath wrote: Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:43 pm A pvp heavy game with only 2 factions will always derail in to one faction roflstomping the other or carebears exploiting the system to farm some cheap renown and making it miserable for everyone else. The only way to fix this is to introduce a third faction (which is probably impossible anyway). Planetside did it (game itself is ass tho), Pirate of the Burning Sea had 3 normal factions and 1 Pirate faction that had dirt cheap ships and always came to crash everyone's party (too bad POTBS got mismanaged in to oblivion).
So as i see it the only way to fix anything in this situation is to constantly shuffle things around. Even if devs find a solution for gameplay to stop being boring it will still become boring eventually.
I think that technically they could do it with the undead being great candidates. But the amount of work for a 3rd faction would be staggering far more than a group a volunteers would want to do.
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Re: Why?

Post#36 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:23 pm

Yaliskah wrote: Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:20 pm Seems you are. And about BO sitting:
1- as said in a previous post some days ago some changes were planned to give possibility to leave BO and still possess it. ( improving ORVR)

2- Everytime i play in t2+ I dont stay long near à BO, and it seems lot of player do the same.

3- T1 needs improvment according too many areas are open in the same time for a too small pop.

Now about feedbacks. There is a post done 5-7 days ago about ORVR improvment suggestions. Have answered i was away atm and I would clarify and comment when back. And i'll be back in 3 days.

What do you need more? You look a bit agressive boy :)

No. Not being aggressive, a lot of it is out of frustration. Because it just seems like no pvp anymore.
Im not saying it doesnt happen. But it seems very rare.

I dont contribute in suggestions anymore. I was maybe bothered when I made this post. But Im not hating.

1- as said in a previous post some days ago some changes were planned to give possibility to leave BO and still possess it. ( improving ORVR)

I think this would be a great Idea. Having to sit on BOs, is what kills it the most.
If you are fighting a zerg, the zerg is going to usually win anyway. The system just kinda drags it out..

If we could leave BOs at least it would promote fighting more somewhere. Its difficult to give examples of when/where fights happen the most. Something needs changing.
Its just so spread out.. I dont know.

When some changes were implemented. I remember the huge fight we had in highpass, it was amazing. People were gathering in 1 place to fight over an area. Thats just what we want or at least thats what I enjoy.
Over time that kind of situation never seemed to happen again. Because people realized, well we can just sit on the bo..
Sit on the BO for this, sit on the BO for that. BOs shouldnt even give idle ticks.. Its just little changes that would change everything.

I'll still continue to play because I love the game. But Id like it even more if it was more fighting and less sitting around.
And I stay away from the threads, because I do seem to spew hate, but it really isnt.
Wasnt in the game for about a month and came back and realized. DAM this is like the same no pvp.. sit around sit around.
Occasional pvp battle.

If you change the BOs where you can leave the BO, but the BO remains open for capture. It will still be the same Bo to Bo thing.
They really need to lock. It would force players to fight eventually over just 1 or 2 Bos.
You could capture BOs and go to keep to defend or assault. Locked BOs can give the same effect as a captured Bo.
Wrote up a whole new system to give ideas. and it was just like. This isnt related to game play balance.
Thread closed, locked. So ya.
Do something to bring back the )%&!%! PVP!!!!!

Posts: 2249

Re: Why?

Post#37 » Tue Jul 17, 2018 1:40 am

^^^ so you want an enforced Zerg over 1 specific area only? Basically one huge EC?

Can you even rationalize how much many other players hate Zerg bashing and that spreading it out is far preferable to them?

I haven’t seen a single reason or argument you have given other than it “seems like” and what you personally prefer.

By your logic any system that attempts to split the Zerg at all, would be something you are against. So...

Edit: the people that AFK at BOs would be the ones AFK at the WC or capital city otherwise. I very rarely see actual groups choosing to sit at a BO unless there is a tactical or specific reason to do So. They roam and attack enemy held BOs.

I don’t play that often, but that’s what I do, and I’m always finding fights. Fluffy and I had some good ones the past 2 days. Until late NA night, it was fighting all around the place...:
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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Re: Why?

Post#38 » Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:54 am

You cant force people to actually engage. Zergs run until they have superior numbers. People quit when they have no chance. Then when it turns the other side does the same thing. That's the nature of players and no game design can change that.

The moments you have even fight have always been rare, but they are awesome. Enjoy them when they happen.

There are some things that could be done. They could neuter healing so there will be lots of deaths regardless of whether or not the larger side will always come out on top. But who would want to play tanks or healers if they couldn't do anything to prevent their teammates deaths.

If they could apply an increased damage taken debuff to a side when they had vastly superior numbers in a localized area, that would be cool, but maybe not realistic.

Plus that doesnt stomp an enemy from stomping you with even numbers, but they are just way better.

PvP is rare because most people arent competitive enough.

Posts: 51

Re: Why?

Post#39 » Tue Jul 17, 2018 3:33 am

is RvR really that fun or even interesting ?..running from keeps/bo to keep , then getting inf/xp/rp for fighting NPCs guarding the keeps/bo , then rince and repeat ( actually that s the most boring part)...If we are all here for mostly pvp , why not just focus on scenarios and or arena style (6 vs 6) ?

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Re: Why?

Post#40 » Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:00 am

They can both be good. Nice thing about instanced PvP is number are always even. But that doesnt mean its any more of a fair fight.

Edit: In theory the numbers are always even.

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