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Population cap for attackers during forts

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Re: Population cap for attackers during forts

Post#31 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:53 am

Meliannia wrote: Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:24 pm 1. For the 17th time CET GMT Order never had the zerg OR the numbers. THis was NA west coast Order who used to take all the zones forts keeps cities and the gear, for weeks on end this happened at 2.30am til 4.30am for GMT CET Order so we never got any benefits we were ASLEEP from this Order one sided faceroll fest that you destro guys had to endure and bring up on an almost daily basis on forums. CET GMT ORDER we... didn't.... benefit.... from..... this.
CET GMT Order have ALWAYS been heavily outnumbered by Destro mainly due to guillds such as FMJ and Freebooterz and their allies playing 200 active members combined all day long every day in our timezone, weve had this for 3 YEARS and it's getting worse every week.

2. I've also said 36 times I would speak out if destro were 35% vs 65% all week long, ive said 36 times in numerous threads population imbalance is bad no matter which way it is, ive said 36 times, i dont want to win 10 hours in a row 65% vs 35% or 20 scenarios in a row 500-0 47kills to 0, and i don't want to lose 10hrs straight 35 %vs 65% or 20 scens straight 0-500

i have always been consistent with this line of argument, i'd like equalish numbers fun close competitive razor edge fights, win 8 to 12 out of 20, lose 8 to 12 out of 20 500 vs 450, 450 vs 500, 42 kills to 38. 38 Kills to 42, Pop faction capped at 59% for BOTH factions if either of them approach 60%

People with a SELF gain > All attitude dont seem to be able to process that there are players who care about fun and close fights and the game's health and not care about faceroll 'winning' by stomping disheartened quititng victims all day long.

If the game doesnt die due to Order quitting and it indeed turns around like many of you Destro fellas have been saying for months (even tho what's actually happening is its getting worse and worse, aided and abetted by this vile zergloving new weekly but ok... ill humour you guys and pretend your'e right and the population will switch and ebb and flow) and you are right and then it is destro who start being dismantled in cities, Land of the dead, scens, zone populations all day long, ill be the first Order player to speak out and stand side by side with any Ethical fair minded destro players and say it is not good or healthy for the game Order roflstompign destro with insane number imbalance all day long. If that DOES happen then Watch this space.

Hopefully there will be no 18th time, and no 37th time, but I seriously doubt it.

Safe travels,

'Swords In The Wind!"

The Mel.
I'm unsure if you are just not on during Order zerging or what. Were you not on at all this week? The first half of this week was just Ordertide non-stop for a majority of the day. Even during off hours the pop was slightly favoring the Order. It wasn't until Friday when the pop started swinging in Destro's favor. I always see you on here having a fit about Destro zerging, and you say that zerging is bad for the game, but I never see you comment when Order zerg is active. You can't play the middle man, but then only complain when Destro are zerging. You say next time Order is zerging you'll defend Destro? Okay, next time Order zerg I'd like to see a thread from you about it.

Posts: 568

Re: Population cap for attackers during forts

Post#32 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 9:34 am

Shogun4138 wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:50 am It wasn't a problem when Order did it for a year, but now its is.
There were a time last year when order hat more population and dominated, but to stay with the topic, fort population wasn't a problem for they were 168:135 most of the time.

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

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Re: Population cap for attackers during forts

Post#33 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 9:29 pm

Devonya wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:53 am [

I'm unsure if you are just not on during Order zerging or what. Were you not on at all this week?

but I never see you comment when Order zerg is active. You can't play the middle man, but then only complain when Destro are zerging. You say next time Order is zerging you'll defend Destro? Okay, next time Order zerg I'd like to see a thread from you about it.

yes i usually play every day but i have a rare thing known as a full time job, so i can't play 24/7 like destro do and those Order who can exploit the quiet times to zerg,
Mon to Wed -so im playing only 7pm til 11pm GMT/CET and there was NO order zerg at all this week when i played. We got hammered all evening every evening by 58 to 65% destro save for 1 or 2 rare keep takes while destro took 20 keeps over 3 days

Thursday i didnt play at all as im sick of it. so took a break

Friday played 3.30pm til 11pm GMT/CET there was no order zerg. ( i was told by Guildies there was an order zerg 11am til 3.23pm but i was at work or on my way home from work). When i logged on we got hammered all evening by hugs imbalance numbers

Saturday played 10am til 11pm GMT/CET, there was no Order zerg. we got hammered all day long by huge numbers

Sunday played 10am til server clean out shutdown at 10.30pm GMT/CET there was no Order zerg, destro took 16 zones we took 2, destro took 6 Forts we took 0. We were hammered by huge numbers all day long, game ended up in a 2hr stalemate in eataine midd 8.30pm til 10.30pm, all Order we had were barely holding 2/3s of Destro at eataine, other 1/3 destro were casually building up reik again for another Fort as they had the numbers. Then server shut down. Now i go bed as work at 7am.
So 45 hours played and during those 45 hours 0 Forts taken destro took 50 keeps we took 10 keeps, destro took and defended MANY forts we took 0. Destro get the new Vile Weekly done in 2 days, Order never.

If Order ever do same i be first to speak out i assure you. this vile weekly has to be removed and the 3rd zone has to be unlocked again to provide players with choice. Or population cap needs imposing or live zone population cap imposing. Or simply no rewards at all if population is 60% for over 1hour or smth,

Posts: 103

Re: Population cap for attackers during forts

Post#34 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:53 am

dalen wrote: Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:26 am
There's been no change to the fort population caps in more than a year.

The issue is that it is handing out reservation to both sides, but then a lot of the defenders that get reservations don't show up, while a higher percentage of the attackers that get reservations show up.
The man revealed the biggest factor on page 2 but it was quickly buried in the usual complaining.

The state of the game is not great due to the surge to one side or the other when they get on a roll. This is a big problem if your winning as it’s boring and losing cus people just give up at the slightest set back.

During last week say 10am to 4pm or so cet order surged and u couldn’t even persuade ppl to try and defend anything and the game became pointless. Now order winning is fine, even healthy considering their fragile egos but pvdoor is not something we should be happy with for either side.

There’s loads of issues around this topic and it is hard to patch human behaviour but if ppl just sucked it up and tried (both sides) many of these losses can easily still be profitable.

Also these issues depend a lot on time zones and the mindset of the players. Many of these lost keeps could b far better for both sides if ppl did incredibly easy things like:

Try, get to obvious sieges early, understand death means literally nothing, played a tank once in a while and most importantly understand that the words order and destro are interchangeable in these topics depending on the week or time zone. We’re all trying to get the most out of the game and defending against the tide can be a great moment but without at least some people turning up and trying the whole system collapses
Carthage 91 Chosen
Macedonia 83 Kotbs

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Re: Population cap for attackers during forts

Post#35 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:09 am

It would be a delicate balance, but maybe making PvDoor not so rewarding would be a start. Where to draw the line on that would be real hard, though.

When is "enough" defenders vs. attackers going to trigger rewards?

How do you notify players that the ratio is not enough for rewards?

How do you convince attackers to abandon a siege because they won't get anything for it?

Maybe when population gets out of whack, a system kicks in that automatically buffs player rewards that swap sides from overpop to underpop that gives them double crests or something for an hour or two until it gets better than 60-40 population swing.

Bag rolls for defending after outer door goes down was a great start when it was implemented. Kudos to the devs on that change.
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
Destro - Mostly Harmless
Tangler and alts - 8X IB, other 40s - RP, SM
Order - Most dishonorable

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Re: Population cap for attackers during forts

Post#36 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:48 am

carthagerising wrote: Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:53 am
dalen wrote: Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:26 am
There's been no change to the fort population caps in more than a year.

The issue is that it is handing out reservation to both sides, but then a lot of the defenders that get reservations don't show up, while a higher percentage of the attackers that get reservations show up.
The man revealed the biggest factor on page 2 but it was quickly buried in the usual complaining.

The state of the game is not great due to the surge to one side or the other when they get on a roll. This is a big problem if your winning as it’s boring and losing cus people just give up at the slightest set back.

During last week say 10am to 4pm or so cet order surged and u couldn’t even persuade ppl to try and defend anything and the game became pointless. Now order winning is fine, even healthy considering their fragile egos but pvdoor is not something we should be happy with for either side.

There’s loads of issues around this topic and it is hard to patch human behaviour but if ppl just sucked it up and tried (both sides) many of these losses can easily still be profitable.

Also these issues depend a lot on time zones and the mindset of the players. Many of these lost keeps could b far better for both sides if ppl did incredibly easy things like:

Try, get to obvious sieges early, understand death means literally nothing, played a tank once in a while and most importantly understand that the words order and destro are interchangeable in these topics depending on the week or time zone. We’re all trying to get the most out of the game and defending against the tide can be a great moment but without at least some people turning up and trying the whole system collapses
So couple of points:

1) No amount of noble losing will get you the weekly rewards atm. Player behavior cannot change that.
2) Showing up on zerg side to cap a couple of flags and showing up just in time to hit the lord for 5 minutes will net you about 20-25 warcrests (outside of bag roll) for the "average" or lesser player. Getting run over in an AAO situation will net you half of that (or perhaps nothing) for that same average or lesser player. Also no amount of player behavior can change that.

And, yes, yes, you can run a 6 man and collect a lot of renown depending on if the zerg is a PUG zerg or backed by an alliance WB or two. In the latter case you will get hunted down and killed 24v6 frequently and with extreme prejudice.

Posts: 103

Re: Population cap for attackers during forts

Post#37 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:53 am

There is more to the game than that quest. Not to say there couldn’t adjustments but the quest is one reward system out of many. Kills get you crests at a good rate and contribution even in lost keeps can be decent. IF you have enough to at least try a decent 3rd or better yet ground floor. But yes if it’s 6 of u in the keep then it’s a waste of time sure.

Player behaviour can change that by turning up to the keep early in obvious situations and not whining about being cut off when they predictably are. As one example. Yeah there are going to be bad cases but often if the ppl simply loitering around whining turned up early u would have a far better time even if still losing. My kotbs basically lives this life during the day time and if ppl tried they would get better results.

For the record last week my knight finished his weekly on Tuesday, my chosen scraped it on Sunday.

I think increased crests attached to aao might help, gotta b careful thou.
Carthage 91 Chosen
Macedonia 83 Kotbs

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Re: Population cap for attackers during forts

Post#38 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 8:57 am

I'm weird, so i've played on this servers at every hour conceivable.

The 130+ vs 20-40 forts are real, but they are specific to a certain time in the day (4-8 A.M. CET time). Sometimes the factions are balanced and some times order is the dominant one; mostly it seems to be destro dominating this timezone. This morning was particularly gruesome, with more than 200% AAO to one side.

Implementing a fort limiter on attacker side would not affect balanced times, but I imagine they would be a very big improvement for these particular hours and could maybe persuade some people to join the faction that's struggling in the first place (if you can't fill a fort, are you even a faction? :D )

Beyond that, this is a human issue and humans need to fix it:
- players on overpopulated faction need to xrealm to the weaker faction, which many seem to refuse (To be fair, when the enemy has 200%+ AAO, can't say I blame them);
- players on underpopulated faction need to stop being basic m$!%&s and group up. the defeatist refusal to even try and form a warband, combined with the insistance of running their particular smallscale group* when the enemy outnumbers you 3 to 1, means the weaker faction stays weak

Active resistance, even in the face of overwhelming odds, is what scales the balance; in time. Possible xrealmers that wanted to join your side will be inclined to do so once they see it's not a one-sided PvDoor anymore, while those tired or frustrated will begin logging or leaving RvR for other content. Active resistance means your faction can go from 200% AAO to 80% AAO to 20% in 3 zones. and 20% AAO is manageable.
SW, Kotbs, IB, Slayer, WP, WL, SM, Mara, SH, BG

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Re: Population cap for attackers during forts

Post#39 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:25 pm

A sign of things to come.
Asmonbald realises his server is 92% Horde, 8% Alliance, 4 years ago it had steadily moved up to 60% vs 40% every month more alliance quit or go Horde and now it's unplayable for Alliance and it's Over. , and not only was nothing done, it was ignored, derided and even more energy put into promoting and boosting the Horde... ring any bells?

58 of the top 60 players are Horde. He cant even make an end group on Alliance but Horde within 10 secs are 100s of end game people wanting to group with him.

Time to wake up, grudgingly greet reality but act with courage and resolve.
Please get rid of the Vile Weekly
Act on continuous growing population imbalance
Act on hourly Xrealming.

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Re: Population cap for attackers during forts

Post#40 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 2:03 pm

Meliannia wrote: Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:25 pm A sign of things to come.
Asmonbald realises his server is 92% Horde, 8% Alliance, 4 years ago it had steadily moved up to 60% vs 40% every month more alliance quit or go Horde and now it's unplayable for Alliance and it's Over. , and not only was nothing done, it was ignored, derided and even more energy put into promoting and boosting the Horde... ring any bells?

58 of the top 60 players are Horde. He cant even make an end group on Alliance but Horde within 10 secs are 100s of end game people wanting to group with him.

Time to wake up, grudgingly greet reality but act with courage and resolve.
Please get rid of the Vile Weekly
Act on continuous growing population imbalance
Act on hourly Xrealming.
I agree the weekly needs to get neutral in completion, like the option to finish it if you get 1000kills that week. Or combination of capping BO's, forts and keeps and the kills, where you don't actually have to finish every objective, just have to have massive amount of one.

Said that, your life problems with not "seeing" the order zerg is really not our problem, I logged several times every day last week and I always (except rare times where it was balanced or destro had guild events) saw order zerging some zone overwhelming numbers. It was happening, you can't deny it. And listening to you stating its not happening or its not true is getting old really fast.

Healthy population on both sides would be nice. But you know its not possible to balance that from the server side. Its always about the greener grass on the other side for some people. All you can do is propose more guild events make people play more in group and try to get into the mentality of "having fun challange" not "roflstomp the door", which gets you back in the problem of "you need to win three forts" at the moment.

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