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Reintroductions and reflections.

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Posts: 2249

Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#391 » Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:36 pm

No, taking offence means I care about your opinion. I just know how the sheer volume of it that can be/and frequently was hurled.
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

Posts: 48

Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#392 » Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:45 pm

Yet you respond...

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Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#393 » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:27 pm

So now that all of our dirty laundry has been aired, what happens if/when Azareal leaves the project again? Will server ownership take a more active role, or directive, to keep the community stable?
Stinkyweed SH.86
Prowl WE.85
Blob Chop.82
Babaganoush Sham.7x
Negative Creep Z.5x
Motley Crue WH.5x
Scratch WL.3x

Don't fall asleep...don't fall asleep...

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Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#394 » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:42 pm

Stinkyweed wrote: Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:27 pmSo now that all of our dirty laundry has been aired...

Excellent point. In retrospect aside from wishing Az nothing but the best in his endeavors here, I regret posting in this thread.
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

Posts: 89

Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#395 » Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:46 pm

probably a false assumption but i bet on it, after "all of our dirty laundry has been aired" penil joins the balance team :) gz and wb
"Groundhog Day" ;p

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Posts: 17

Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#396 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:28 pm

So it's time for a few reflections and share time with sacrx since we doing this big Kumbaya hand holding session clear the air. I usually cba making semi serious posts/proposals cause it's a waste of time with the quality on here. I'm just gonna go over all the issues from the time I've played here from personal perspective and what others have said.

1) Ease of access erosion and pve obsession - That **** 2 years ago when torq and others removed spots to power level and xp/cash nerf on quests was just the start, and at the time i thought stupid cause it was just hitting summer months(where all games suffer specially a private server pop). It's continued with talisman mats/pots mobs being halfed, it's just some bullshit manipulation of economy and grind to manipulate server numbers at the root of it. I totally disagree with this logic since it's a great private server but still a private server, the biggest point missed is people are not here for bs carrot on stick. They here for the love of game sure did it have some grind in live and pve gateways.. yes. You can add more **** here like blue genesis rng when you could easy just have 1 token to get pieces you want, along with a token in gold bag instead of 10 dupes.

It's not like we don't have a few events over the time for double RP/xp events anyways.. so just go back to making it easy for most who just wanna get 40 fast then play the real part of game. Also for future **** not having wards on pvp gear or gate-way people to gunbad. Having 200 mobs before boss etc etc.

Looking back now this was stupid when thinking of tempest wolves guild who got warned for pling at spots. I mean it's not like you can't just pl a dps in 1-2 days as it is now with using a out of group 40 healer and aoeing mobs. Not to mention just using other peoples accounts to help them get 40.

2) The RvR system is terrible - it's breeding some retarded **** of drip feed the casuals into mindnumb blob wars. Stand on the Bo and get ticks from t1 to t4. You are conditioning zombies from birth of playing the game. The old system aza had problems but it was better than this. We are killing 1000's per night but can't do anything about pushing cause lord is overtuned to hell and this roleplaying with supply/holding bos so it effects the rest of zone.. Sure i would love to do that but when you are fighting 80-150 vs pretty much our 3fg the evenings when we play it's kinda a little difficult. At the very least you need to start by if these imbalance on numbers the overpopulated side at time of zone needs 4 bos to lock not 3. I don't really like mechanics which give - stuff to the overpopulated side but for some stupid reason the system is even more stupid cause by numbers advantage the deso can stack the points or however the **** works to never get diminishing rations hardly, maybe that should be changed so if u have AAO the other side get rations which scale depending on how many.

2a) Try hard **** ideology and guilds have 0 balls - Blob 24/7 and just bring everyone and not even attempting to fight with just your guild warband, even phalanx was bringing whole zones when they played. The quality of guilds is terrible they have no gumption to even try get better. NRM was giving it a go other night for 2 fights then after a lose we now blob up instantly. Same with pain and pleasure some nights have some backbone other nights right to bringing everyone. Leaders on order don't even make group comps and stay with whatever people join in.

The other side of this is the corrupted ideology which came from old exodus haters like teefz and co, zegota, CSI being the worst and LoB. If i die in game i will die irl and 0 balls play, they will tell you it's skilled to stand and run back to warcamp and kill pugs for my 100-0 score also if you live longer you gonna kill more overtime bla bla pussies(still decent players). Yet the real thing behind it is 6 man killing 2 guys here and there or stagger 1 guy, kill 3 guys at side then run away, farm the stragglers moving from warcamp to keep etc or in keep after taken. Most of these will never make the low % play and that is the 6v50-100 guy wipes you will remember for history. This bs has even effected some of my own guild cry babies. That **** has filtered to rest of server which propagate the first point with people having no balls in largescale so just goes directly to blobing.

3) Torq, Balance and salty bitches - Let's first start by saying I have had very little interaction with torq and hes always been fairly ok with me personally, think once when he was using us to fine tune beastlord dw kb dragon health/dmg which was kinda silly anyways since me and sani(minimeow/rangle/littlebunny) had like the highest dps output on order.

That meta with ab ex was horrible(using WL give another heal target on pet also), ab ex carried so many people as healers(some quit the game cause didn't even wanna play WP/DOK) and teams. In 6v6 it came down to AM lack of mobile vs shaman detaunt/run away tactic making deso advantage. Along with crippling strikes stacking with challenge for ages and nearly 45% dmg suppression destro could use was just fecking stupid, morale tactics being bugged, morale generation in general. This was before being cc'd to death kd/punt, ap drained so bad you couldn't even use rage drop. Order being in some horrible limbo of combo setup to use vs mara with everything.

This shows the lack of understanding with balance of different levels on this server from taking more than one game mode into account. The WL is best example, strong solo class and pug basher but vs anyone organized in 6v6/scenarios it's useless cause you just kill pet in seconds, using that **** vs cheesebus was just free healing for dps dok and everything is nullified then u just on pet rotation - losing pet dmg+pack syn for loner is not even close. The real thing not balance that needed to be done was making the stupid pet be accessible on the UI bar from the **** default one, which still needs to be done. But the thing is you listened to the whiners who played SH and Shaman mostly cause they could be killed and that was the whole damn point as their most anti class.

Another problem is guilds with meta - LOB and phalanx was hilarious in them times in terms of keeping their bs cheese rolling as long as possible. There was a period of 6-8 month where crippling strikes was supposed to be fixed and not stacking and lob knew it was, same with morale generation neither of them reported it as bug once even tho it was on bug tracker prior. Phalanx knew about that one all along. When we DnD with 6 man reported all that **** even order broken stuff like triple spirit stacking + WL bugs and then morale generation. lol the phalanx warband co-ordinator scrubcake was playing all innocent "we need to test to make sure this is true" on the bugtracker. Soon as crippling strikes was put on shield it was straight to sprout carapace and eye of sheeran with morale gain cheese.

Of course that is a cool story but leads to the point about torq that there was some good balance changes which made the game closer than ever in small scale so i want to thank him for that and work, along with some order nerfs and spirit stacking cheese.

However there was also plenty of meh changes to counter the good like the SW ini debuff bs then defense of putting this stuff in like "there is not many SW" lol. That is a lot of peoples problem is just the off the cuff whim stuff on torqs head that goes in at times, it's caused a lot to leave the server. Aza is not off the hook here either with the mental dps wp/dok changes i heard about when i didn't play. Of recent the idea to give SH leap + aoe heavy advantage win in bad gas delivery + then a backline movable interrupt KB so you can **** over warbands even easier, when is order getting the slayer leap and pulsing kb.

This game in general is of course not balanced.. order always had heal stacking RP/knight / m2 bw(which can be countered by 1 mara who still building his own m2), shatter which was nerfed. order probably has a little more dmg but you are pigeon holed to **** in largescale warband formations. Let's just focus on largescale deso utility we don't get or is way **** - Aoe armour debuff on zealot - mara drain on ease + aoe kd / zealot undefend kb / now SH leap into bad gas + undefend kb / Magus pull check on open vs magnet end **** and get to the choppa.. All of which is total cancer abilities, magnified 10 fold when you are 3fg to 1wb vs 3-5wb most evening. When will order get some of this utility maybe the Engi or SW, dps RP?.

The biggest core problem has always been incoming healing debuff on chosen vs outgoing on knight for pugs, order requires actual movement and a brain while in combat flow. Destro is just faceroll run in and you already winning trololol. The wounds debuffs are imbalanced to hell also adding to this factor on 2h chosen i rarely see pug WP using wounds buff which deso would whine about + most got it in nerfedbutton shatter. Time to make arcing swing usable on shield. The slayer one is laughable on 2h + drops rage vs mara which has always been the most bs class in game

Displacement right now is a serious feckin problem which has me questioning my strong morals i have held close to forever playing WAR. I hate resolute defense and cleansing winds, i still dislike them for 6v6 or scenario play they just generally remove spatial awareness and make it easy without risk. However in largescale i seriously think we need to bring back RD to the renown vendor, fighting the blob it's just trolol throw all cc every time. the Sm/bo have the 4 sec immunity after skill but it's still kinda meh. Either this or take a look at diminish return systems or going to looking at making the AoE cap bigger by a small number from 9 to 12-15 say.

You can go check that apoc server changelist and have a good laugh, cause there is loads of salty bitches from RoR who just want "RoR doesn't feel like live bs" which translates into i want some bs broken op thing so i can win carried by meta, like the others who now don't play as much on here or ran away. Their balance plans are laughable find the most broken **** the game had and throw em in one patch. There is most definitely a large section of people who crying torq as excuse but it's really cause they honestly think deso is imbalanced after some cheese bs got nerfed so want RoR to be their save so they can be carried by meta once more.

O and btw in case everyone is thinking you bias to order i'm probably one of the most unbiased, we wouldn't of reported all that broken **** years ago which nerfed us if not. I also want to point out that the devs need to look more carefully at balance cause clearly you don't learn from past having seen the patchnotes of today's latest patch... I mean really? you give the SM basically crippling strikes/dragon talon aoe which i bet stacks with challenge. i could of just not said anything and been a hypocrite. Just tested it now with zumos and solestic stacking. This could be good for largescale with what we fighting now but for scenario/smallscale the -dmg reduction from dragontalon + challenge is broken as **** even tho talon is 4s up at 80% you now thinking about crippling strikes was 75 :roll:

The morale game - This has been a problem since the start of game, i told this to geni and aza years ago when i first started they should of added the morale drain on rr90 mdps def set to some of these sets to drain all around. Cause its basically knight solar flare vs mara cheese and the mara is a lifetime more effective than being pumped by AM which is hard anyways if the AM has to heal at same time. I seen the other thread about changing the morale it really hurts order more than destro because of easy access to drains. You are also opening up a serious can of worms on balance if you start diving into morale abilities or counter morale stuff probably more than anything else you could change in the game. It's also gonna make blobing even easier with fighting 80-150 people and 30 tanks dropping raze on you after 10 seconds is gj, 1-2 mara and a SH is all is takes to totally **** us should tell you something, even with the indigestion change to cleanse mirroring the nerfed shatter dok can cleanse, they still just as free win pounce and undefend kb gives the same result of interrupting your whole backline.

My way or the highway - devs/gm - I first want to say that after aza/geni and co left the server the other people have done a solid job in wargrim, even torq in some areas as above. The coders who i don't really know who filled them shoes like natherul etc generally keeping the server going and any of the other people i don't know. Special thanks to maxhayman also whos been around forever doing this stuff + client.

However there was a shift in things to some of the devs/gms becoming proper overbearing power trippers at certain points over the years since then - the general person can be civil and respect the work put in for patches, giving up time but without your community etc you got **** all, plus that doesn't give right to abuse said power. Some of the bans have been justified over the years like bretin being a tard, still a good player but i mean he deserved it after 3-4 times. Haojun pushing it too far and putting himself before his guild was stupid when he knew how the gm/devs on here act was also silly, however his ban was overall unjust. The biggest one which pissed a lot of people off and hurt the server and community was the **** with teinhala and russian community where it seemed like the other GM's just wanted to protect their own with a person who the russian community disliked. I mean one of my members Arcon got a week for quoting bible verse in chat.

With the community being smaller them bans or problems hurt the enemy players remaining just as much from boredom of then lack of comp. cheesebus then stopped back then with only 2 teams to fight anyways was meh. TW leaving was a full guild down and US timezone took a big hit, specially now with them pushing apoc server heavily and being NA hosted, teinhala at time again lob and them only 2 6v6 teams big blow, now you come back to just play a game after real life waiting on CU and haojun ban puts down a full guild who clearly scared to come fight which effects my guild who wanted to fight em.

In closing, I'm happy you are back Aza you did a lot for this server. I will be honest and say I'm disappointed and think it's kinda meh to only focus on smallscale balancing cause you should really take into account both areas, along with who the hell is even playing smallscale or 6v6 now anyways?. the quality there was lackluster for the whole server period, Cheesebus, lob, kappapride, teinhala, fusion, us. Who is even left? fusion barely play and on wow + only had 3 good members - 2009 load em up punt tactic order of the day. LoB sulking over meta probably pepped up some with mini ab ex and new patch cheese still they are not playing very much anymore + probably nightmares with removal of RD/CW to help tuck them in at night.

Last edited by Sacrx on Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#397 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 2:04 pm

Pretty good assumption:

Magus pulls frontline or zealot punt them endlessly. SH jumps in the backline and use his AoE stuff. Interrupting heals and using bad gas.

Maras and choppas pulling in Healers and Guildeaders.

And yesterday it went even better with a mini punt to start with your BO which gives no immunity.

I have my feet hardly on the ground the last weeks in warband RvR.

What can order use?
Magnet on Engi, Strafing run on Engi.
WL who can jump in the blob to melt away.

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Posts: 798

Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#398 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 3:35 pm

Sacrx wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:28 pm
So it's time for a few reflections and share time with sacrx since we doing this big Kumbaya hand holding session clear the air. I usually cba making semi serious posts/proposals cause it's a waste of time with the quality on here. I'm just gonna go over all the issues from the time I've played here from personal perspective and what others have said.

1) Ease of access erosion and pve obsession - That **** 2 years ago when torq and others removed spots to power level and xp/cash nerf on quests was just the start, and at the time i thought stupid cause it was just hitting summer months(where all games suffer specially a private server pop). It's continued with talisman mats/pots mobs being halfed, it's just some bullshit manipulation of economy and grind to manipulate server numbers at the root of it. I totally disagree with this logic since it's a great private server but still a private server, the biggest point missed is people are not here for bs carrot on stick. They here for the love of game sure did it have some grind in live and pve gateways.. yes. You can add more **** here like blue genesis rng when you could easy just have 1 token to get pieces you want, along with a token in gold bag instead of 10 dupes.

It's not like we don't have a few events over the time for double RP/xp events anyways.. so just go back to making it easy for most who just wanna get 40 fast then play the real part of game. Also for future **** not having wards on pvp gear or gate-way people to gunbad. Having 200 mobs before boss etc etc.

Looking back now this was stupid when thinking of tempest wolves guild who got warned for pling at spots. I mean it's not like you can't just pl a dps in 1-2 days as it is now with using a out of group 40 healer and aoeing mobs. Not to mention just using other peoples accounts to help them get 40.

2) The RvR system is terrible - it's breeding some retarded **** of drip feed the casuals into mindnumb blob wars. Stand on the Bo and get ticks from t1 to t4. You are conditioning zombies from birth of playing the game. The old system aza had problems but it was better than this. We are killing 1000's per night but can't do anything about pushing cause lord is overtuned to hell and this roleplaying with supply/holding bos so it effects the rest of zone.. Sure i would love to do that but when you are fighting 80-150 vs pretty much our 3fg the evenings when we play it's kinda a little difficult. At the very least you need to start by if these imbalance on numbers the overpopulated side at time of zone needs 4 bos to lock not 3. I don't really like mechanics which give - stuff to the overpopulated side but for some stupid reason the system is even more stupid cause by numbers advantage the deso can stack the points or however the **** works to never get diminishing rations hardly, maybe that should be changed so if u have AAO the other side get rations which scale depending on how many.

2a) Try hard **** ideology and guilds have 0 balls - Blob 24/7 and just bring everyone and not even attempting to fight with just your guild warband, even phalanx was bringing whole zones when they played. The quality of guilds is terrible they have no gumption to even try get better. NRM was giving it a go other night for 2 fights then after a lose we now blob up instantly. Same with pain and pleasure some nights have some backbone other nights right to bringing everyone. Leaders on order don't even make group comps and stay with whatever people join in.

The other side of this is the corrupted ideology which came from old exodus haters like teefz and co, zegota, CSI being the worst and LoB. If i die in game i will die irl and 0 balls play, they will tell you it's skilled to stand and run back to warcamp and kill pugs for my 100-0 score also if you live longer you gonna kill more overtime bla bla pussies(still decent players). Yet the real thing behind it is 6 man killing 2 guys here and there or stagger 1 guy, kill 3 guys at side then run away, farm the stragglers moving from warcamp to keep etc or in keep after taken. Most of these will never make the low % play and that is the 6v50-100 guy wipes you will remember for history. This bs has even effected some of my own guild cry babies. That **** has filtered to rest of server which propagate the first point with people having no balls in largescale so just goes directly to blobing.

3) Torq, Balance and salty bitches - Let's first start by saying I have had very little interaction with torq and hes always been fairly ok with me personally, think once when he was using us to fine tune beastlord dw kb dragon health/dmg which was kinda silly anyways since me and sani(minimeow/rangle/littlebunny) had like the highest dps output on order.

That meta with ab ex was horrible(using WL give another heal target on pet also), ab ex carried so many people as healers(some quit the game cause didn't even wanna play WP/DOK) and teams. In 6v6 it came down to AM lack of mobile vs shaman detaunt/run away tactic making deso advantage. Along with crippling strikes stacking with challenge for ages and nearly 45% dmg suppression destro could use was just fecking stupid, morale tactics being bugged, morale generation in general. This was before being cc'd to death kd/punt, ap drained so bad you couldn't even use rage drop. Order being in some horrible limbo of combo setup to use vs mara with everything.

This shows the lack of understanding with balance of different levels on this server from taking more than one game mode into account. The WL is best example, strong solo class and pug basher but vs anyone organized in 6v6/scenarios it's useless cause you just kill pet in seconds, using that **** vs cheesebus was just free healing for dps dok and everything is nullified then u just on pet rotation - losing pet dmg+pack syn for loner is not even close. The real thing not balance that needed to be done was making the stupid pet be accessible on the UI bar from the **** default one, which still needs to be done. But the thing is you listened to the whiners who played SH and Shaman mostly cause they could be killed and that was the whole damn point as their most anti class.

Another problem is guilds with meta - LOB and phalanx was hilarious in them times in terms of keeping their bs cheese rolling as long as possible. There was a period of 6-8 month where crippling strikes was supposed to be fixed and not stacking and lob knew it was, same with morale generation neither of them reported it as bug once even tho it was on bug tracker prior. Phalanx knew about that one all along. When we DnD with 6 man reported all that **** even order broken stuff like triple spirit stacking + WL bugs and then morale generation. lol the phalanx warband co-ordinator scrubcake was playing all innocent "we need to test to make sure this is true" on the bugtracker. Soon as crippling strikes was put on shield it was straight to sprout carapace and eye of sheeran with morale gain cheese.

Of course that is a cool story but leads to the point about torq that there was some good balance changes which made the game closer than ever in small scale so i want to thank him for that and work, along with some order nerfs and spirit stacking cheese.

However there was also plenty of meh changes to counter the good like the SW ini debuff bs then defense of putting this stuff in like "there is not many SW" lol. That is a lot of peoples problem is just the off the cuff whim stuff on torqs head that goes in at times, it's caused a lot to leave the server. Aza is not off the hook here either with the mental dps wp/dok changes i heard about when i didn't play. Of recent the idea to give SH leap + aoe heavy advantage win in bad gas delivery + then a backline movable interrupt KB so you can **** over warbands even easier, when is order getting the slayer leap and pulsing kb.

This game in general is of course not balanced.. order always had heal stacking RP/knight / m2 bw(which can be countered by 1 mara who still building his own m2), shatter which was nerfed. order probably has a little more dmg but you are pigeon holed to **** in largescale warband formations. Let's just focus on largescale deso utility we don't get or is way **** - Aoe armour debuff on zealot - mara drain on ease + aoe kd / zealot undefend kb / now SH leap into bad gas + undefend kb / Magus pull check on open vs magnet end **** and get to the choppa.. All of which is total cancer abilities, magnified 10 fold when you are 3fg to 1wb vs 3-5wb most evening. When will order get some of this utility maybe the Engi or SW, dps RP?.

The biggest core problem has always been incoming healing debuff on chosen vs outgoing on knight for pugs, order requires actual movement and a brain while in combat flow. Destro is just faceroll run in and you already winning trololol. The wounds debuffs are imbalanced to hell also adding to this factor on 2h chosen i rarely see pug WP using wounds buff which deso would whine about + most got it in nerfedbutton shatter. Time to make arcing swing usable on shield. The slayer one is laughable on 2h + drops rage vs mara which has always been the most bs class in game

Displacement right now is a serious feckin problem which has me questioning my strong morals i have held close to forever playing WAR. I hate resolute defense and cleansing winds, i still dislike them for 6v6 or scenario play they just generally remove spatial awareness and make it easy without risk. However in largescale i seriously think we need to bring back RD to the renown vendor, fighting the blob it's just trolol throw all cc every time. the Sm/bo have the 4 sec immunity after skill but it's still kinda meh. Either this or take a look at diminish return systems or going to looking at making the AoE cap bigger by a small number from 9 to 12-15 say.

You can go check that apoc server changelist and have a good laugh, cause there is loads of salty bitches from RoR who just want "RoR doesn't feel like live bs" which translates into i want some bs broken op thing so i can win carried by meta, like the others who now don't play as much on here or ran away. Their balance plans are laughable find the most broken **** the game had and throw em in one patch. There is most definitely a large section of people who crying torq as excuse but it's really cause they honestly think deso is imbalanced after some cheese bs got nerfed so want RoR to be their save so they can be carried by meta once more.

O and btw in case everyone is thinking you bias to order i'm probably one of the most unbiased, we wouldn't of reported all that broken **** years ago which nerfed us if not. I also want to point out that the devs need to look more carefully at balance cause clearly you don't learn from past having seen the patchnotes of today's latest patch... I mean really? you give the SM basically crippling strikes/dragon talon aoe which i bet stacks with challenge. i could of just not said anything and been a hypocrite. Just tested it now with zumos and solestic stacking. This could be good for largescale with what we fighting now but for scenario/smallscale the -dmg reduction from dragontalon + challenge is broken as **** even tho talon is 4s up at 80% you now thinking about crippling strikes was 75 :roll:

The morale game - This has been a problem since the start of game, i told this to geni and aza years ago when i first started they should of added the morale drain on rr90 mdps def set to some of these sets to drain all around. Cause its basically knight solar flare vs mara cheese and the mara is a lifetime more effective than being pumped by AM which is hard anyways if the AM has to heal at same time. I seen the other thread about changing the morale it really hurts order more than destro because of easy access to drains. You are also opening up a serious can of worms on balance if you start diving into morale abilities or counter morale stuff probably more than anything else you could change in the game. It's also gonna make blobing even easier with fighting 80-150 people and 30 tanks dropping raze on you after 10 seconds is gj, 1-2 mara and a SH is all is takes to totally **** us should tell you something, even with the indigestion change to cleanse mirroring the nerfed shatter dok can cleanse, they still just as free win pounce and undefend kb gives the same result of interrupting your whole backline.

My way or the highway - devs/gm - I first want to say that after aza/geni and co left the server the other people have done a solid job in wargrim, even torq in some areas as above. The coders who i don't really know who filled them shoes like natherul etc generally keeping the server going and any of the other people i don't know.

However there was a shift in things to some of the devs/gms becoming proper overbearing power trippers at certain points over the years since then - the general person can be civil and respect the work put in for patches, giving up time but without your community etc you got **** all, plus that doesn't give right to abuse said power. Some of the bans have been justified over the years like bretin being a tard, still a good player but i mean he deserved it after 3-4 times. Haojun pushing it too far and putting himself before his guild was stupid when he knew how the gm/devs on here act was also silly, however his ban was overall unjust. The biggest one which pissed a lot of people off and hurt the server and community was the **** with teinhala and russian community where it seemed like the other GM's just wanted to protect their own with a person who the russian community disliked. I mean one of my members Arcon got a week for quoting bible verse in chat.

With the community being smaller them bans or problems hurt the enemy players remaining just as much from boredom of then lack of comp. cheesebus then stopped back then with only 2 teams to fight anyways was meh. TW leaving was a full guild down and US timezone took a big hit, specially now with them pushing apoc server heavily and being NA hosted, teinhala at time again lob and them only 2 6v6 teams big blow, now you come back to just play a game after real life waiting on CU and haojun ban puts down a full guild who clearly scared to come fight which effects my guild who wanted to fight em.

In closing, I'm happy you are back Aza you did a lot for this server. I will be honest and say I'm disappointed and think it's kinda meh to only focus on smallscale balancing cause you should really take into account both areas, along with who the hell is even playing smallscale or 6v6 now anyways?. the quality there was lackluster for the whole server period, Cheesebus, lob, kappapride, teinhala, fusion, us. Who is even left? fusion barely play and on wow + only had 3 good members - 2009 load em up punt tactic order of the day. LoB sulking over meta probably pepped up some with mini ab ex and new patch cheese still they are not playing very much anymore + probably nightmares with removal of RD/CW to help tuck them in at night.


All i hope, ppl won't get offended by heavy of that post, there are many good and valid points out there, hope they won't get lost in rawness content of it.

Let's all work together to make this game better!
The Unlikely Plan

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Posts: 1121

Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#399 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:38 pm

Glorian wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 2:04 pm Pretty good assumption:

Magus pulls frontline or zealot punt them endlessly. SH jumps in the backline and use his AoE stuff. Interrupting heals and using bad gas.

Maras and choppas pulling in Healers and Guildeaders.

And yesterday it went even better with a mini punt to start with your BO which gives no immunity.

I have my feet hardly on the ground the last weeks in warband RvR.

What can order use?
Magnet on Engi, Strafing run on Engi.
WL who can jump in the blob to melt away.
Yeah alot of "unfun" mechanics have been introduced to the game resently, and while I dont mind that when you look at it seperatly, when theres little to no counterplay, is when I start raising questions.

The change, so Bad Gass can be a groupclensed is a good ballancing change, gives counterplay, and evens out the two sides when Destro had a chance to deal with SL from Slayer, and now WP can deal with Bad Gass.
The punts with no immunity is just an annoying and very strong peeling/resetting tool in fights where possitioning is hard to obtain already, between getting punted, snared, knockeddown all over the place giving you close to 25% optimal optime to be where you are supposed to be when initiating a fight in largescale open rvr.

As it seems right now, Destro are having more and stronger tools when it comes to the following in largescale fights:
"the pull game"Choppa(1) + Magus(2) rift is casting faster than Engi magnet
"aoe knockdown" Mara gets a 20sec cooldown, and engineer get 60sec cooldown and requires you to be in the front as an rdps and you sacrifice your turret (either you slot a tactic to summon turrets instantly, use redeploy for 60ap, or hardcast a 2sec summon turret on the frontline)
"no immunities" I dont think order has anything in this category.

These 3 are bias from my order point of view, I know. And while order certainly have a better foot when it comes to M2 dumps, woundsbuff etc. I think theres plenty of room to ballance the game even further
Bombling 92BW
Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP

Gombling 85MSH - Chopling 83Chop - Notbombling 83Sorc - Destroling 81Zeal - Goldbag 80Mara

Posts: 2

Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#400 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:47 pm

Please notice the time in which this is happening.

A new private server has been made.

They are scrambling around with this new approach (the right approach) because they now have competition and are losing players. Realizing that without players their work will fade.

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