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Patchnotes 01/10/16

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Re: Patchnotes 01/10/16

Post#41 » Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:06 am

dur3al wrote:I truly do not understand the quitters debuff to people who does not take the queue.

If your intent is to punish people who are causing the beginning of the scenario to be imbalanced - it is ridiculous, you'll just slow down the pop overall again for OTHER players who are looking to get a pop because now this group needs to wait 8-10 mins. So think about it, you're not just punishing this group in particular, but everyone else looking to have a sc pop.

I totally agree with the quitters debuff if the guys leave the sc though.
Unfortunately, I have found that this is one of the major issues previously with the scenario que.

So I am glad they punish players for not taking. The number of times I have found myself or my premade have found ourselves out numbered for the entirety or the fight it inherently frustrating. This has, over the last 2 days of playing been much less of an issue, and I for one have enjoyed scenarios a lot more as a result.
Sia - DoK - Lords
Boyd - WP - O.S.

Posts: 30

Re: Patchnotes 01/10/16

Post#42 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:19 pm

Ninja stealth rdps buff :o bw/sorc next ? Image

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