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Changelog 18/11/16

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Re: Changelog 18/11/16

Post#41 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:06 am

Death, RDPS, kiting, knockdowns, punts, disarms, taunts/interrupts (DA only), AP drains, now detaunts (which are a lot more common than heal debuffs), now absorbs, now Challenge, now anything that causes a global damage reduction. I probably missed some. Name one class that does not have access to at least one of these options. 1v1 will not be considered.

It's like Sweet and Ade are saying. WPs/DoKs are doing what they have always done. Their issue was reliability. Their issue has been addressed.

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Re: Changelog 18/11/16

Post#42 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:08 am

Daknallbomb wrote:
BrockRiefenstahl wrote:
Daknallbomb wrote:Can some one explain me what all mean with unstoppable heals? I rly dont understand it
They meant undefendable Divine Assault + Rend Soul abilities (only in meleehealer stance). Its not defendable therefore it also heals on Tanks with block/parry pretty reliable.

But anyway people cry also because turtling with a tank that guards and spamm Transfer Essense / Sigmars Radiance while being pretty tanky.

Anyway the changes done now are overkill.
Hmm But its Just undefeatable... In the First second more than 8 counters to that comes in my mind. Still dont understand what is wrong
People are pissed because for those pretty good healing numbers WP/DoK can dish out + still some decent Dps.
I also see, that this must be a bit toned down, but with a 5 minute CD for DPS stance lol... thats overkill.
And why nerf DPS spec that is bursty, but squishy as hell and its selfheals are not that strong either. (for selfheal you reduce your dmg quite a bit + it feels like some passive heal from Tanks or Slayers + they are still defendable etc) The only thing that really seems to be problematic now is Dmg in Meleeheal mode + the non CD heal attacks that get spammed by Vitality/Devotion WP/DoKs.
Last edited by BrockRiefenstahl on Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Changelog 18/11/16

Post#43 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:11 am

1v1 will not be considered.
Well, it looks like now they want to fix 1v1 2v5 or so.

Its not the mechanics its the numbers.
Well, but than I want to See Herders and Shamans nerved because WP are freeloot for them... lol (irony off)
Seriously there are quite some good critiques against new WP DoK numbers (mostly Devotion/Vitality).
But most of all those comments are WHINEPOSTS, from people who don't even read the Experimental Patchnotes. :roll:

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Re: Changelog 18/11/16

Post#44 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:15 am

I'm convinced that the main detractors of experimental mode (prior to the 5 minute CD on Absolution) object to it solely because:

A. They are in a pug and therefore cannot coordinate,
B. Are SO USED to the idea of WP as 'healer only' that they, for some unknowable reason, want to shut down any possibility of them having respectable damage and viability as melee DPS,
C. Are not realizing that in Devotion, they do not benefit from the bonus damage Righteousness gets (40% at max RF),
D. Every instance of a Devotion WP being tanky as hell was with a guard.

Devotion was strong, but not that strong. Shutting down a devotion WP is as easy as punting him out of the group with a tank. Or using one of the NUMEROUS disorients (CCd but breaks on damage) in the game, Magus and Chosen come to mind rather quickly for BOTH OF THESE. They have no distance closers (20% movespeed bonus is in Righteousness), their strongest heals are melee based, and without continually hitting a target their willpower drops to 0.

What you all also seem to forget is that without a guard, Devo WP is no tougher than the average melee DPS, which, if I may remind you, already struggle to find a useful role in a game dominated by large fights where the ability to be ranged is a massive, uncounterable advantage. Put that guard on ANY melee DPS (besides WH/WE) and he will be just as tanky with someone healing him. The solution to beating a guarded Devo WP is the exact same solution to beating any other guarded healer: SEPARATE THE TANK FROM THE GUARDED ENEMY. Lack of skilled play is not enough to justify a knee-jerk reaction nerf, because if my experience in MMOs has taught me anything, its that the first nerf is usually too much.

The only change that Devotion required was to slightly reduce the willpower buff that they gain when hitting an enemy. Adding a 5 minute CD to Absolution doesn't make any sense.

What also doesn't make sense is how people seem to be trying to force WPs to choose full healer or full DPS, and at the same time don't want full DPS viability for WP. Sounds to me like you just want to keep your pocket healers. It is especially hypocritical because just about every single tank in the game can reach respectable damage numbers while still being very tough.

There is nothing wrong with WPs wanting a DPS option.
Devotion only needed a slight nerf to willpower bonus upon hitting enemies.
5 minute CD on Absolution solves nothing, because now healing WPs will just sit in Devotion and use Supplication for RF.
Hypocrites who want to keep WPs as healing-only do so only out of self-interest.

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Re: Changelog 18/11/16

Post#45 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:20 am

The problem with dok is not the dok the people's mind, and gonna end nerfed as hell for what im seeing. Have you guys seen class description??? Dont think so... we do remember what we want and we do forget what we want either.... so dok's and wp's are the only op class here ? Really? They did dps and healing at same time before the changes, you know? .... we're starting something we not gonna stop.. sorry for bad english
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Re: Changelog 18/11/16

Post#46 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:32 am

The problem with the problem is not the problem himself... The problem is... Love the problem <3<3 PROBLEM <3<3
No shitposting in a changelog, this is a warning to all of you - Natherul
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Re: Changelog 18/11/16

Post#47 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:41 am

The wp/dok spent 7 years as the most unbalanced class in the game due to a mixed up class design. A backline healer with frontline defences. The idea of pushing them into the frontlines and giving them more reliable healing is a nice idea. This issue is that being in a melee train isnt the drawback it was when the class was given all the tools of a pure healer.. The class failed miserably in the frontlines in the days of rain of fire stacking and cc dominance vs a class that couldnt take bombing and had no answer to that amount of cc.

The game has changed since then. Bombing isnt king and cc had a massive nerf patch. Really dok/wp werent in the same place it was just that in a pure healspec they were by far better so lifetap and dps were completely irrelevant . There were plenty of other class specs worse than dps dok and plenty just as bad as dps wp. Making a class function strongly as part of the melee train will be op with the issues that the cc patch created.

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Re: Changelog 18/11/16

Post#48 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:55 am

I have better idea how make dok/wp as melee/dps healers. Nerf their healing abilities.

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Re: Changelog 18/11/16

Post#49 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:48 pm

I just can't wrap my head around a 5 min cooldown. Are there any skills in game that have a 5 min cooldown? I mean I can see 1:30 or 2:00 but 5 mins is over kill. If people are getting too much from stance dancing, don't slow the dance, slow the transfer rate of strength:willpower.

EDIT: After a cup of coffee and my initial kneejerk reaction :)

I see the sense in trying to limit the switch from mDPS to mele heal dps or backline heal. Before the ex changes you couldn't just switch on a dime either, atleast this way there is an "oh ****" button that will allow you to do one or the other.
Last edited by Akalukz on Fri Nov 18, 2016 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Changelog 18/11/16

Post#50 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:56 pm

Think at this point Aza is just testing ways of limiting the crossover potential. Everything is subject to change.

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