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Update 16/09/16

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Re: Update 16/09/16

Post#61 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 8:33 am

What does taking a scenario do to your contribution for the zone, and is there any plans on working them into the campaign again?
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Re: Update 16/09/16

Post#62 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:09 am

Side note;

Keep takes IMO are fine as they are. I think you have the right mix of door HP and Lord power. And you are allowing people to at least earn some rr for contributing to grp kills with siege (THANK YOU), Or earn grp rr, (I do not know which one you did) that should see siege weapon use rise again.

Keeps should never be easy to take, they are the last bastion a realm has in a zone, and the last chance to turn around their fortunes.
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Re: Update 16/09/16

Post#63 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:16 am

Specialpatrol wrote:
Azarael wrote:In the end, artillery will be used to break sieges. The way artillery handles in warcamps and in scenarios is exactly how it's meant to handle in RvR. It's designed to punish huge mass attacks and hiding in your keep without contesting the maps, and it will be towed, as you said (this was the reason tow was implemented).

That's part of the final implementation though. I'm looking at a temporary implementation with two aspects to it, and the second aspect could be as simple as causing existing artillery cannons to use the future RvR handling (rationalized as "improved ammunition" or something) if a realm controls all 4 BOs for a certain period of time and the enemy force has fielded at least X% as many players as your own within the last 15 minutes. This would result in funnel attempts being blown to **** by artillery from outside the walls.
Just so I understand this correctly: Are you basically saying that the underdog side will eventually loose more or less every time? And if so, how would this help break the issues with one side (i.e. the winning one) perpertually dominating the other?
navis wrote:I don't think they are overly hard, atm. A pretty good example here tonight, order getting completely dominated as the defense really has no chance against 3:1 type odds.
No. The first aspect will be a control against that.

Let us be clear. The problem we are attempting to tackle here is abusive retreat to the keep, when a realm has the numbers to contest the battlefield in open warfare but is refusing to because it's better to farm the enemy at the keep. Justified retreat to the keep, as when outnumbered, is not what I will be dealing with, because in those cases the enemy realm is already capable of taking the keep.
Jaycub wrote:What does taking a scenario do to your contribution for the zone, and is there any plans on working them into the campaign again?
Not yet, if at all.
Bozzax wrote:Would it be possible to add rewards as well for players contributed but wasn't present during the actual lock? (logged to RL or zoned)

I guess I raise the question because they have actually earned it but for whatever reason missed it. I also think the lock chasing mentality will be weakened and casuals would benefit from it. Sort of like that

No biggy though...
Not difficult to do. Held off on it because of the threat of a player with high contribution on the losing side deciding to crossrealm, knowing that he gets rewarded while offline.
dur3al wrote:Quick Escape.

It'll reduce the massive the amount of rdps being the most commonly pug chosen class.
Less rdps, less "keep defense farm" and more open field battle royal.

Logic is undeniable !
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Re: Update 16/09/16

Post#64 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 11:25 am

I personally don't like the mini games that comes with seige equipment in these kinda games. Since its playing outside of your role aswell is screwing with your group comps. I think NPCs that comes with the Seige Equipment with a good AI on Rams, Cannons and Oil might be a better way to impliment these feutures. For example If you play a tank, you wanna use your tank abillities not spend 5 min on a ram on the Keep Doors.

But I really like the last two patches...good job.

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Re: Update 16/09/16

Post#65 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 11:36 am

Azarael wrote:
Bozzax wrote:Would it be possible to add rewards as well for players contributed but wasn't present during the actual lock? (logged to RL or zoned)

I guess I raise the question because they have actually earned it but for whatever reason missed it. I also think the lock chasing mentality will be weakened and casuals would benefit from it. Sort of like that

No biggy though...
Not difficult to do. Held off on it because of the threat of a player with high contribution on the losing side deciding to crossrealm, knowing that he gets rewarded while offline.
Only reward one toon / account?

If exploit could be prevented it would be nice for those who play an hour here and there and seldom can play entire zone caps.

Contrib system even could be used to punish xrealm, rr lockout as you know what toons/accounts have been on. IPs gives you most double-account-xrealmers as well. I'd even consider require ppl to register dual account /reason ;)
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: Update 16/09/16

Post#66 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 12:02 pm

Some people use one account per realm. I'd rather not encourage that.

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Re: Update 16/09/16

Post#67 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 12:18 pm

Getting contribution from other zone while being somewhere else (in game of course) would be really cool. Dozens of times pt/wb port to other zone to help, with the sad notion, that they won't receive reward for work they've done at other one.

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Re: Update 16/09/16

Post#68 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 1:14 pm

there is no need to rewards players offline, just the contribution need not to reset when someone unlog(reset after 30 min of inactivity on that toon), crash. Maybe it was alredy fixed cos happened to crash yest but still got 2k of renown.
For ppl crash just before lock, player that crashed 5 min before the lock and log 5 min after the lock can be rewarded regardless had relog after the lock (if contribution is tracked there is no problem with xrealmers anyway).
Reesh wrote:Getting contribution from other zone while being somewhere else (in game of course) would be really cool. Dozens of times pt/wb port to other zone to help, with the sad notion, that they won't receive reward for work they've done at other one.

that it's also nice cuz sometimes the only way to break a funnel is divide the enemy defenders enough to break thru; siege more keep in different pairing help that but idk how this can be balanced with empty keep.

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Re: Update 16/09/16

Post#69 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 1:33 pm

Have a question about the AoEe cannons, since these increase in damage based on targets they hit, are they affected by Turrets, Lions, Squigs, Deeamons etz aswell coz that just an incent to bring less of those classees.

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Re: Update 16/09/16

Post#70 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 2:02 pm

When you are fighting against 2 or 3 to one odds and trying to save a single keep to stop a total dominance of all realms, only a successful tankwall will do that. When destro has massive number advantages, AOE that penetrates walls almost all the way to the inner steps, arrows that come through the doors and walls, numerous OPd squigs running around all the way to the third floor knocking people off, etc., defenses against a massive, overwhelmjng force are useless. Then, to cap it off, as the zerg is wiping on the inner, half of Order xrealms over to Destro to get in on the payoff. This has been the norm the last many weeks.

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