[DoK/WP] Soul Essence/Righteous Fury regeneration

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Re: DoK/WP Soul Essence/Righteous Fury regeneration

Post#61 » Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:59 pm

Another problem is that when Dok/WP use flee they lose BOTH resource and AP while other healers can AP pot and keep healing while fleeing.

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Re: DoK/WP Soul Essence/Righteous Fury regeneration

Post#62 » Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:59 pm

trebla wrote:off opic so apologise in advance

Inherit problem Dok/WP resource only gain by book, tactic, channel ability, and melee ability.

compared to other healers who are AP based have passive regeneration, Big AP pots, benefit from other classes bringing AP regen. Also certain proc who lower/make free next AP ability.

When compared to these OTHER HEALERS Dok/WP flaw lies in that no other way to gain resource.

So OP proposal falls short of asking WHY does said class fall behind in T4 and to some extent lower tiers where melee healer can get away while not dying in seconds, where burst is king and spamming High cost abilities to keep targets alive is only way to heal through focus.

Healing Dok/WP having to run into melee range to build resource is counter to what the class stats and role prioritize. Unless Melee healer built to sustain on front line hence medium armor with some absorbs mix in give it a somewhat fighting chance. That is for another topic.

Proposal 3 while interesting requires class to actually being hit, and if the player is backline healing running Willpower is optimal for bigger heals= less spamming. Going defense = less heals= more spamming constantly channeling resource skill every 5 to 6 cast to get resource.

Will it work possibly. But again it requires the player to forego any stat that will improve its desired role just to get hit and gain resources, no other class of this archetype has such a wonky condition to build resources.
Iti is not so out of topic as you said.
The willpower stacking gives very little to DoK heals.
Lets see the example.
With 221 willpower the basic healing is
477 for aoe heal
581 for single target heal
783 for aoe hot (261 per 3 secs).

Now lets say we increase our willpower for 160.
Then the heals are:
546 for aoe heal
741 for single target heal
879 for aoe hot.

The problem here isn't actually the nymbers but the fact that because DoK has faster casting times he pays they price of having lesser healings abilities in terms of the amount per heal. This combined to the limited resources plus the absence of single target heals like the rest of healers creates a huge gap on the total amount he can heal. This gives to players 2 options.
1) Stack willpower which is crap cause of now aoe detaunt and the need to move close to front line for getting rsources
2) Stack armour and become more tanky and heal for 69 less points which is more ideal casue you can survive more.

Option C makes easier to heal and survive cause it will reduce the time you need to spend in front lines.
As i said before in oRvR enviroment you are getting hitted all the time even being in backline.
The time you spend to move in front to use lash and then move away to safety ( less hitters for you than in front) it is the time that determine which side is gonna win the battle.

Korthian Dok of Phalanx
Korthi Wp of Zerg

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Re: DoK/WP Soul Essence/Righteous Fury regeneration

Post#63 » Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:35 pm

trebla wrote:Another problem is that when Dok/WP use flee they lose BOTH resource and AP while other healers can AP pot and keep healing while fleeing.

well this is partially true, regen work when flee but is not istant as have an ap potion (here on ror 1 min compared to 3 min from live also)

anywy the problem is on the common everyday job more than on fleefocussed.

Posts: 4441

Re: DoK/WP Soul Essence/Righteous Fury regeneration

Post#64 » Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:09 pm

Time to lock.

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