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Renown cap lift

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Posts: 50

Re: Renown cap lift

Post#71 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:47 am

Collateral wrote:
thefarthestland wrote:does not even have one month the t4 and guys put more grind.
renown 80 with item level 35

vr change and balance the game has never been a better option?

I don't understand how this is a grind. The rr gain is reduced to 25%. I think this is only so people feel like they are achieving at least something while fighting in rvr. We all grew bored of the, sadly, broken rvr system and keeps. This should make us wanna fight a bit more don't you think? When you reach max rank and rr, broken rvr doesn't really make you keep playing the game. That's just how the majority of the players feel, in any game really.

People are forgeting that we are supposed to test the game. This is not a finished product. Maybe they will do wipes again when they implement a better rvr system, who knows.

We should go out there and help out the devs. The more we play and contibute, the faster they can fix stuff and introduce new things.
u need reward to fight and have fun?

People have to understand is that for xp / influence / renown / drop item
You do have very leechers / afk in scenario and rvr
That's why we have so much pug players

I'll wait for more changes...
Last edited by thefarthestland on Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Renown cap lift

Post#72 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:11 am

Renown Sc Bug ? ( 500 - 600 Rp )

Posts: 71

Re: Renown cap lift

Post#73 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:13 am

I dont understand why you release this rr80 there is so many issue to fix before class bug rvr system LOS door RVR ( aoe throw the door again) lot of more important things. As someone said now all hard core gamer are gonna to farm rr cap since the patch all unbeatable premade runing farming scen (WL knight BW balanced class you know ...) losing 8 scen in 30 min is not fun when you know their is 40 more rr to grind ... RvR system dont help us to grind RR no rewards when you take a flag ( Big joke ever ) like on live, Door whit a ridiculus amount of HP etc etc .

But 1 positive thing this new rr reach can maybe avoid cross realm players.

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Re: Renown cap lift

Post#74 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:31 am

Nirawen wrote:Renown Sc Bug ? ( 500 - 600 Rp )

no wy ???

after rr 40 u just get 25 % of renown . that means a sc win is like 500-600 renown .
Tinkabell 40/41 Magus Whaagit 40/41 SH Whaagot 40/54 BO Daknallfrosch 40/72shammy

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Re: Renown cap lift

Post#75 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:53 am

25 %... OLOLILOL... 500 Rp RR 40 => 80..... Year 2052...

Undoubtedly of funny choice. It's a pity to go to so much trouble and to kill the game...

In other words, there is no changelog ^^

A false carrot

( Sorry for my English )

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Re: Renown cap lift

Post#76 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:02 pm

So much salt, if you'd all see yourself as the testers you are you'd be happy with this change in policy, yes it will take a long time to get to rr80 but is that really the goal? I would be playing and testing regardless of the rr cap. This just gives me a litlle bit more of a reward while doing it. Also remember that there is no full changelog yet and this is in no way the final product. If this is an incentive for more players to actively look for more action in the lakes (ie. more playing = more testing and bugs being reported) I can only welcome it as a positive thing.
Iobel - SO // Miae - BG // Sorrowstrike - WE // Happyjumping - WL // Ishaisa - DoK

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Re: Renown cap lift

Post#77 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:27 pm

In the day the taken decisions made players lose especially...

Now if it is to see, 40 players blocked in a door with some oil which OS, I can already confirm it works and it is great rewarding:/

There is only to see the reactions IG, or on the forum to see that " testers " are more than surprised choices...

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Re: Renown cap lift

Post#78 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:34 pm

Only question I have is about hidden levels, I scanned the majority of the post, but didn't see it mentioned. Are there hidden lvls at 40/50/60/70/80 ? I would hope you would get rid of this. I personally feel the extra mastery points are reward enough.
-= Agony =-

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Re: Renown cap lift

Post#79 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:47 pm

Hidden lvls were in live after u reached rr80. there were "extra unspoken lvls" at 84, 88, 92, 96 and 100 rr.
Slacking (checking out EvE)

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Re: Renown cap lift

Post#80 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:52 pm

Well this thread turned out pretty much as I expected it to.

A number of you are complaining about power gaps. I'm going to do something I swore I would never do here and go into full elitist mode.

You're playing an MMO. These games are specifically designed to appeal to the following types of players:

- Socialites
- Explorers (lore fanatics, etc)
- Achievers (vertical progression, collection of gear, etc)
- People who can't hack it in pure skill-based games and deliberately choose games which allow them to have an advantage over other players because they played the game longer.

Please note that this is not an exclusive list - exceptions exist. The makeup of any individual player may also be a mix of all these types. However, these are the main bases for any MMO.

MMOs in general sacrifice heavily depth of mechanics and individual skill, partly because their system of having so many abilities does not mesh well with a fully skill-based control for them, partly because they support so many players at one time that the processing power required to implement intensive mechanics like FPS-style play exceeds the limit of any server that could be economically acquired, and partly because it is in the intent of the design to limit the skillcap in order to create mass appeal.

I'm sure at this point people are going to raise the 6v6 guilds and how they reliably crush opposition. True. I didn't say that there's no skill in the game and that sufficiently organized groups of players cannot reliably exert dominance over others. If you're determined enough, you can carve out a niche in most games. But the fact that 6v6ers are actively denigrated by some segments of the community and told that the game isn't about them (which is true, it isn't) just highlights that the intent of this game was never to appeal to skill.

In short, if you are going to make the argument that vertical progression is bullshit and that MMOs create a crappy situation in which players with more time played have an advantage over players with less time played which is not accomplished by natural improvement in their skill over time? I'd agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, this is an MMO, and it relies upon those bullshit factors to operate. As Jaycub pointed out - the gameplay is not strong enough to stand on its own. If that's not to your taste, and I'll readily admit that it isn't to mine... then there are plenty of other genres around that are based on raw skill and nothing else.

It isn't a bad thing that there are people to whom this kind of design appeals. Play something like StarCraft or Street Fighter and you can get dominated by players that are a little better than you. I won't talk down to anyone who doesn't think that that is fun, or to whom that doesn't appeal. But I think it's very important to be honest about what exactly this and other games like it are, and why they were made in the way that they were. You either make your game to appeal to skilled players first and foremost, or you make it to appeal to a broader base, making sacrifices against the skilled players in order to preserve your main base. Unless you're a development God and have such good matchmaking and design that you can make your game easy to pick up and play yet filled with depth at the top levels - and separate out the skilled players from the casual players using your matchmaking - you have to choose.

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