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New WE player - can't kill healers?

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#71 » Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:06 pm

jokerspsycho wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:49 pm
I think this is a huge issue as someone coming from other mmo games. This is the only game I can kill someone and they can be up in a few seconds and back in the fight. I was a big wow player for a while and sure there were battle Rez's but it had a cooldown and could only be uses once per combat state even if you had 5 people who could battle rez, they only could use 1 of those 5.

I think there should be a rez sickness so to speak where if u die u must remain dead for 10s next death is 20s then cant be revived. Maybe not exactly as such, but when theres 4 healers in a 12 man and 2 are shield dok/wp aoe healing in the frontline and then u have a rp/zealot razzing those who are dying, it makes for a very long encounter.

But to the main point, yeah well played and geared healer wont die to a dps assuming equal gear to their enemy.
The counterplay for rez in combat is there, just too few people are using it. Those are usually the teams, who clean the floor with their opposition.

Those who rez in combat can be either taunted or CC'd or you wait for the rez in order to instantly kill the revived player again at 20% hp. Then you kill the healer, for a nice double kill. :)

In bigger fights it's obviously easier to rez someone but the revived player has debuffs and is likely to die again, especially when there is no stalemate and one side is pushing, which usually happens.
Dying is no option.

Posts: 4

Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#72 » Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:58 pm

jokerspsycho wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:10 pm
heretus wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 2:26 pm
So while it COULD be , I do not think it is my lack of "game knowledge" when the vast majority of time I see the top 10 dps being order (again despite ranks not being high / higher than destro) and 4 people bashing on a healer and hardly killing him , unless you believe that everyone that plays order (like an engineer) is playing 3 times better than destro , 90% of the times.
As someone that swapped from WE to WH (aesthetic reasons) your luck is just that, luck. I've had games where we have 5 order top damage and 1 destro in there, 5 order top damage and 1 destro at the top of the list, 5 destro at the top of the list and one order and 5 destro at the top and one order above all of them. It is just the luck of the draw bud. Get a premade and it will help a lot.

If 4 people are bashing one one healer you likely:

-Are detaunted
-Might all be challenged dealing less damage
-No one is applying an outgoing heal debuff
-No one is applying an incoming heal debuff
-other healers are free healing the one guy everyone is training
-the people training are all in greens/no talis/underlvl gear and the healer has good gear for his lvl and talis thus making the most out of his bolster.

On my WH there is a world of difference btwn a healer that maximizes bolster, has defensive RR traits, uses detaunt, and cc's vs a healer that tries to out heal me. I normally can't kill the first healer unless I engage when they are about 60-70% and get some crits, even then, if they pot I'm likely not killing them. The second one, I can normally eat.

Edit: also since u said u were new to t2, I'm guessing your lvl 16-24ish? We/wh get much better when u hit 32 so u can get crit trait from right tree. My wh crits for 7-800 torment (agonizing wound) without the crit dmg trait
Really appreciate the input / help :)

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