Scenarios misery

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Re: Scenarios misery

Post#71 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:13 pm

nuadarstark wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:22 am as even with completely solo q Weekend Warfront brackets (if they would be created by the dev team), you'd get into 9 dps scenario groups that you still have zero chance of winning
You are implying that you will roll the dice 10/10 on playing on the ONLY side out of 2 PUGS where they have 9 dps. That is not how reality works, here let me explain it to you briefly: Order will have a chance at 9 dps setups , but so will Destro, and it will always be bout a milion times more worth playing than pug vs premade. If you can't understand this basic concept, then you have never played outside of your cozy premade bubble reality.

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Re: Scenarios misery

Post#72 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:15 pm

Never had any problem getting a group with my AM/Shaman/rSH. And they are not remotely meta.

Posts: 47

Re: Scenarios misery

Post#73 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:20 pm

Ysaran wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:15 pm Never had any problem getting a group with my AM/Shaman/rSH. And they are not remotely meta.
Prove it.

Posts: 242

Re: Scenarios misery

Post#74 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:21 pm

Ysaran wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:15 pm Never had any problem getting a group with my AM/Shaman/rSH. And they are not remotely meta.
Good for you.

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Re: Scenarios misery

Post#75 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:24 pm

blondgelockt wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:20 pm
Ysaran wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:15 pm Never had any problem getting a group with my AM/Shaman/rSH. And they are not remotely meta.
Prove it.
The next time I get in a party with any of this class I will make a screen and post it here. I'm focusing on getting some gear on my baby BG and getting the sov on my Choppa so it may take some time before you'll se the screens though

Posts: 45

Re: Scenarios misery

Post#76 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 5:01 pm

Just to drop in my 2 cents...if you actually INVEST something into getting better and build your group or even a trio with DPS/TANK/HEAL you can also reach something WITHOUT gear.
Just recently setup a new group with toons and starting with CONC gear you can already roll the premades, not all of them but 90%. And even a full SOV grp can be destroyed if you know what you do. But if you BLAME and search the FLAW somewhere else you will never be on that level. So suck it up and invest!

Learn from others and take the feedback, if you end the SC with 10% of the others dps, heal or protection something might to be improved, and most of those numbers do not directly relate to gear but many other factors like awarenes oversight and gamesense.

Also open to assist you ingame or to carry you through some games to teach the basics.

Posts: 1295

Re: Scenarios misery

Post#77 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 5:08 pm

Hardkoar wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:10 pm
emiliorv wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:48 pm
Hardkoar wrote: Sun Nov 29, 2020 5:02 pm 1) It's a game, many play to have fun, log in and queue for 30m /1h and log off. They don't need to get better at the game, they play to de-stress from real life and getting farmed by try-hards is hardly an incentive to queue.
If play for fun just queue the .PUG sc and enjoy vs other pugs.

instead, OP want the rewards behind the weekly event, so its not "only for fun"...its for the reward. dunno whats the problem in put some effort (lol /5 forming grp) if you expect a reward...
You would know if you ever pugged in your life with a class that is not welcome in the 2-2-2. I don't know what the OP plays him, and many others (literally every week end someone comes and makes a similar post, imagine how many don't even bother with it), have issues with it.
The problem is a fact. For you to just discard it '' CuZ LoOk mA' I hAvE A pReMAdE AnD I dOnT cArE bOuT aNyOnE ELse'' is just a blatant selfish behavior.
My playtime is so short, usually between 1-2h and not every knowing that i will not mess playing a lol-spec/lol-class and gimping my short playtime. So, i tried to find the "most wanted" class to enjoy my short playtime => usually play healers, mostly DoK and dont have many issues finding grps/wbs to play. With the time, joined a guild and play mostly with them...since im stick with them for some time i have no isses if in the future want to play a "less wanted" class.

If you are new in the game, dont want to be social, only play to "log in and queue for 30m /1h and log off", and also play a lolspec => you will have a hard time playing RoR, literally are food for others.

Who is the selfish here?? i have adapted my playtime looking to my personal situation...instead others try to change the system to fit their personal issues..

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Re: Scenarios misery

Post#78 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:01 pm

^same here. Adapt, Improve, Overcome. Never thought that I would say it :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Scenarios misery

Post#79 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:25 pm

Anyways, had an epic time smashing pugs in my super tryhard full sov premade, check out my twitch vods <333

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Re: Scenarios misery

Post#80 » Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:38 am

yesterday we go back to order toons make party and win like 10 scenarios in row lost one becouse we dont care about flag and just kill people.

btw order get insta pop on destro we got 1 pop per hour :(

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