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Changelog 19/11/16

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Re: Changelog 19/11/16

Post#81 » Sun Nov 20, 2016 9:32 pm

Pocket tank is not a requirement for any other healer, so this does set the classes apart.

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Re: Changelog 19/11/16

Post#82 » Sun Nov 20, 2016 9:37 pm

Use the Willpower buff to withdraw and cast. Grace/Vitality should be about 50% melee, tbh.

Posts: 30

Re: Changelog 19/11/16

Post#83 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:45 am

While we are on the topic of guards...
I do not play a WP but will defiantly be rolling one once all is sorted by you clever people.
However here are some undeniable facts. I spend a lot of my time guarding a 2 dps WP depending who is on, in a 2 man party duo Queing sc`s.
The 2 gentlemen I guard are modest and would most likely not boast BUT the facts are that I have seen both of them in multiple sc`s put out over 150k damage AND heals at the same time in the Current spec. Now before we get any questions of a one off I can also say that on average most sc`s (unless we were being camped) end with my guarded WPs averaging over 100k each Damage and heals.
Now I am not saying this is easy to achieve and DOES require a large skill base to call on and a good tank with you (like any other melee dps does) who is assisting and helping you prekite out of trouble(this is number 1 skill to learn for all classes), CCing, debuffing, snaring and more importantly pushing together.

So if 150k damage and 150k healing is achievable as far as I can see, thats a 300k contribution. Is the class broken? is this a nerf? it would appear most defiantly not.
When numbers above can be achieved it does not leave much room for argument as far as I can see. (Right Azarael ?)

BTW the exciting part for me is that because I live in the southern hemisphere I can now grp up with a DPS WP and not have to find those rare 6 man sc grps, making my gaming experience significantly more fun.

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Re: Changelog 19/11/16

Post#84 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:02 am

Azarael wrote:
[*]The switch cooldown to or from Prayer of Righteousness and Covenant of Celerity is 5 minutes.[/list]
I the 5 minutes cooldown is to long, 30 seconds is enough, but if you feel it's to overpowered make it 1 minute or you are removing any form of defensive stance from a dps DoK.

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Re: Changelog 19/11/16

Post#85 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:39 am

The 2 gentlemen I guard are modest and would most likely not boast BUT the facts are that I have seen both of them in multiple sc`s put out over 150k damage AND heals
As WP with a Guard surviving and tanking with SR/TS is not that hard to pull of.
But ppl are still to blind to realize that sustained damage/leech will not KILL TARGETS.
Its burst not sustained or tiny ticking aoe dots.

I would always prefer a WH/WH with only 100k dmg done in the same case but made 10 solo kills at a flag.
Burst damage and Focus damage kills in this game, not sustained damage. Tanks do often more damage than dps, because they barely die have no 30 sec respawntimer and their auras n dots are tickling the whole match.

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Re: Changelog 19/11/16

Post#86 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:47 am

BrockRiefenstahl wrote:
The 2 gentlemen I guard are modest and would most likely not boast BUT the facts are that I have seen both of them in multiple sc`s put out over 150k damage AND heals
As WP with a Guard surviving and tanking with SR/TS is not that hard to pull of.
But ppl are still to blind to realize that sustained damage/leech will not KILL TARGETS.
Its burst not sustained or tiny ticking aoe dots.

I would always prefer a WH/WH with only 100k dmg done in the same case but made 10 solo kills at a flag.
Burst damage and Focus damage kills in this game, not sustained damage. Tanks do often more damage than dps, because they barely die have no 30 sec respawntimer and their auras n dots are tickling the whole match.
I get what you're saying but at the same time it's bit of a false argument.

This is a team-game and as such it is balanced. You need to assist off classes that complement you. I agree that sustained damage on its own tends not to kill targets, but sustained damage is still very useful pressure damage, provided you work together with another class that gives the burst.

150k damage only becomes fluff damage if the WP tries to do everything on their own and, besides that, the WP/DOK are capable of pulling of some decent burst themselves. Not to the extend of a WL/WB, but still decent enough.
Karak-Norn /// Asildur - RR100 WL /// Marsares - RR95 AM /// Nirnaeth - RR64 SW

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Re: Changelog 19/11/16

Post#87 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:02 am

Marsares wrote:
BrockRiefenstahl wrote:
The 2 gentlemen I guard are modest and would most likely not boast BUT the facts are that I have seen both of them in multiple sc`s put out over 150k damage AND heals
As WP with a Guard surviving and tanking with SR/TS is not that hard to pull of.
But ppl are still to blind to realize that sustained damage/leech will not KILL TARGETS.
Its burst not sustained or tiny ticking aoe dots.

I would always prefer a WH/WH with only 100k dmg done in the same case but made 10 solo kills at a flag.
Burst damage and Focus damage kills in this game, not sustained damage. Tanks do often more damage than dps, because they barely die have no 30 sec respawntimer and their auras n dots are tickling the whole match.
I get what you're saying but at the same time it's bit of a false argument.

This is a team-game and as such it is balanced. You need to assist off classes that complement you. I agree that sustained damage on its own tends not to kill targets, but sustained damage is still very useful pressure damage, provided you work together with another class that gives the burst.

150k damage only becomes fluff damage if the WP tries to do everything on their own and, besides that, the WP/DOK are capable of pulling of some decent burst themselves. Not to the extend of a WL/WB, but still decent enough.
If he did 150k dmg + heal as the poster implied, there is no way that this was burst. NO...
I play Wrath WP and if you burst and actually kill targets (mostly I kill them with a 2h Tank) You wont have those healing numbers. NEVER. If he was melee heal standing in the frontline 24/7 without being killed than those numbers dont frighten me.

Posts: 12

Re: Changelog 19/11/16

Post#88 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:24 am

Tested RVR in guild warband yesterday, i play my WP with full willpower gems on annihilator set and 1 hand hammer/book.
Regen fury when defending keep was good with absolution prayer, got 16 regen near outer door.
Regen fury when fighting against warband was good with prayer of absolution, no real problem with -50% armor cause placement must be perfect even with 100% armor.
I used prayer of absolution till i was not under melee attacks and switched to prayer of devotion when melee attacked me.
I used prayer of devotion when a tank or magus/squig pet was near me so i got willpower (got 976 to 1359) then switching to prayer of absolution and got some 1k6 crit heal only with group heal and 3k+ crit heal with mono heal.

With those results i think i will replace willpower gems to armor gems cause 1359 willpower with buff is quite useless, i will be more tanky when using prayer of devotion and still casting big crit heal.

With this gameplay i don't make damage but i heal a lot, maybe WP and DOK got problems cause they want to be good DPS and good Healer.

Only one problem, it should reset 5min CD of prayer of righteousness when entering SC cause i was farming scale compound for armor pots and when entering SC i switched to prayer of absolution then locked for 5min with this prayer :/

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Re: Changelog 19/11/16

Post#89 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:29 am

Same as Baikir, when you can "read" the fight, you can sitch aura or stay in armor prayer, to more tanky or burst heal with na fat regen.

Posts: 456

Re: Changelog 19/11/16

Post#90 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:42 am

Niky wrote:Welcome to new procs mechanik xD

Kotbs+SM+DD WP+MeleeHealWP+BW+Any healer
Chosen+Borc+DD Dok+MeleeHealDok+Sorc+Any healer

Any one want kill all? Make it.
Are you switch to Order again? :)
I confirm this setup, difficult to kill.

Currently mele heals have a distinct advantage in small battles (SC), especially under the guards and any other healer
Petitbras (SW), Threeend (BW), Arrgoor (SL), Popovich (KoTBs), Semenich (Eng), Ancle (WP), Lastalien (WL), Alienessa (AM)


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