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Post#1 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:01 pm

So I might get some heat for this, but I dont really care.

1. Why did you make RvR an idle no fight game?
sitting on BOs for endless hours.
Having to sit on BOs to help keep lord.
Having to sit on BOs to make progress.

2. Why does the game revolve around hitting a door and killing an npc?
Can spend hours hitting a door and trying to kill lord.
More time is spent at a keep with barely any defense just sitting there.
Then you have to spend another half hour hitting an npc.
Or its just a 120aao+ situation, where nothing can be done and everyone just runs sits on BOs some more..

3. We play for pvp not this idle, pvd, pvh.
Why dont you listen to the player base?
How many of us actually like the changes that have been made?

4. We arnt allowed to give any feedback, we're told to basically screw off.
I suppose the game is great for those who like to sit around and do nothing.

5. Yes Ive spent a lot of time proposing ideas that would work and bring back gameplay.
Nothing is done.
The only thing that keeps me going is SCs and the occasional RvR battle.
Most of it is spent idle or running around 10 minutes on the map, staring at a keep, trying to kill a lord.
You make it so we dont have to engage the enemy..

I suppose none of these questions will be answered because there is no good answer that would make sense.
This comes from dissapointment on bringing back the game and then changing it to not involve PvP.
There are things you could do to make it better, but dont do.
If its too difficult, takes too much manpower that is understandable.
But just telling people to screw off when theyre trying to give ideas is horrible.
Not making adjustments that players would like is horrible.
Like its some kinda pet project and you dont really care about the player base?

T1 is better than T2/4. Why? Because there is more fighting in T1 than t2/4.
How does that make any sense?
The implementation of supplies dropping from players is great.
A lot of implementations have been great.
But the game is so based on idleness and avoidance, it doesnt play that great of role in anything. Wheres the pvp?
Whys its idle, door/bo sitting, hitting an npc.
Mechanics based nothing on actual pvp. When this is supposed to be a pvp game?
And how come we are not allowed to voice our opinions on anything thats done?

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Posts: 295

Re: Why?

Post#2 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:11 pm

Raggaz wrote: Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:01 pm T1 is better than T2/4. Why? Because there is more fighting in T1 than t2/4.
How does that make any sense?
I have eight 40s, 5 more almost there.
So i have done the journey quite a lot.
And i am always glad when i finally made it out of T1.
I think T1 needs a revamp and T2+ is almost spot on especially after the merge.
Raggaz wrote: Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:01 pm 1. Why did you make RvR an idle no fight game?
sitting on BOs for endless hours.
That is T1 for me.
Last edited by Bowldancer on Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Grimmsch Grimnirsson (Solo 2H Slayer, 40/86)
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Re: Why?

Post#3 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:20 pm

Seems you are. And about BO sitting:
1- as said in a previous post some days ago some changes were planned to give possibility to leave BO and still possess it. ( improving ORVR)

2- Everytime i play in t2+ I dont stay long near à BO, and it seems lot of player do the same.

3- T1 needs improvment according too many areas are open in the same time for a too small pop.

Now about feedbacks. There is a post done 5-7 days ago about ORVR improvment suggestions. Have answered i was away atm and I would clarify and comment when back. And i'll be back in 3 days.

What do you need more? You look a bit agressive boy :)

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Re: Why?

Post#4 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:32 pm

Most people look for the path of least resistance when it comes to renown its not the devs fault for this behavior it is squarely on the player base. And when it comes to bo humping T1 is far worse.
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Re: Why?

Post#5 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:54 pm

In my opinion the current open world rvr is good. We get supplies from player kill and you get supplies from bos yes killing a lord can take some time but it's a lot better than the old Warhammer you just claim the keep there's no Lord kill none of that stuff you know the last two years of Warhammer when it died

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Posts: 84

Re: Why?

Post#6 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:44 pm

For T1 make only one zone open instead of two.
This prevents PVE zone taking (Where each side picks the opposite zone to maximise passive renown gain).

Another option for T1 is to reduce passive BO renown gain and increase renown gain from assisting in kills and from capping BOs from enemy ownership ( not from unowned BOs). Kills near BOs should provide more renown to reduce ganking and WC camping.

There can also be more incentives for active participating in groups. So if you are not close to the action (i e. Not in the rvr lake) you should not receive group rewards. Also once flagged afk you should not receive any group rewards. Also no passive BO renown if you are AFK.

Also making the BOs stay locked for a longer time after capture (few minutes) is a good idea. This will be more fun for players who like to sneak to steal BOs. Like me.

It might also be a good idea to slightly increase the radius of the BO zone so that there are more tactics for positioning and reduce the clumping on the flag. I think it's too small at the moment. So if you want to be a lookout it's hard to be in a good position and still hold the BO. A good example is the House BO in T1 elf. Everyone sits inside the door, the zone is so small you can't really position outside and still hold the BO.

Finally players should be more social. Use quiet time to enjoy friendship with your team mates. Tell jokes and enjoy your time in this game not just non-stop button smashing.
I love this game and the server community. Thank you to the RoR staff.

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Re: Why?

Post#7 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:07 pm

Raggaz wrote: Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:01 pm So I might get some heat for this, but I dont really care.

1. Why did you make RvR an idle no fight game?
sitting on BOs for endless hours.
Having to sit on BOs to help keep lord.
Having to sit on BOs to make progress.

2. Why does the game revolve around hitting a door and killing an npc?
Can spend hours hitting a door and trying to kill lord.
More time is spent at a keep with barely any defense just sitting there.
Then you have to spend another half hour hitting an npc.
Or its just a 120aao+ situation, where nothing can be done and everyone just runs sits on BOs some more..

3. We play for pvp not this idle, pvd, pvh.
Why dont you listen to the player base?
How many of us actually like the changes that have been made?

4. We arnt allowed to give any feedback, we're told to basically screw off.
I suppose the game is great for those who like to sit around and do nothing.

5. Yes Ive spent a lot of time proposing ideas that would work and bring back gameplay.
Nothing is done.
The only thing that keeps me going is SCs and the occasional RvR battle.
Most of it is spent idle or running around 10 minutes on the map, staring at a keep, trying to kill a lord.
You make it so we dont have to engage the enemy..

I suppose none of these questions will be answered because there is no good answer that would make sense.
This comes from dissapointment on bringing back the game and then changing it to not involve PvP.
There are things you could do to make it better, but dont do.
If its too difficult, takes too much manpower that is understandable.
But just telling people to screw off when theyre trying to give ideas is horrible.
Not making adjustments that players would like is horrible.
Like its some kinda pet project and you dont really care about the player base?

T1 is better than T2/4. Why? Because there is more fighting in T1 than t2/4.
How does that make any sense?
The implementation of supplies dropping from players is great.
A lot of implementations have been great.
But the game is so based on idleness and avoidance, it doesnt play that great of role in anything. Wheres the pvp?
Whys its idle, door/bo sitting, hitting an npc.
Mechanics based nothing on actual pvp. When this is supposed to be a pvp game?
And how come we are not allowed to voice our opinions on anything thats done?
So basicly, because the devs don't do what YOU want the game sucks?

I LIKE how the game is and many agree with me. In that regard the devs DO listen to the playerbase, YOU are ONE person, not the playerbase an the replies so far do not support your position now do they?

Don't like it? Don't play, you get what you pay for.
Alea iacta est

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Re: Why?

Post#8 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:09 pm

You are blaming design when the playerbase is at fault.

Nothing is stopping anyone from engaging other players in PvP. Except when other players dont want to come out and fight.

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Posts: 922

Re: Why?

Post#9 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:14 pm

Yaliskah wrote: Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:20 pm What do you need more? You look a bit agressive boy :)
He is being very civilized actually.
He is just disappointed really.
And tbh, can you blame him for that?
Last edited by Dalgrimar on Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dalgri - Ftp/Sens - Sadboi - Fanboy


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Re: Why?

Post#10 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:15 pm

because of 1 big zerg blob.
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