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Looking for a date...

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Posts: 135

Looking for a date...

Post#1 » Tue Sep 07, 2021 2:33 pm

No, seriously. I am wondering what is the current date in Warhammer.

I should have all that in quotations somehow. What is the current date in THIS Warhammer. Lore-wise, is there a timeline that we all (who care about it at all) agree upon?

This is A timeline, balanced on the Age of Sigmar no doubt, but all the same its a timeline of events. ... mmer_World

So that seems like a lawn-dart toward the now of Warhammer, but is there a TODAY?

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Re: Looking for a date...

Post#2 » Tue Sep 07, 2021 2:44 pm ... nline/Lore

The Age of Reckoning is an alternate timeline to the Storm of Chaos which puts it right at year 2521 on the Imperial Calendar.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

Posts: 135

Re: Looking for a date...

Post#3 » Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:18 pm

So today would be the 7th of Brauzeit, 2521.

OKay, thanks.

Hmmm... does time move forward? Would we add server existence time to it for a TODAY?

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Posts: 5

Re: Looking for a date...

Post#4 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 12:00 am

I suppose since there has been a rise in the RP activity in 2021 (so It seems.) It would be appropriate to arrange a timeline for the server. But only with the Guild leaders of the Dark Elves since they are the main faction of roleplayers here. I suppose out of good intentions we can try to talk to their guild leader about this.

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