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So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

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Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#11 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:35 pm

Maltar wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:32 pm The only tool that moves population is increased rewards.
(For those that are leveling/gearing)
For veterans in BiS nothing you can really do to influence what they desire to log.
You can, imagine if LotD debuff would go along side with AAO.

Posts: 31

Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#12 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:53 pm

githappens wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:35 pm
Maltar wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:32 pm The only tool that moves population is increased rewards.
(For those that are leveling/gearing)
For veterans in BiS nothing you can really do to influence what they desire to log.
You can, imagine if LotD debuff would go along side with AAO.
Interesting, though that has its own issues as well, and not sure the motivation would be sufficient, unless the debuff is frighteningly sharp, but that brings a heap of other problems, funneling, defensive chokes become an issue, and "veteran wb's" commanding players to stay back and stay away so they can use the buff offensively etc.

I think it might bring its own issues.

Long term rewards for sportsmanship player styles is probably one of the only rewards systems never tried far as I know. And hey, we know that a lot of players hunt that elusive high K/D number.

You having that high K/D number with a high % showing you take stacked fights on the regular would show your group/WB is that much better than the ones that get theirs in uneven fights.

A 20 to 1 kd is impressive, a 20 to 1 with 300% perma boost showing you spent 50 hours in heavy AAO getting that score is a whole lot more impressive.

And that wb with their players having 0% boost well they only fight uneven fights, and shown their cowardice. Hit them where it hurts, their pride.

Posts: 139

Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#13 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:28 pm

I would suggest the "Champion" buff to the underdog.... crazy stats randomly buffing chars (we could use the same mechanic as the last stage city mechanics for champions) for the realm with less people, starting from 20% till 400%, more difference more champions around up to a full wb?, when killed the buff will jump to some other char.

Added heal %
Added dmg %
Added dmg mitigation %
Added wounds %

Perhaps it will not change much but it will be crazy funny for the underdog running around with a full 24 wb of champions and force the enemies wbs to cooperate to bring em down.

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Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#14 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:51 pm

The right question would’ve been

What causes xrealming, analyse motivation and also sugest how you can change the rvr campaign to inc realm loyalty and minimise reward-realm-switching

Also analyse how to adopt well and adjust for low population hours and prime times.

… as always with shitGPTa tad more jada jada
When analyzing Warhammer Online and Return of Reckoning, and considering the campaign system in order to craft a fun and engaging experience, it's crucial to understand the core elements that players value. The Warhammer franchise, with its rich lore and passionate fan base, provides a unique setting.

**Revisiting Campaign System Elements:**

1. **Narrative Integration**: Warhammer's lore is one of its strongest assets. Embedding narratives from the lore into the campaign makes the experience immersive. Design quests and RvR objectives around lore events.

2. **Dynamic Campaign Objectives**: Instead of static objectives, introduce changing goals based on the storyline, realm performance, and player decisions. This keeps the campaign fresh and unpredictable.

3. **Territory Control and Progression**: Visual representation of realm dominance and control of territories creates a sense of achievement and rivalry. Show the push and pull on a grand map.

4. **Siege Warfare and Strategy**: One of the most thrilling experiences is laying siege to an enemy's stronghold or defending your own. Implementing a strategic element (like setting traps, building defenses) adds depth.

5. **Public Quests Integration**: This was a unique feature of Warhammer Online, where players collaboratively worked toward objectives. Integrate these into the campaign for both PvE and PvP players.

**Improvements for Campaign Fun Factor:**

1. **Achievable Goals for Underdogs**: The campaign shouldn't feel hopeless for the losing side. Implement comeback mechanics or "underdog quests" which, if completed, provide significant advantages.

2. **Balanced Character Progression**: Power disparities can ruin the fun. Ensure that character progression is smooth, and there's a balance between newbies and veterans in RvR.

3. **Varied Content**: Mix up the type of content players engage with – from massive siege battles to small skirmishes, to espionage missions.

4. **Lore-driven Personal Quests**: Give players personalized quests based on their class or race that ties into the larger campaign, allowing for personal progression alongside realm progression.

5. **Feedback Mechanism and Community Events**: Engage with the player base, get their feedback, and organize events where developers and players interact, enhancing the community spirit.

6. **Unique Rewards**: Beyond just power upgrades, offer cosmetics, titles, and other unique rewards tied to the campaign's progress and personal achievements.

**Population Management**:

1. **Incentives for Low Population Hours**: Bonuses for capturing objectives during off-hours or introducing NPCs that simulate player strategies can help balance gameplay.

2. **Dynamic Server Merges**: Temporarily merge servers during low-pop hours, ensuring a populated battlefield, and revert during prime time.

Incorporating these elements while iterating on the Warhammer campaign will ensure a balance between player engagement, realm progression, and fun. Remember, it's not just about winning or losing, but about the journey, the challenges, the strategies, and the stories that emerge from these epic battles.
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#15 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 3:17 pm

Certainly! Let's refine the analysis based on "more populated" and "less populated" realms:


**For More Populated Realm**:

**Domination with BO Lock Timers**:
- **Xrealming**:
- **Pros**: Reduced xrealming appeal due to locked objectives.
- **Cons**: Might attract players if consistently dominating.

- **Zerging**:
- **Pros**: Zergs are dispersed due to lock timers.
- **Cons**: Zergs might rotate between BOs as timers expire.

**Resource-Based without BO Lockouts**:
- **Xrealming**:
- **Pros**: Continuous action could deter faction-switching.
- **Cons**: Might attract players if one realm is particularly efficient.

- **Zerging**:
- **Pros**: Encourages active zerging with ongoing battles.
- **Cons**: There's a risk of zergs camping at critical BOs.

**VP-Based with BOs Generating Resources**:
- **Xrealming**:
- **Pros**: Loyalty is incentivized due to consistent rewards for holding BOs.
*Cons**: Might attract more players if one realm holds majority BOs.

- **Zerging**:
- **Pros**: Holding objectives spreads out zergs.
- **Cons**: A dominant zerg might push the other realm out of contention.

**For Less Populated Realm**:

**Domination with BO Lock Timers**:
- **Xrealming**:
- **Pros**: Potential to focus on guerrilla tactics around locked objectives.
- **Cons**: Might deter players if they're consistently outpaced.

- **Zerging**:
- **Pros**: Strategy can revolve around locked timer dynamics.
- **Cons**: Facing dominant zergs is challenging without adequate numbers.

**Resource-Based without BO Lockouts**:
- **Xrealming**:
- **Pros**: Opportunities to ambush during box runs.
- **Cons**: Might deter players if they're consistently outmaneuvered.

- **Zerging**:
- **Pros**: Favors guerrilla warfare and hit-and-run tactics.
- **Cons**: Holding BOs against dominant zergs is difficult.

**VP-Based with BOs Generating Resources**:
- **Xrealming**:
- **Pros**: Encourages defending key points for steady rewards.
- **Cons**: Might deter players if they can't hold BOs for long durations.

- **Zerging**:
- **Pros**: Smaller groups can concentrate on defending particular BOs.
- **Cons**: Larger zergs can easily overwhelm and capture several BOs.


This representation should provide a clearer distinction between the tendencies of more populated and less populated realms for each system.
Let's delve into the impact of the systems we've discussed so far on promoting a zerg-free, no-realm-switching environment.

1. **Domination with BO Lock Timers**:
- **Zerging**: The lock timers can naturally disperse zergs since they can't immediately recapture an objective, thereby discouraging mass grouping at one location.
- **Realm-switching**: The locked objectives mean players can't quickly switch realms to capitalize on rapid gains, reducing xrealming incentives.

2. **Resource-Based without BO Lockouts**:
- **Zerging**: The immediate recapture potential does carry a risk of zergs hovering around crucial BOs. However, the need for box-running can introduce dynamics that disrupt traditional zerg tactics.
- **Realm-switching**: The ongoing action and box-running dynamics might keep players more engaged in their current realm, but consistent domination by one realm could lead to switching.

3. **VP-Based with BOs Generating Resources**:
- **Zerging**: Holding BOs for long-term resource generation may encourage realm players to spread out and protect multiple objectives instead of moving as one massive group.
- **Realm-switching**: A steady stream of rewards for holding BOs can incentivize realm loyalty, but as with the resource-based model, if one realm dominates consistently, it could tempt players to switch.


To truly mitigate both zerging and realm-switching, the model should:

1. **Divide Player Attention**: By having multiple objectives of equal importance spread across the map, players are encouraged to split into smaller groups.
2. **Promote Long-Term Gains over Short-Term Wins**: Ensure that rapid, short-term victories are less rewarding than strategic, long-term objectives.
3. **Reward Loyalty**: Introduce bonuses or rewards for players who stick with one realm over extended periods.

Considering the above:

- The **Domination with BO Lock Timers** system seems the most promising for discouraging zerging due to its inherent design of locking objectives. However, for realm loyalty, while it does add some barriers to rapid realm-switching, it might not be enough on its own.

- The **VP-Based with BOs Generating Resources** system could be the best bet for discouraging both zerging and realm-switching. Holding BOs for resource generation naturally encourages players to defend multiple points. If combined with loyalty bonuses for those who stay within their realm, it could reduce the temptation of realm-switching.

In conclusion, while no system is foolproof, a hybrid model focusing on the strengths of the VP-Based system, combined with loyalty rewards and possibly elements from the Domination model (like BO lock timers), might come closest to achieving a zerg-free, no-realm-switching environment. Developers should continuously gather feedback and be willing to adjust the system based on real-world player behaviors.
Last edited by Bozzax on Thu Sep 21, 2023 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#16 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 4:01 pm

Last edited by Bozzax on Thu Sep 21, 2023 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#17 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:00 pm

BluIzLucky wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:10 am
Secrets wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:53 am All of these have been attempted. AI can't do miracles.
Out of curiosity, what is/was the Faction Loyalty Rewards (5)?
AAO could fit under there.

It could be interesting to allow a stacking bonus to RR/XP/INF if you play one faction and have it reset on swapping factions. And let that trigger on hardware as 2factor does right now.

Sure, people could bypass it. But, it's a decent passive reward

Posts: 8

Re: So I asked ChatGPT about XRealming...

Post#18 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 9:24 pm

can chatgpt make a warhammer online server? sounds more fun than the xrealm fest we have now.

maybe we can get a poll going and see what everyone reads the word "massive" or "significant" as
it seems that got construed somewhere

spoiler this is how they want it so they can farm you ... r-in-1-3-6


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