For over 14 plus months I have been working on these guides an I am still adding to them. So far I have completed the guides for the Four major cities an have begun working on guides for each of the races for both factions. What I am wanting to do is get the guides translated into various lang so that all in the community can use them an google translate just does not do a very good job so I will post them here an if anyone is willing to translate them by all means feel free please note the 4 cities guides are already up on the wiki on the ror page each one is attached to the section covering its city. Now the zone quest guides such as the dark elf, orc, chaos, human, high elf an dawi those I have not yet posted to the wiki as I am still working on them only the dark elf is currently done an the orc one is near to being done as I get them finished I will get them up an posted for people to use. ... sp=sharing Karaz-a-karak ... sp=sharing Karak-eight-peaks ... sp=sharing Altdorf Imperial Capital ... sp=sharing Inevitable City ... sp=sharing Dark Elf Lands Quest Guide ... sp=sharing Orc an gobo Quest Guide ... sp=sharing Chaos Quest Guide I am still working on the last 2 chapters but its mostly done. ... sp=sharing Empire quest guide Still need to knock out some minor details but mostly done ... sp=sharing High Elf Quest Guide Still have some quests to check out an then color code things but its done for the most part.
Quest Guides of the cities/Zones
Quest Guides of the cities/Zones
Last edited by Tothmonra on Mon Oct 28, 2024 5:38 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Re: Quest Guides of the cities/Zones
I just updated the overall list of what guides are done I am still color coding the orc quest guide so you may see changings in real time.
Re: Quest Guides of the cities/Zones
Bumping this a bit so people know its there for those who need it.
Re: Quest Guides of the cities/Zones
At the moment I am just over half way done with the last of the destro races so I should have it fully done just before christmas. Now onto the other half of it many have asked when will I have the order faction guides done well I will start working on them once I am done with the destro ones I do intend to take a small break since I first started this project its been a little over 2 years in the works gang so bare with me an I still have along road ahead of me with adding stuff. Once I get these guides done I intend to try an keep them updated so when new quests come along if that happens that is then the lists can be updated easy enough.
I am also planning to add in the influence rewards for each chapter as well though I do still have some grinding out to do for some of them so that will take a bit. Plus possible work of adding in guides for the lair bosses that are scattered around the world along with there drop tables maybe even some actual videos to go with each but that is a down the road project. Bottom line this is a massive undertaking to overhaul an update things all of which will end up on the wiki at some point so please bare with me on this as I am only one person while I do get help from various people from time to time I am the only one working on it full time.
Anyhow just a small update as to what I am doing an what my long term plans are.
I am also planning to add in the influence rewards for each chapter as well though I do still have some grinding out to do for some of them so that will take a bit. Plus possible work of adding in guides for the lair bosses that are scattered around the world along with there drop tables maybe even some actual videos to go with each but that is a down the road project. Bottom line this is a massive undertaking to overhaul an update things all of which will end up on the wiki at some point so please bare with me on this as I am only one person while I do get help from various people from time to time I am the only one working on it full time.
Anyhow just a small update as to what I am doing an what my long term plans are.
Re: Quest Guides of the cities/Zones
@Tothmonra, thats some usefull help for PvE enthusiasts. thank you for sharing that Data.
Re: Quest Guides of the cities/Zones
It's not just for the quest guides contained in each one you will see which quests have cosmetic items so instead of blindly hunting around you can now window shop an decide if you want to go do it to get it. I know alot do fashionhammer an are always hunting for cosmetic stuff.
Re: Quest Guides of the cities/Zones
I am still actively working on these guides again I am nearing the end of the chaos guide im working on chp 17 now so I should have destruction fully done before long. Order I will get started on as the new year rolls in again this is a massive under taking on my part. I will also be making updates to the guides as quests get changed or added based on feedback I get from players already made changes to the IC guide.
Re: Quest Guides of the cities/Zones
I just posted the last of the destro guides the chaos one though I am still working on the rest of ch 21 an 22 but aside from that destro is fully mapped out. I will be adding more to it an trying to keep it updated as time goes by as well I will now be focusing my efforts into getting the order side one done now. But hopefully with this done this will help both new an older players.
Re: Quest Guides of the cities/Zones
Making solid head way on the empire quest guide hoping to be done with it in the next 2 weeks give or take with a bit of luck an effort. Anyhow I will keep you guys posted.
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