[SH] or [Choppa]
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[SH] or [Choppa]
Hi! Returning player here and never played on destro. Which class should i consider more as not so experienced player? Choppa or Squiq Herder? I lean more towards SH but i read some opinions that SH is hard to play.
Re: [SH] or [Choppa]
Well SH is an old story now. They decreased its range with some damage boost in return previously and guess what in the last so called "balance" patch they took the damage boost back and didn't increase the range back to what it was. Most of the people who mained SH are no longer around that's why no one actually talks about it anymore or replies to topics concerning SHs ... so R.I.P. to the one of the most unique toons WAR actually offered to game world.
Re: [SH] or [Choppa]
You are not gonna have fun playing choppa (if you play alone). If you have friends to play with, go for it.
With ranged classes like rsh you are going to have a great time even playing alone.
Rsh is also exremely good in groups , but takes a lot of time to master.
The ranged is completely fine now, they gave sh back his ranged tactic.
Damage is also insanely high.
With ranged classes like rsh you are going to have a great time even playing alone.
Rsh is also exremely good in groups , but takes a lot of time to master.
The ranged is completely fine now, they gave sh back his ranged tactic.
Damage is also insanely high.
Re: [SH] or [Choppa]
As order SH seems to do more dmg than just about anything else.
Also has a melee spec thats like the best roam melee spec in game and an op pet.
Also has a melee spec thats like the best roam melee spec in game and an op pet.
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