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Covenant of Celerity - how does it work?

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: Covenant of Celerity - how does it work?

Post#31 » Sat Jan 13, 2024 12:37 pm

leftayparxoun wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 12:01 pm I believe you are misunderstanding the nature of the last update;
The main focus was on equalizing snares, not balancing everything in the game.
Yes, the main focus was on equalizing snares, make the fights more mobile. Not touching CoC in this case makes no sense. Nerfing the dwarven tactic neither makes sense because it does the opposite.

Then they snuck in the nerfs to ranged kds for BWs and SWs, as well as another nerf to skirmish SWs. That was not the focus of the patch and they didn't touch disrupting things on destro side.

For example:
Destro charging in with a wb, mara doing aoe kd, everybody starting aoe, CoC snaring you in an instant, choppa pulls destroying your positioning. That playstyle is very disruptive for order. CoC plays an important role in that playstyle. Saying that it is not disruptive enough to need changes is very close minded thinking. As an order player you know how painful that snare is. Not only in that playstyle but also in cleaning up the rest that is trying to flee. There is no immunity on snares.

So, when they work on snares and don't touch CoC then something is very wrong with their approach. They seem to be mostly destro players, otherwise they would know how powerful it is.
leftayparxoun wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 12:01 pm For SW, I believe we all saw the reaction from Destro side to their dominance in the lakes. Not sure if that reaction was warranted, or if the class was too good, but the reasoning behind the change seems to be that overperformance.
They are not using the same meassure and approach for both sides. When order had to fight that choppa/mara pull madness and order was complaining that rdps is too weak then they told order to roll more tanks, use guard and stuff like that. They didn't say ok then we nerf it down immediatly.

Now with SWs ranged KD. Maybe it was OP, but they didn't tell destro to counter it with more rdps. It's their fault when they all play melees.

Beside that the SW ranged KD did not receive a slight nerf how they usually handle nerfs on destro side. Remember SHs? People were complaining that they have too many tools and they shouldn't have the ranged KD because they didn't have that in live. What did they do? Only reduce the duration from 3s to 2s.

What did they do with the SW kd? From 100ft, 3s duration, 10s cooldown without prerequirements to 65ft, 2s duration, stance requirement, VoN requirement, 30s cooldown. They nerfed EVERYTHING about that ability. That's not a single nerf, that's a multi nerf. Why? And that's not enough. They also nerfed split arrow again which barely being used and not disruptive at all. What's the argument for that nerf?

Understand what Im saying? Im saying that they are wrecking order classes for no real reason. That is something they don't do with destro classes. And when nerf something down you should do something to compensate. Either by taking away an annoying thing of the other side as well or giving them something like survivability in return. Did they do it? No. Destro was whining, the balance team totally overreacted and gutted the class without compensation. In this case you wonder who is doing the balancing. Not hard to guess. I actually know who he is, what he plays and how he is thinking. That's not gonna work out well. One pre-taste we got with the last patch and well the nerfs were very one-sided.

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Re: Covenant of Celerity - how does it work?

Post#32 » Sat Jan 13, 2024 2:53 pm

I created this post simply to understand how it worked. I now have a better understanding, Sorry if it has created drama. It’s not that big a deal it’s only a computer game. Moderators can feel free to remove it :-)

Posts: 422

Re: Covenant of Celerity - how does it work?

Post#33 » Sat Jan 13, 2024 3:57 pm

Paxsanarion wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 2:53 pm I created this post simply to understand how it worked. I now have a better understanding, Sorry if it has created drama. It’s not that big a deal it’s only a computer game. Moderators can feel free to remove it :-)
So you switched to destro, as you were saying. :lol:

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Re: Covenant of Celerity - how does it work?

Post#34 » Sat Jan 13, 2024 7:25 pm

lumpi33 wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 3:57 pm
Paxsanarion wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 2:53 pm I created this post simply to understand how it worked. I now have a better understanding, Sorry if it has created drama. It’s not that big a deal it’s only a computer game. Moderators can feel free to remove it :-)
So you switched to destro, as you were saying. :lol:
lol ……you know I feel like I should at times just to make things a little easier and more enjoyable. But…the aesthetic and lore for destruction along with the general look of the realm just don’t do it for me:-) I will probably keep playing Order and do the best I can. I have every Order character to RR60’s or higher except WL and slayer (don’t care for them). I love Warhammer (dwarfs and elves) and this is by far the best PvP game I have ever played and I have played many many games starting with Ultima Online in 1998 :-)

I am an older player and my twitchy reflex days are behind me…..I am just trying to find ways to know the game better, how to build characters better and be more efficient in my gameplay to compensate for lack of reflexive skill so I can at least be knowledgeable about what is going on the in game and navigate it all to just have fun being alive inside Warhammer :-)

I rarely post other than to thank someone for sharing information

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Re: Covenant of Celerity - how does it work?

Post#35 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:01 am

lumpi33 wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 10:54 am Ridiculous downplay man. Fact is that every hit has a chance of 20% (35%) chance to snare the target. Even with only one melee hitting you with abilities and auto attacks you get the proc almost instant and it is refreshing itself. When there are multiple targets hitting you with that aura on then the snare is pretty much guaranteed, at any range. Fighting against a destro group with that aura running means you are perma snared during the fight when aoe is flying around. Even if they don't even target you.

It's very good and it is combined with the best dok aura -> the damage proc aura. If that were on an order class they would put it on a aura that is barely used, reduce the chance to 10%, the snare duration to 3s and put a stance requirement on it... Or put it on a tactic or just remove it without compensation. That's how balancing is being done atm.

See SWs ranged knock down that has been change from 100ft range 10s cooldown and 3s duration to 65ft duration, 15s cooldown, 2s duration, plus stance requirement, plus VoN requirement that has a 30s cooldown. All that while not touching the maras KD which is aoe, also 2s and is just a simple button press without stance requirement. Or the Dok aura that you just turn on like WPs but have the snare in addition for free. Or the dwarven tactic that has been changed from 50% reduced CC duration to -1s. Ridiculous. Who the f*** is doing the balancing? That's not fair in any way. And then destro player write posts here trying to argue and downplay it. lol...

If they would treat destro in the same harsh way as they do with order then they would reduce the mara aoe kd to 1s and put more stance and/or mutated aggressor requirement on it. And for the Dok aura, reduce it to 10% chance, 3s and put it on an aura that is not the main damage proc aura they run. Then it would be fair, but how they did it it was just a nerf swing against order while leaving all the goodies on the destro side untouched.
Man you are going for quite strong overexaggeration and you are overplaying about rest of the classes out there, when there are multiple targets hitting you i can assure you that one of those targets used one of its slows, and in fact there is chance that you have multiple slows on you, just to make it harder for you to escape when you have healers that cleanse stuff yet it does not stop you from prenteding as if it was the CoC that is the only slow in the game and it is used by everyone(when if you often look at the warbands you can see they have maybe one dok). DoK convenant role then is more as an extra damage output rather than main slow. Moments where the covenant slow really matter is when you are playing solo or in a small group and even then there are better slowing tools like shaman/am puddles (where AM puddle has the biggest init shred and by itself is quite powerful slow, by going on your logic it should be nerfed to ground or gatekeeped between two tactics and a stance and i can go over and over about order abilities that are just there, need nothing and are op. Look at m4 of kotbs removing ALL OF THE MORALE is that fair? destro counterpart is just removing 1800 morale points. just playing your little game of pretending of being victim)

And i wont comment on your play of being victim because its just too funny, you should have played any destro class before ability rework and you would see that the stuff that SW was able to do while in his own comfort zone was too big and others have already proved that in fact (if you didnt know) this class is still playable and is still able to kill people (I know it's shocking)

Move the damage to the vitality proc, and the 3 button class will become even simpler and it will have even less of a toolkit than it already has. Great minds at work i see. why runies and archmages have more healing abilities than dok/wp? we should nerf all of them soo they too become a mindless casters of 3 aoe skills while the only thing they provide is okayish aoe heal and a damage proc with slow that does not matter most of the time (oh wait its downplay, the proc is very op it slows your whole realm and removes 1 star from the order keep im bad the game is destro biased totally not like 15h out of 24h are order smashing destro and around 4h are fair fights (the missing ones are destro smashing order ;3 ).
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Re: Covenant of Celerity - how does it work?

Post#36 » Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:20 pm

Shima wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 11:41 am Besides I play dok, I recognize this aura is very OP if we talk about a nerf on pounce for example - that was no reasonable explanation for this - and leaving an aura with 35% (if using tactic) of proc that will give the part a passive snare ability. Imo, Warrior Priest should have this aura too, or this aura should be nerfed to become similar to WP's aura.
I absolutely agree with the need for balance in a game like this. The current aura's potency, especially in comparison to other classes like Warrior Priest, seems unbalanced.नरेगा ग्राम पंचायत list

Posts: 66

Re: Covenant of Celerity - how does it work?

Post#37 » Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:45 pm

"As I said before, the main focus of the update was equalization of slows, not balance."

Conflate much? There is no equalization of slows when one faction can keep it up 100% of the time and the other can not.

Listen to the man carefully. What he is really saying is that after we nerfed all the Order tanks to no longer to be able to even have a close semblance of balance. All AE snares reduced to 5s. Slice Through tactic on Knights worthless now.

Then we will increase the duration of the BO run speed so he can escort a mdps to back line to healers with impunity. All the while knowing that it will be impossible for Order tanks to peel back to get in guard range to float.

WOW, just WOW. I feel so much better now knowing you are so interested in balance and equalization.

Posts: 66

Re: Covenant of Celerity - how does it work?

Post#38 » Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:06 pm

I really have to provide and addendum here.

You should never introduce contradictory information when trying to make it a point, its embarrassing. The reader goes away with is this guy trying to pull "a fast one on me".

I will give you the benefit of doubt of ignorance. That said. Exactly why did you change snares when you did not understand the full implications to balance or "equalization"?

You do realize that Slice Through tactic was the best counter to COC? Perhaps that is an enigma? Even so, Slice through was not a hard counter to COC because it only affected 3 targets.

I have no idea where you are going with these changes, but I am woefully disappointed.

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Re: Covenant of Celerity - how does it work?

Post#39 » Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:06 am

Paxsanarion wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2024 2:52 pm Do I understand the Dok aura Covenant of Celerity correctly…..

All group mates within 100 feet of you gain a 20% chance to Cripple anyone that they damage, dealing 187 Spirit damage and reducing the victim's run speed by 20% for 9 seconds.

Does this mean that if I am playing a Sorc, SH shaman and I am in a Doks party and they are running this and I am standing 95 feet away from the dok and I cast a ranged AOE that damages anyone 100 away from me that theoretically I could snare any enemy 195 ft away from the dok ( if we were all lined up in the same direction)? So if this were coordinated with multiple AOE classes within the dok aura both short range choppa or long range Sorc you would have a 20% chance on any damage to the enemy at any range to snare them for 9 seconds?
Seems like you could slow a lot of the enemy at once if this were coordinated with mass AOE both long and short range.
I get your concern about abusing the skill (although some could say that that's just another legit use of the skill) but I think your concern is unwarranted. By my experience playing in organized wb I can tell you that if you really want you want to mass snare a wh you either use shaman/AM puddle or BG/IB snare. CoC is one of those skill that looks good on paper (like you pointed out 35% chance of snare at up to 200ft) but that in practice is underwhelming. A strategy based on something as unreliable as combination of chance, wb coordination and player personal skill is doomed to fail

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Re: Covenant of Celerity - how does it work?

Post#40 » Tue Jan 30, 2024 9:22 am

this thread... improved flee + AP pots. tank mains have been doing this for years. if you are fighting wb vs wb you are snared lol

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