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This is just wrong

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Posts: 287

This is just wrong

Post#1 » Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:46 pm

Devs last months situations with sc breached all lvls of tolerance. I qued 2 times and isntead of having fun ingame im writhing this post.
FOR YEARS you keep ignore SC problem. People that have brain sick frustrated and tired of what became of them.
We asked you to atleast stop making pop without healers. Ignored.
We asked to make place where people can do events without mass execcutions by premades. Ignored.
We asked to make some mmr system so normal players have fun agains each other without inters. Ignored
We asked for ranked iprovements. Ignored.

For your consideration. Discordant skirmish completely dead atm. Its pop like 1 time per 30min with 3-4man que. Comunity completely degradated. Pugs completely switch off brains and constantly que into full sov prems ignoring discordant. As chain reaction other players dont have any choise to go and feed prems. whole situation with prems just awful.Most time if they face normal oponent and lose 1 prems ususaly insta quit and whole show turns into pug grinding fabric. Whole procces of this bullshit is complete waste of time, it brings zero joy. This is just pure stupidity now. Normal people are hostages to prems and inting nobrain pugs. Im sick and tired of this ****. And its comes from player who spend 4+years here. Im just starting to lose all hope and sanity.

And instead of fixing issue that we have for years you keep fixing PVE of keeps. Wtf is wrong with your priorities? Order zerg EMPTY KEEPS cos destro dont see any prfit do def them. But you dont see any problem in that yes? It feels like you focused on kiling this game and make averybody who have some braincells left leave. I just dont understant why? Tnx to sc problem you lost ton of new players. I almost left from game when im started tnx to how obnoxious sc was. Only good thing was discordant. But what we have now just wrong. Prems that activelly seek to farm nobrain inters and avoid fair figth, and people in green gear who dont even have spot to improve cos they cant leave resp. Adding that idlle hands was just spit into our faces. It showed that you dont even see the root of problem. This all need to end. Community cannot regualate quality of game and from what they show they dont care. This is your job that you keep ignoring. PLS REWORK FORT SC FORT CITY QUE ASAP. Make places where each category of players can play in somthing that not end into oneshoting pugs without heals.
Noximilien - AM, Severi - SM, Ravandin - SW, Celebor - WL, Ernwald - WH, Demandred - BG.


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