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Pet Suggestion

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Posts: 16

Pet Suggestion

Post#1 » Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:40 am

Overall, I believe RSH is in a decent place with abilities, damage, etc. The one issue I have the pet disappearing constantly.
For those unfamiliar with the RSH, quite a bit depends on the pet. An RSH needs the pet to be up for more than just the damage it adds.
An RSH depends on the pet for their disarm, knockdown, wounds buff, and the miniscule heal the gas pet can provide. In addition, several tactics, and one attack become useless if the pet is not up.

The major issue is that the pet is seriously bugged, and disappears constantly, so we are constantly static, resummoning the squig. I am not talking about pets dying in combat, but only the bugs that make the pets disappear.
- Use a BO portal, pet goes poof
- Use a tunnel, pet goes poof
- Run down a hill and take falling damage, pet runs off and tries to attack the hill, sometimes comes back, sometimes goes poof
- Run across an invisible line in the RVR lake, pet disappears
- With ranged pets, they tend to stay static while kiting and get out of range, then they disappear.
- Sometimes the pet just disappears for no apparent reason (or at least no reason I can determine)

I am not a programmer, but I understand that these pet bugs are difficult to fix, so I am not asking for an immediate fix.

Instead, since so much depends on the pet, I would like to suggest a couple interim solutions:
- Make pets summonable on the move. Having to stop to resummon a squig while kiting or running away is a death sentence.
- Make pets insta-summon. Strangely, RSHs spend a lot of time static, resummoning squigs that bugged out.
- Remove CDs from the squigs. The RSH should not be penalized just because their preferred squig in the current fight decided to take a break and ran off. Yes, there is a tactic that does this, "I Got Lots", but why make RSHs use a tactic slot to fix a game bug?

I am not advocating for all of these at once, but at least one of them would help mitigate a severe game bug (from the RSH perspective), at least until the devs can address the underlying bugs.

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Re: Pet Suggestion

Post#2 » Fri May 03, 2024 10:04 am

In terms of pathfinding, I do agree that pet classes need a rework. However, in terms of giving squigs even better abilities related to it, I couldn't disagree more. The SH is currently the most broken RDPS in the game, and from my point of view, it actually requires a significant nerf instead of receiving even better abilities. There is no other class with the same level of escapes and mobility, especially due to greenskin passives, coupled with consistently high damage output. It's important to assess the current state of SW and Engineer, as they are faring much worse in comparison.

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Re: Pet Suggestion

Post#3 » Fri May 03, 2024 12:15 pm

white lion pet is also in same scite where is squig pets. byt buffing pet for wl would be huge mistake. white lion already hit like truck.(its needs nerf).
"give wh and witch propper aoe like evrywone has it!"

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Posts: 78

Re: Pet Suggestion

Post#4 » Fri May 03, 2024 12:21 pm

As long as they get all the bugs out of the pets like path finding, disappearing, attacking something without a target and even with target if it´s on passive etc and fix the speed training tactic for WL everything should be fine.
Mortgrimm - IB - guild leader of Thurisaz
Sayalena - WL - Thurisaz
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Posts: 16

Re: Pet Suggestion

Post#5 » Sat May 04, 2024 4:01 am

Aluviya wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 10:04 am In terms of pathfinding, I do agree that pet classes need a rework. However, in terms of giving squigs even better abilities related to it, I couldn't disagree more. The SH is currently the most broken RDPS in the game, and from my point of view, it actually requires a significant nerf instead of receiving even better abilities. There is no other class with the same level of escapes and mobility, especially due to greenskin passives, coupled with consistently high damage output. It's important to assess the current state of SW and Engineer, as they are faring much worse in comparison.
I didn't ask for a new permanent ability, my suggestions were simply ways temporarily fix an acknowledged bug until it can be fixed.
As for the rest of your post, I would respectfully disagree. WH/WE are the best pure escape artists in the game, Stun-Jump away - short stealth with speed boost followed by full stealth. Add to that they have a snare/root immunity, and WE at least (I don't play a wh, so don't know) has a decent self-heal if they spec it. RSH has a ranged snare true, but the CD is longer than the effect. We have a VERY short range jump back with short snare that most of the time is worthless because when you use it you are already snared. It does work great for escaping off terrain though. We can slot a greenskin tactic for Run Away!, but I personally don't, as I prefer other tactics. I do run the Run Away! speccable ability though. It breaks on ability use, but can help escapes.

On the other hand, Tanks shut down RSH kiting pretty easily with a ranged root, perma-snare, and just the fact that as a physical damage class, RSH abilities barely touch them. WL super-mobility + pull also make them really hard to kite. But I will not call for nerfs to any of those classes simply because they can kill me, that would be pretty petty. Instead, I simply want the broken and highly important part of my class to be fixed. Or barring that, an interim fix such as I suggested to be implemented.

As for 'high damage output', of course RSH has good damage, as there is simply no other way to spec for R-SH than glass cannon. You don't see tanky R-sh's. Although I am sure some MSHs run high wounds or Armor with their gear or talis, that simply won't work with RSHs - you would not kill anyone. So yes, we spec for high damage, which means low armor and HP.

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