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[Marauder] valuable build for random

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Posts: 5

[Marauder] valuable build for random

Post#1 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:35 pm

Hi guys. I know that there were many threads about Marauder's builds but I can't see any new after lats patch.
What would you recommend for 35 lvl?
I used to /on live/ and I'm still using mostly sava as I still find it most valuable, but I'm a bit confused about tactics, and gear setup

Atm I'm considering this build: ... 200:5203:0:
but I'm wondering if it's worth to exchange draining swipe for guilotine... /+loosing some armor reduction/

As u can see in armory I'm not the best equiped player ... ame=Karvos , but I'm trying to be valuable while playin solo or within a party.

Or maybe even I should skip Deadly Clutch and take Growing Instablility? ... 200:5203:0:

pls advise

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Re: [Marauder] valuable build for random

Post#2 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:45 pm

Draining swipes i feel is not worth it atm over giouttine unless you are running with a bg who is running choking fury

Deadly clutch vs growing instability is a personal choice at this point

you have access to garruntted crits with giouttine and increased crit chance with feeding on fear

so you will be critting more often now

If you are in a place where you can garruntee that you will have acess so some sort of 50% heal debuff then go the growing instability build

if your going solo and are only looking for 1v1 fights then once again instablity and try and play around the 25% debuff

sometimes ive had luck and could burst a healer down, other times i could not

its a matter of choice as to weather you want more burst or more utility + survive

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