maruder solo

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Posts: 12

maruder solo

Post#1 » Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:54 am

A title say,is maruder good for solo,i want to try one,i have all clases but didnt try maruder,just wonder is he good for solo roam thanks... ;)

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Posts: 230

Re: maruder solo

Post#2 » Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:44 am

if you encounter melee enemies it can be a lot of fun, ranged snare/ranged KD can end fights before they've begun if root break is unavailable....



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Re: maruder solo

Post#3 » Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:56 am

Yep, currently ranged enemies can be a real pain. As for melee enemies, if a decent WH opens on you from stealth you aren't likely to have much fun either, and a good WL will unleash his burst rotation on you and if need be he'll set your pet on you and perma snare you to return and finish the job when his his cooldown timer is up again. If you are built offensively the WL will outburst you as marauder is more of a backloaded burst class. If you take a defensive path with lots of armor and toughness maybe the AoE knockdown in the monstro tree could help you. I haven't played defensive-oriented marauder, but I believe the ignore enemy armor penetration of monstro stance can be good, while the self heal is clearly insuffcient to deal with any real dps.

To sum up, marauder will probably be better in t4 with the pull and the ignore 50% armor tactic, but right now marauder isn't really shining solo. It used to be one of the best 1v1 classes in the game, but that was also because some tactics were bugged, making mara really OP. That won't happen in RoR. Actually, marauder can shine if he has a good group, and it is inside a group where his amazing armor/wounds etc debuffs will s

Marauders used to be very popular on live. I don't see many marauders in RoR. Most people usually pick the easiest and most powerful classes to play, and mara is not at the top right now.

Obviously, you will see amazing marauders doing amazing things in this game, because there are skilled people behind the keyboard playing them, but I think the class has still to reach its potential.

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Re: maruder solo

Post#4 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:09 am ... :;0:0:0:0:;400 ... 0000000000 Theoretical spec for 1vs1 fights with melee based enemies, stack armour in the tally slots to get the mitigation nice and high this will allow you to get the most of of the monstro proc with this build and devastator you should also be able to get over 800 strength not amazing as stats go but perfectly adequate for what your doing.

The damage should be fine from the spec with its high crit rate thanks to ini debuff and not 100% garbage strength level you just need to learn to time your interrupts and knock downs to beat some enemies and also you will need good pots monstro proc and good hot pot is allot of healing.

Ofc in the end it all comes down to skill and knowing the limits of your class and its spec GL and happy hunting.
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Re: maruder solo

Post#5 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 1:06 am

mara is one of the best 1v1 classes in the game

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