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[Engineer] The Workshop (builds, guides, and discussion)

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Re: [Engineer] The Workshop (builds, guides, and discussion)

Post#491 » Wed May 03, 2017 2:21 pm

Perfect, sounds good to me.

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Re: [Engineer] The Workshop (builds, guides, and discussion)

Post#492 » Tue May 09, 2017 7:49 pm

Since I am new here...just DL yesterday...i have a couple of questions:

1: Are the abilities, in general, the same as of sunset (terrible day, but damn glad to see this project)

2: I am in NA, so is there a decent population on my side of the pond?

3: Planning on Engy for my first toon, planning rifleman, is this still viable (I have read some of this thread, and the opinion seems to differ, but it was my favorite toon back on the old game)

4: Who do I have to thank for this awesome project?...I have missed WAR for years and stumbled across a reference to this resurrection just yesterday...was sweating the download time, and stayed WAY too late into the wee hours getting to know Nordland again...seriously, thanks for the opportunity to play again...
Resident whipping Engi of Train Wreck
"Pulling...Now, Now, Now..."

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Re: [Engineer] The Workshop (builds, guides, and discussion)

Post#493 » Tue May 09, 2017 7:54 pm

1: no many thing has change from live especially for engineer . You can check it on server rules section .

Here 's the main changes :

Improvised Upgrades stacks 8 times instead of 5, increases damage output by 5% per stack instead of 4% (common for all turret)
If a turret is destroyed or recreated (but not resummoned), 4 stacks of Improvised Upgrades will be lost.
Snipe is a 13 point mastery skill with a cooldown of 10 seconds

Then turret gives different buff:

Gun Turret (Sniper)

- Improves your range, PENDING: [and that of your turret,] by 5% per stack to a maximum of 25%.

Bombardment Turret (Mobility / DoT)

- When you are within 26-50 feet of your turret, you will neither lose nor gain Improvised Upgrades stacks.
- Improves your turret's range by 5% per stack to a maximum of 40%.
- Provided you have at least one Improvised Upgrade stack, allows you to use Path of the Grenadier skills while moving.
- Shortens the duration and tick interval of Path of the Grenadier and Tinkerer DoTs by approximately 5% per stack for a maximum reduction of 35%.

Flame Turret (Defensive Close Combat AoE)

- Improves your chance to Dodge and Disrupt by 4% per stack to a maximum of 32%.
- Improves your turret's chance to Dodge and Disrupt by 10% per stack to a maximum of 80%.
- Providing you have at least one Improvised Upgrade stack, allows you to use Path of the Grenadier skills while moving.
- Increases the radius of any of your AoE skills by 6.25% per stack to a maximum of 50%.
- Increases your AoE cap by 2 per stack.
- Reduces your cast range by 5% per stack to a minimum of 60% of its normal value.

2: NA suffer the lowest population but it seems playable (can't really tell I play EU time)

3: rifleman is the strongest ST path of engineer , you can kill a squishie in one rotation .

4: thanks dev they do a really great job .
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: [Engineer] The Workshop (builds, guides, and discussion)

Post#494 » Fri Jun 23, 2017 2:46 pm

Been a while since this thread was updated, so I am putting together a few new builds for people to look at.

I have been trying to make a ST engi that is less focused on snipe, and while no build has really proved that successful, they do offer some small diversity that people might enjoy. If I have time tomorrow night I will post a few hybrid builds up and see what people think.

But it would be nice to get some thoughts and ideas on how people feel about snipe. I have found that it has really become a core to any DPS engi, as much as magnet is to utility, snipe is pretty much mandatory for a multitude of reasons and it is very difficult, and costly to try and play around it. The guaranteed damage, high potential for bursts, and it's status as our only undependable skill make it the heart of every ST rotation.

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Re: [Engineer] The Workshop (builds, guides, and discussion)

Post#495 » Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:18 pm

Here is a funky build that I have been trying.

Once you decide to forgo snipe you run into 2 issues. The first is dodge. Dodge is a huge problem since a lot of higher RR players have max dodge / disrupt. A lot of people are running 25-30% with an additional 15-30% from HTL if they got good tanks. This really makes pierce defense vital in the tactic setup.

This is a rifle / grenade build with a bit more corp than usual. - Engineer

I am trying out handcrafted scope to get a bit more AA in, but usually I run an clever recovery, coordinated fire, or expert skirmisher instead.

The main rotation is signal flare / incend from max range followed by acid bomb. Then you go phos + hipshot + focused fire. When they get closer you can swap in flashbang and firebomb. Straffing run can be used for both utility and dps, and stickybombs is for when you need to move.

The idea is to get a few dots up then aim for a crit phos + hipshot + focused fire for a bit of tigher dps. With good damage bonus a 900-1000k phos is possible, adding in a 800 AA, and 800 hipshot could really get you in the 2.6k range with a bit more from dots. With a the AA tactic you might get 2 fast AA with a fast gun + conq shoulders. So you can do a little spike on squishies.

The benefit of this spec is it does a lot of corp damage so armor is not as much of an issue, and most of the setup can be done on the move. It works well with bombardment turret, if you can someone else armor debuffing.

Posts: 493

Re: [Engineer] The Workshop (builds, guides, and discussion)

Post#496 » Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:50 am

Need advice for farming aoe build, got engi to 40/23 with butchering (ruin gear plus WI jewelry and skaven ring) so going to start massive animals annihilation.

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Re: [Engineer] The Workshop (builds, guides, and discussion)

Post#497 » Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:02 am

I recommend to get in the Grenadier tree improved throwing range and extra powder.

That gives your acid bombs with a gun turret descend range and area effect. Less running around and more mobs with less clicks running to you.

Posts: 493

Re: [Engineer] The Workshop (builds, guides, and discussion)

Post#498 » Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:57 am

Okay got it. Few more questions:
1) Worth getting further into Grenadier for Napalm or better take rod, trench and extra ammo tactics (with rest points into tinkerer tree)?
2) What to do with ap regeneration with no extra ammo? Get ap regeneration jewelry and put some armor talis?
3) Due to low RR what would be best investment (beside get to RR 40)?

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Re: [Engineer] The Workshop (builds, guides, and discussion)

Post#499 » Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:10 am

Extra ammo is a must for Tinkerer or Grenadier. You are burning AP quite fast.

And for killing lots of mobs full Grenadier or Tinkerer is good. Just get a keg.

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Re: [Engineer] The Workshop (builds, guides, and discussion)

Post#500 » Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:35 am

Napalm is just not that great for farming. Been running it a lot and it is just not worth it. Better to go deep tinker and just use LR and blunderbuss. That's the better option.

The first 10s of napalm are trash, the second 10 are junk, and the final 10 are okay. Where all of LR is great.

Only place napalm comes in hand is delaying on flags, and when you need to toss some AoE around a corner or down a ramp.

Tink / grenade will work well and if you use bombardment turret your aoe dots tick faster so mobs die faster.

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