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Improving framerate in Warhammer Online

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Re: Improving framerate in Warhammer Online

Post#31 » Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:55 am

blaqwar wrote:Thanks for taking the time to write and compile a one in all guide.

I'll add a few things:

- If you are using MGRemix and notice stuttering every 5 sec (like a few dropped frames on a regular interval) a /rel will fix it. I haven't found any way to get rid of the stuttering completely short of disabling the addon. Someone more addon savvy can dig through the code and figure out what's causing the issue.
- I don't see why you'd even want to toggle from windowed to fullscreen mode when running the game in windowed? Or am I missing something? Cause if you're not switching between the two then the drawback of corrupted textures and messed up UI isn't there. On my client the UI corrects itself even when switching with a key combination and /rel doesn't crash the game, is that dependant on the addon list?
- Thanks for the NvStreamSvc tip, I am using an older version of GFExperience that doesn't require a login and disallowing it to update. I'll test out disabling the service and see if it works for me. For anyone interested in using an older GFE for Shadowplay only you can read about it here.
- Minor point but SSDs do benefit from defragmenting. If you look up the defragmenting program in Win10 (Defrag) you will likely see that it has been optimizing your SSD (defragmenting). It works differently than defragmenting a HDD but it's still a similar concept. Just let Win10 handle it, unlike your privacy. :roll:
- As mentioned in a different thread, avoid running Razer Synapse. In general it's best to gauge the amount of resources the background processes/services are consuming by monitoring the usage and weighing it against the benefits of having it running.
- Indexing service is a good thing to disable on SSDs in general, it's a very marginal increase in search/lookup speed and wears down your SSD.

I'll definitely try the stuff I haven't used yet and report back. :)
I would really like to turn off razer synapse, but I am using side buttons on the mouse 1-6 and havent found any replacement for this razer program :(
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Re: Improving framerate in Warhammer Online

Post#32 » Tue Oct 03, 2017 5:42 pm

charlysixb wrote:
blaqwar wrote: - If you are using MGRemix and notice stuttering every 5 sec (like a few dropped frames on a regular interval) a /rel will fix it. I haven't found any way to get rid of the stuttering completely short of disabling the addon. Someone more addon savvy can dig through the code and figure out what's causing the issue.
That problem is really pissin' me off! My fps goes down drastically every 5 sec or so xD.
After more than a year playing RoR i'm still trying to figure out how to stabilize my FPS. They go from max range ( +90fps ) to 5 fps in 1 sec :lol: :lol: . I've did any config pos but nothing work xD. Disabled many addons ( helped a bit ) but the stuttering is still there xD meh :x :x
Also i cant join any warband... my fps dont go more than 10 and no matter how many people are in zone.
I dont have a nasa computer but the specs r not that bad ( i5 6600k, Ati Radeon RX 980 and SSD HD , 8GB ram) and 70MS of ping.
*nvidia geforce gtx 980 :mrgreen:

BTW anyone tested the game with capped framerate at 60 ? (with 60hz monitor).
Maybe this will prevent the fps drop etc.

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Re: Improving framerate in Warhammer Online

Post#33 » Tue Oct 03, 2017 10:11 pm

Radeon 480 my bad.
Gonna try to cap the fps tomorrow ( if i learn how xd ) and see if it works...
Thank you.
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Re: Improving framerate in Warhammer Online

Post#34 » Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:12 am

charlysixb wrote:Radeon 480 my bad.
Gonna try to cap the fps tomorrow ( if i learn how xd ) and see if it works...
Thank you.
I will test it too ;)

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Re: Improving framerate in Warhammer Online

Post#35 » Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:34 pm

This is awesome.. thank-you

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Re: Improving framerate in Warhammer Online

Post#36 » Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:02 pm

Thank you for all the research on this!

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Re: Improving framerate in Warhammer Online

Post#37 » Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:39 pm

Added the following section to System optimization:

[Windows] Configure pagefile to a set size
Basically, "Page file" it's where Windows takes things that are "stale" and haven't been accessed for awhile, pulls them out of active RAM, and writes them to a file in order to make room for something else. It's best avoided getting to the point that you need to use it, though. Constantly read/writing from the page/swap file (called "thrashing") is a common cause of pretty huge slowdowns.

Start -> type "system"-> Advanced -> Performance -> Advanced -> Virtual Memory -> Change
Set to Custom size Initial and Maximum to same "Recommended size".

Full credit to navis for posting this: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=20075&start=30#p253731
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Re: Improving framerate in Warhammer Online

Post#38 » Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:51 pm ... -so-gehts/
Deutsche Beschreibung um den Virtuellen Ausslagerungsspeicher anzupassen.

A german version of the information how to check the settings. Basic info is:If you have more than 8GB Ram you can set the Virtual Swapping Ram to 1024 MB. Starting and Max Setting- Meaning he will try to hold everything in the main Ram and downt swop it at all.

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Re: Improving framerate in Warhammer Online

Post#39 » Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:13 pm

Updated the addon section with the following entry:

[Enemy] Killspam
An enemy module that keeps a kill/death score for all players in the zone as well as cataloging kills by subregion. This can be very useful for figuring out where the action is and which premade groups/warbands are present in the zone.

The drawback of using this module is that your performance gets progressively worse the more time you spend in rvr. The more players there are on the list the more work Enemy has to do to keep the list updated every time someone dies. Having this module enabled will force you to reload UI often as the stuttering it causes eventually becomes unbearable.

To turn off the module go to Enemy -> Config -> Killspam -> turn off "Enable killspam parsing". Kills window can be hidden by rigthclicking it in the layout editor and selecting "Hide Window".
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Re: Improving framerate in Warhammer Online

Post#40 » Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:42 pm

Wdova wrote:
I would really like to turn off razer synapse, but I am using side buttons on the mouse 1-6 and havent found any replacement for this razer program :(
I was a Razer fanboy, but after using their keyboard and mouse for a couple of years (lycosa and imperator) I was too frustrated with the lack of quality (both hardware and software). I've switched to Steelseries and I'm more than happy with their Rival mouse and the software that it is using. Of course that was my experience, I'm sure that there are a lot of people who are quite happy with their Razer mouses and keyboards.

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