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ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#261 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:47 pm

You get more what? I'm not sure if I understood you. If you mean more fun, well I disagree. I don't want to fight only on bos. Where are the surprise attacks, flanking, ambushes etc? There are many paths that lead to a bo, but there is only one bo, and it will never change the way it looks and plays.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#262 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:50 pm

Orodret wrote:@Why new BO system is bad
Because of freenown. Just that. As long freenown exists ppl will leach it, doesn’t matter if it’s 1 or 1.000 per tick.
Why is it bad? What makes it bad? Why do you care?
Orodret wrote: @Why system with caped Bos was better
Because you could give ppl renown for caping flags (witch is good when population numbers are low and give ppl reason to go the lakes even then).
After they get there purple numbers they could move, try get another BO, in a mean time oposit side could steal your BO, so you had to go back and recap it. In a mean time, you could face some enemy and get some fights. Witch means you had some game play in rvr.
Ppl move in lakes = more chance for fights to happen. Ppl sit on flags = less chance for fights to happen.
Personaly, I don’t care about loot, sige, city instances… I play this game for epic fights like only warhammer can have, and nothing else. Loot will come, renown will come.
Make fights games GOAL. Not loot, or siege, or BO’s, or zone locks. Fights. Win.
You can still move, you are not chained to that 1 renown tick every 6s. Your party / wb / friends can go with you.
Orodret wrote: @So… how do we do dat?!
Reward players for fighting. For killing, for healing, for tanking. Give them renown and loot for doing there chosen path (of gameplay).
Give them a reason to want to be in groups instead of wanting to play solo. That means don’t split renown and loot betwean party, but give everyone even rewards. WH always suffered because of this. This will also make balance isues less of a problem too, becouse you wouldn’t be trying to balance game around xy types of gameplay.
I play this game for epic fights and yet in the next sentence 'give them renown and loot' 'don't split' 'equal rewards'. So how is it? You are kinda contradicting yourself here. And you are already awarded by doing this. Being in full WB gives you more contribution than running solo.
Orodret wrote: Give players reasons to get into guilds, to form teams. You can do this by giving guilds staff to do, claiming keeps (I think I saw somewhere this is comeing, good!), but also with simple mechanics like if you are in guild you get more money per kills (pve and pvp) or crafting bonuses, or renown/xp boosts, etc…
BOs, keeps, city instances (when they are introduced), those should be mechanics to get ppl into fights. Not the sole reason to play the game.
This is contradicting itself again. It would be cool to have guild stuff in game. It is not yet here. Tough luck.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#263 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:55 pm

Collateral wrote:You get more what? I'm not sure if I understood you. If you mean more fun, well I disagree. I don't want to fight only on bos. Where are the surprise attacks, flanking, ambushes etc? There are many paths that lead to a bo, but there is only one bo, and it will never change the way it looks and plays.
More in game rewards. Also, this is weird, but it seem that only the other realm is afking at BOs. Which is ofc not true, you got your own lazy realm buggers that can hold that BO for you. You can stage ambushes same way for people pugging in the general direction of BO taken by opposing realm. You can be that 1/6/24 people ninja that cap that BO all the time. Plenty of opportunities...

Posts: 443

Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#264 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:56 pm

Hargrim wrote:
Zanilos wrote:Log off and play TWW2 :D

But seriously, there is no solution. You can get the sheep jump through hoops and piss about with any system you want, they will still huddle up and go WC to WC in praag for 3 hours.

I'd like to see the promotion of guilds a bit more to offer the kind of playstyle the server needs but you see on Order right now even that promotes zerging like a **********.

It's a tough situation.
I will, from Saturday, already preordered :D.

Well, I'm asking because you meanly mentioned 'zerg events' when in reality this would happen as soon as we open Dungeons, Fortresses and Cities. Pop goes up and zergs pops around.
I didn't meanly mention them, I just mentioned them. What else do you call the server all bearing down on 1 npc. Or 1 player being given God status with a cool skin and some uber items. Then setting the server on them.

It's easy to forget the T3 days of 1400 online and server queues. The server is very stable at 800 +-50 at peak EU primetime.

Dungeons are different. They suck. This game has some of the worst PvE I've ever had the misfortune of participating in. BUT, some of the best times I've had were in ToVL bugging out those PoS bosses and raiding instances. As for cities and forts. They are both instanced so **** the zerg.

When those instanced pvp arenas come to town I hope that more people get involved with real guilds rather than the 4/387 online High Elf RPG guilds that seem to be running the server these days.

Posts: 25

Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#265 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:56 pm

Hargrim wrote:
Orodret wrote:@Why new BO system is bad
Because of freenown. Just that. As long freenown exists ppl will leach it, doesn’t matter if it’s 1 or 1.000 per tick.
Why is it bad? What makes it bad? Why do you care?

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#266 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:09 pm

Zanilos wrote:...
They are 'zergy' because players logged in. Same zerg as 500 ppl at keep in TM yesterday. Also, server is stable at 950 too, as yesterday shown. I think you try to prove something, I'm just not sure what or why.

And yet there are people who loved PvE in this game and they will come back when this PvE is released.

At least the 12/600 RP dwarf guild is still here.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#267 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:10 pm

Orodret wrote:
Hargrim wrote:
Orodret wrote:@Why new BO system is bad
Because of freenown. Just that. As long freenown exists ppl will leach it, doesn’t matter if it’s 1 or 1.000 per tick.
Why is it bad? What makes it bad? Why do you care?
Thought so. Move along.

Posts: 443

Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#268 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:15 pm

Hargrim wrote:
Zanilos wrote:...
They are 'zergy' because players logged in. Same zerg as 500 ppl at keep in TM yesterday. Also, server is stable at 950 too, as yesterday shown. I think you try to prove something, I'm just not sure what or why.

And yet there are people who loved PvE in this game and they will come back when this PvE is released.

At least the 12/600 RP dwarf guild is still here.
100% its still there. Super casual guild for a super casual server. I meant the pop is stable. Not the hardware.
Nothing to prove here. Can pick up the game and put it down when ever I'm ready. It's been nice not being at the forfront of the bullshit like the old days.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#269 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:44 pm

There is nothing wrong with casual players. I don't understand why you despise them so much. If you want hardcore there are plenty of such games around. Go play CS or lol or whatever you think is hardcore. This is an MMO, and of course there will be casual players here. In fact, every game will have casual players. Always has to come down to **** hardcore vs casual bullshit. It's a waste of time to me.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#270 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:56 pm

Hargrim wrote:
Orodret wrote:@Why new BO system is bad
Because of freenown. Just that. As long freenown exists ppl will leach it, doesn’t matter if it’s 1 or 1.000 per tick.
Why is it bad? What makes it bad? Why do you care?
New BO system is not bad at all. Big changes take time to adapt to.
I'd still be intrested to see how the dynamic would change if there is no tick reward anymore to individuals,
but only towards keep/resources.

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