[Slayer] Runic Blessings

For proposals that have been rejected.
Posts: 456

[Slayer] Runic Blessings

Post#1 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 9:00 am

1. Identify the issue.
Runic Blessings - useless tactic, standing very high, 13 pts (same situation with Keep at Comin' - Choppa)

2. Explain why it's an issue.
No one takes this tactic, due to the fact that all ways of using characters do not imply their death.

3. Propose a viable solution to the problem.
Make Runic Blessings and Keep at Comin' - core tactics, put Slaughter(Easy Killin') to 13 pts Path of the Scavenslayer, and change cost reduced to 10 ap in Furious and 15 ap while Berserk.
Petitbras (SW), Threeend (BW), Arrgoor (SL), Popovich (KoTBs), Semenich (Eng), Ancle (WP), Lastalien (WL), Alienessa (AM)


Posts: 2524

Re: [Slayer] Runic Blessings

Post#2 » Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:53 pm

We already had a discussion on these tactics, which we'll review in due time.

<Salt Factory>

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