[Warrior Priest] Divine Shock and Castigation

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[Warrior Priest] Divine Shock and Castigation

Post#1 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:37 pm

ISSUE 1: Divine Shock

Identify the issue
Divine Shock has very long CD and can be parried/blocked.

Explain why it's an issue
Divinie Shock is one of very few CC tools WP has and in current state it isn't very useful remains on the CD for the most of the gameplay as it is parried/blocked very often. It limits non-casting WPs utility in a group play. It isn't very powerful as it punts enemy away at a quite short distance. It has to be mentioned, that DS is not an attack but a debuff and it causes no damage.

Propose a viable solution to the problem:

Solution 1: shorten CD to 30s and make it undefendable
Solution 2: shorten CD to 30s, leave it defendable but make it a damaging ability with low base dmg + let the dmg scale with STR + make it use STR based strikethrough.
Solution 3: shorten CD to 30s, leave it defendable but add 40% snare to it

IMHO the first solution is the best one but other 2 would also add more utility to the melee WP.

ISSUE 2: Castigation

Identify the issue
Castigation DOT DMG poorly scales with STR and tree points

Explain why it's an issue
This ability has very low base dot's dmg and even if heavily melee speecced it is really low (I think max you can get is 500 dmg over 10 sec), plus it deals physical dmg what makes dots easily reduced to 0 dmg. As you need to use this attack to apply snare via Weight of Guilt it seriously lowers outgoing DPS. I know it applies INI debuff but the debuff itself isn't very high.

Propose a viable solution to the problem:

Solution: increase DOT dmg of Castigation to x2 what it is now.

Posts: 2524

Re: [Warrior Priest] Divine Shock and Castigation

Post#2 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:37 pm

Divine Shock is a consistent knockback among all of the healers. DOK has the same knockback.

Additionally, with 13 points in Wrath, Castigation is a 76 stat init debuff or 50 if you have no points in Wrath. That's not a "bad" debuff.

Declining unless peter wants to discuss.
<Salt Factory>

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