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(Squig herder) - Squig herder melee pets (horned and normal one) [TEMP DECLINE]

For proposals that have been rejected.
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(Squig herder) - Squig herder melee pets (horned and normal one) [TEMP DECLINE]

Post#1 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:02 pm

Squig herder has a problem with melee pets, which never been adressed in this game.

There is two classes which have movility pets in this game, one is white lion and another one is the Squig herder.

While everyone recognize the White lion as a strong melee pet, the Squig herder melee pets are simply light years away of something even usable.

There is two big main issues with Squig herder pets, the movement speed in pets is same than a normal player withouth the posibility to lockdown a player in theyr melee range (the knockdown is low duration, has 20 seconds cooldowns and after that, there is simply not any way to maintain the melee distance in Squig herder melee pet range).
The Squig herder pets do not have any snare with small cooldown, and the pets are always out of range of target, they have not the speed for reach the targets at all... someone can kite a Squig herder pet from Eataine to Caledor and the pet will never reach the target.

Another diference with white lion pet speed, is the pet is affected by charge ability wich it is 50% speed boost.
Squig herder has one ability called Run away with a much slower buff speed than White lion Charge, that run away buff the player speed for 30% only (far from the 50% charge does) and the run away ability do not affect the pet either... there is not posibility to achieve that extra speed buff in pet to arrive to targets either using run away because they are not affected or it is too slow compared to what other movile pets can achieve.

The Squig herder melee pet, have not any posibility to take advantage of the two ranged knockdowns order has to close the range gap betwen target.

Basicly, the Squig herder melee pet don't even grant you autoattack to the player in movement (only spiked pet does) is useless compared to what a Squig herder can get from the Squig herder range pets.

There is literaly none reward for what Squig herder lose summoning a melee pet instead of a range one.

The other big diference is obiusly the damage level, the white lion pet is doing a inmense amount of damage compared to the only mele pet destruction have... there is simply non alternative, if you wanna have a pet which is able to hit someone, because it is not out of range, or because the low damage the pet is dealing, you have to stick to ranged pets, there is not option to change the pet in what you gonna encounter, the tradeoff can't justify anything out of gas pet or the spiked pet.

This test was done against a NPC level 37, the new Squig pet with fixed taunt ability 1vs1 against a lvl 37 NPC




As you can see in those picture, that hot and new fixed melee pet with a flaming taunt ability needed 1 minute and 2 seconds for kill alone a simply effortless lvl 37 NPC conned green (wanna try that same test with a white lion pet?)... and even that NPC was almost able to kill the squig herder pet, lowering the Squig herder melee pet wounds to a 10%.

The diference in movement, damage power with another melee pets in game is simply too much, not even fair to be compared with.
The diference gap right now, betwen Squig herder melee pets and the range ones, totally need a buff for melee ones...the melee ones not only lack damage, they lacking the power to hit unachievable mele range players.

Something need to change in this Squig herder melee pets, this are part of my suggestions for balance the melee pets:

Make Run Away ability (Not the tactic proc, talking about the ability) affect both player and MELEE SQUIG PETS (remarking the Melee ones, no the ranged ones)
The values in that new run away revamped ability (repeating ability, not the tactic), would be 30% for player and 50% for the Squig herder melee pets, the range ones will remain unafected by that Run away revamped ability.

The second suggestion about a damage boost in the Melee Squig herder pets, should consider many options, but for example the normal Squig herder pet have 2 abilities: the new taunt (0 damage) and the other one, is doing 155 base damage hit with 20 seconds cooldown... as you can see, nobody ever will use a pet which use one damaging ability each 20 seconds for 155 damage.

The suggenstions for both Horned and normal melee Squig herder pet are lower the cooldowns in all abilities, give them more damage power in those abilities, reduce the cooldown in the ability which give them more autoattack damage (right now is 3 min cooldown, yeah you read right 3 minutes) and change some of the AP generation tactics from big shooting path, for 50% more critical damage tactic (only for those two squig herder melee pets, not for range ones)

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Re: (Squig herder) - Squig herder melee pets (horned and normal one)

Post#2 » Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:38 am

The ability to shoot from afar alone justifies the WL having a better Charge! ability than the SH's Run Away!.

Melee pets/melee tree as a whole are being worked on, so I'm going to ignore the second proposal - and third - for now. However, I am not declining your proposal; I am going to wait it out and see how the melee changes fare (such things as you have mentioned may end up making it in the overhaul anyway).

Declining for now, but I hope you see where I am coming from.

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