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[SH] Discussing the new changes

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Re: [SH] Discussing the new changes

Post#21 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:10 am

it's halarious what people are talking, playing the build a bit i must say besides punce it's not much different to before. You don't have rly have a slot for the new defence tactic sofar i can only see it fpr duel specc since other wise detaunt just feels way superior and your dmg is still so bad that you can't rly swop out one of you offensive tactis. Some of the dmg buff comes from the new hornd squig that still only hit for ~80 still better then the 3 and your new "tast's like stuntie" that let's you acctuly do somthing while w8ing for cd also gives good survivebility but has no dmg(hit as hard as "big bouncen'). The biggest buff for the build are stacking pot's the +100stats were despretly needed. As for the armor buff i don't want to say it's bad and ez 6k armor is crazy and also unnecessary but it gives only 2xtalis worth of armor (enabling you for more ws ~5% more dmg).

Overall i like the that the biggest change is that you finally get support from your team and don't have to micro your pet like a crazy person, so you actually can play your build. Overall the new build doesn't feel much more powerfull then the old, besides the healing in rly small skale fights and the abilty to choose you target with pounce. btw. i killed guardian wl as msh before patch and most slayer and wh you coud throw at me.

Further i'm running bl+conqu since 100thoughness ~80wounds isn't worth dropping all your crit(down to 0%) and ws(down to ~350) at all unless you want to become a tank.

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Re: [SH] Discussing the new changes

Post#22 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:41 pm

I've read everything you guys wrote and I must say, you're either speccing or playing it a bit wrong...
The burst is just insane, I'm constantly doing 2,5-3k with Git em!(with Sharp Toofs obviously) + Really bad gas! tick in just one GCD, basically its 50% of the HP bar.
I must say, even OP Git em! aside, Sneaky strike has very high tooltip damage. It's like 700+ for some reason, while other skills are 500ish.
With additional Big bouncin! overall damage is really high, I'm always topping the Damage/DBs in all scs.
Just stack some crit and do not go full deftard, you are a DPS afterall, you have different tasks

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Re: [SH] Discussing the new changes

Post#23 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 2:38 pm

Well people claiming Bad Gas doing 100-200 dmg max, its simple not true or i dont know what they doing.

Few Bad Gas Hits with less than 720 str ( 400-500 normal hits, 650-700 critic )
Few Bad Gas Hits with 1060 str ( 500-600 normal hits, 700-800 critic )
No Corp Debuffs, No Toughness Debuff in those mobs and very fast SS ( i didnt count or add the 200 dmg mitigated i got ) but its even possible to do more damage in PvP with right ( debuffed and squishies ) targets.
Also keep in mind that the dmg can be combined with Indigestion and Big Bouncing damage area ( gettin real nice numbers with this also ) or be used with single target damage abilities ( gettin +1k hits Sneaky Strike and not counting Git Em! using tactic wich is a decent burst maker ).
What you guys want? that Bad Gas hits for 1,5k-2k dmg alone?

PD: Real Good Synergy with Shaman and Black Orc and Quick Shooting SH( heal debuff 100% uptime, access to ini debuff via ability or conq proc and the list goes on).
Corp Debuff from BO along WS buff and Armor Debuff.
Highest Toughness Debuff in game with Shaman plus DSU. ( balancing offensive / defensive is more than good )
Shaman Moral Pumper for Squig Herder M4 ( 2,4k area dmg ) yes, the moral is core now and no need to spec.
Last edited by charlysixb on Sun Jul 08, 2018 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Peckman And Chifli's

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Re: [SH] Discussing the new changes

Post#24 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 2:59 pm

i'm not saying it's bad or was bad. But i wanted to point out it's actually not that much diffrent then before, when people mostly thought of it being bad. It's has gotten alot better, but as i said mainly because you have a useable squig not because the dmg was buffed alot(i think ~10%) also pounce gives alot of mobilty and the heal can be rly strong aspecialy 1on1.
Overall it's a realy strong skill set and you still can use all your debuffs before jumping into melee.

But compeared to other melee dps it's still lacking any dmg modifiers(+armorpen +crit +crit dmg), you ppl still wont take a msh as main mdps(instead of mara or choppa) for your 6 man. But if you go and pub your ppl. going to be beast, just big bouncn' inside a squishy back line does and did before the patch alot of dmg add in 5-6k armor and auto detaunt+selfheal you also might survive it. I don't want to say sh needs to be like the other mdps, i like some differences so being more tanky as a trade for some dmg works for me.

Also i want to make clear i love the new skill said and im realy glad that we got it, awsome work

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Re: [SH] Discussing the new changes

Post#25 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 3:20 pm

What I can say about the current melee SH is that it seems to actually be a bit overtuned for a hybrid ranged spec. After playing some premade v premade SCs, I've consistently seen well-geared SH's be at the top of the damage metres and death blows all the time, while being incredibly tanky, and even when the enemy premade lost, they were never far from the top.

You can say a well played WL does that too, but a well played WL doesn't have aoe damage, an aoe 5 s cd debuff or the ability to switch back to ranged and harass targets from a distance when needed, which is an option that the current melee SH doesn't seem to even have any need of ever doing. If you ask me, the spec itself is quite fine, useful in rvr and SCs both, but the numbers are just slightly overtuned. I think if there's even no point in using any of the ranged abilities at their disposal, like dots and such, then that's a definite sign.

That's my 2 copper.
Giladar - rr 80 DPS AM

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Re: [SH] Discussing the new changes

Post#26 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:00 pm

live4treasure wrote: Sun Jul 08, 2018 3:20 pm What I can say about the current melee SH is that it seems to actually be a bit overtuned for a hybrid ranged spec. After playing some premade v premade SCs, I've consistently seen well-geared SH's be at the top of the damage metres and death blows all the time, while being incredibly tanky, and even when the enemy premade lost, they were never far from the top.

You can say a well played WL does that too, but a well played WL doesn't have aoe damage, an aoe 5 s cd debuff or the ability to switch back to ranged and harass targets from a distance when needed, which is an option that the current melee SH doesn't seem to even have any need of ever doing. If you ask me, the spec itself is quite fine, useful in rvr and SCs both, but the numbers are just slightly overtuned. I think if there's even no point in using any of the ranged abilities at their disposal, like dots and such, then that's a definite sign.

That's my 2 copper.
Teh Squig herder mirror is the Shadow warrior not the white lion... and Shadow warrior can destroy the Squig herder numbers, and of course the number of kills, withouth worry for a dead pet and armor buff disapearing.

If you think those numbers are too hight... go play a Squig herder and burst your own bubble.

PD: The white lion pet is hitting for 1k, the Squig herder horned is hitting for 50-90

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Re: [SH] Discussing the new changes

Post#27 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:02 pm

Maybe you need to get some better gear or learn to play, my friend. The squig herders I've faced in a premade environment were consistently at the top of the damage meters and were very difficult to kill. The ones I've seen in RvR, which were obviously considerably lower RR were less of a threat, of course, but that's how it should be.

PS. Despite being less of a threat, they always come close to legit one-shotting my DPS AM during their 4s knockdown. So even when they are unoptimally geared and underleveled, they're a force to be reckoned with. In fact, fighting them is much harder than fighting a marauder, for instance. They deal more damage than marauders do, while being quite tanky, and the marauder I'm using as comparison is Decimo, who I've ran into just yesterday several times.
Last edited by live4treasure on Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Giladar - rr 80 DPS AM

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Re: [SH] Discussing the new changes

Post#28 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:04 pm

i dont know if somebody mention before.
its a bit sad that reduced change to be dodged isnt convert into parry..
making some set peaces and boni unnecessary.
still great fun.

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Re: [SH] Discussing the new changes

Post#29 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:10 pm

Lektroluv wrote: Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:00 pm
Teh Squig herder mirror is the Shadow warrior not the white lion... and Shadow warrior can destroy the Squig herder numbers, and of course the number of kills, withouth worry for a dead pet and armor buff disapearing.

If you think those numbers are too hight... go play a Squig herder and burst your own bubble.

PD: The white lion pet is hitting for 1k, the Squig herder horned is hitting for 50-90
You must be kidding, pal.
I might suprise you but WL is the SH mirror ;)
Melee SH is doing lot more damage then SW after patch from my experience in this 2 days. Not even close actually.

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Re: [SH] Discussing the new changes

Post#30 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:17 pm

live4treasure wrote: Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:02 pm hey always come close to legit one-shotting my DPS AM during their 4s knockdown

This sentence explains a lot about you game experience... 4 seconds Knockdown, ok

Not discusing more with someone which started play the game last week, sorry... have fun

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