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SW Scout tree modifications

For proposals that have been rejected.
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SW Scout tree modifications

Post#1 » Tue Jul 17, 2018 12:47 am

Scout spec for Shadow warriors is probably the least used at the moment, mostly because of the lack of mobility, and the damage not outweighing the benefits of the tree.

So, here are the problems in my eyes:
Festering arrow - no longer a threat. It was back in the day when everyone had sub-6k health and you could drop 4k festerbombs. Now it's a 3 second waste of time that is evaded a good 40% of the time for easily healable damage.
Eagle eye - 2 second cast, mediocre damage. This is a fine ability in itself, the problem is the same as festering arrow. Throwing one big chunk of damage into a long cast that gets defended a lot it severely ruins your output.
Fell the weak - same as other "finisher" abilities, not much to say really.

Tactics - The tactics in this tree are just....awful? Eagle eye reduction to 1 second is okay, but only being able to send out 3 before ap burns out is silly. Festering arrow tactic is great....for that one skill....that you rarely can get off. AP reduction of all scout abilities is not enough that I would take that tactic over any of the other tactics I have, ever.

Here are my solutions, of course they can be tweaked, discussed, modified etc:
No Quarter tactic
A) In addition to the speed increase can increase the damage equally to the % of ap it increases. So if it does 500 for 40 ap, it would end up doing 625 for 50 ap etc etc.
B) The tactic would add a random debuff for 3-4 seconds. Kind of a *depending where the arrow hits* type of debuff.
Arm - attack speed decrease
Leg - movement slow
Head - increased cast times
Body - AP drain

Enchanted Arrows tactic
A) In addition to the ignoring all resists (which I'm not sure it does at the moment, have wildly varying numbers), it can be made undefendable. This is the only ability in game with damage equal to bolt of change from a Magus. (If you try to say snipe is comparable you have not played an engie in this armor tali meta).
B) Provide 50% of the damage done as an AOE to targets within 25-30 feet of the target. Since it already has trouble landing at all, having it provide additional damage would be a nice way to panic a team. While also making your skill somewhat useful.

Guerilla training tactic
I don't know anyone who would actually take this tactic to be honest. You would lose so much trying to pair this with anything else from the scout tree. As such I have thought of a couple of things to make this more viable.
A) Decreases all cast times for anything in the scout tree. Including rapid arrows. Festering arrow becomes 1.5, eagle eye 1, rapid arrows does the same amount of damage but every .25 seconds.
B) While in scout stance, all abilities are increased to 130 feet. Distance should be a factor in speccing scout. An assault shadow warrior gets the same distance as scout just by switching to the stance. There should be more of a disparity between someone specc'd for that distance, that someone who just switches into the stance.

Additionally, I have thought of a new ability that can be thrown into the m4 slot of the tree (15 pt).
This ability (not yet named, I'll leave that up to you) would give your target a "hunter's mark". Any damage done to that person by you will return a percentage of the damage as healing.

Anyways, I love the scout tree and I hate to see it under-performing. Like I said, anything is open to discussion / modification, and any suggestions from the community and devs are welcome.

Posts: 2524

Re: SW Scout tree modifications

Post#2 » Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:01 am

There is some interesting stuff here but ultimately I'm going to decline. We already have some Scout SW proposals pending review, and most of your suggestions are over the top.

A giant range buff and an undefendable Fester would be way too strong for the tree. EA does bypass 100% resistance but the issue in my eyes is the speed in which you can launch, not it being defended.

Finally, a self heal at 15 points is kinda useless since, if you're in Scout, you're probably not being hit enough to warrant use of a self heal.
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