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Ere We Go! change

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Posts: 17

Ere We Go! change

Post#1 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:39 pm

Hi all, as a Shammy lover I wanted to just put out a proposed change to a Shammy skill I think is undervalued to add more group utility to the class. As it stands right now, from personal testing, Ere we go will inflict damage on your next direct damage attack. However, I have noticed that when using an AoE skill Ere We Go only triggers on one target of the AoE. Now this does change with the trait Ere We Goes Again, however if there are 3 targets it will only effect 2. My proposition would be that un-traited Ere We Go, would effect all targets of a single AoE skill. Now this could get out of hand with unlimited target skills so lets say cap it at 4 targets. This would add some great utility when there is an AoE class in the group or really any class that wants to snap off an AoE within the timeframe of the buff. As for the trait Ere We Goes Again, I see 2 ways this could be taken, the over powered version would be to add a second strike to the original buff, for instance: Big Waasgh! hits target for 100 damage. Ere We Go hits target for 100 damage. Ere We Go hits target for 100 damage. So it would hit twice on the same skill. The other way Would be one hit for two sequential skills. Use skill 1 get 1 proc of Ere We Go, use skill 2 get second proc of Ere We Go. The second suggestion is less bursty and I think would be more realistic.


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