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Lions pelt - White Lion background story.

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Lions pelt - White Lion background story.

Post#1 » Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:41 pm

<<<<<<<<<My background story for my White Lion joining The Eternal Host. Hope you like it, all constructive critics are welcome.
Sorry if something is fked up, english aint my first language.>>>>>>>>>>>

- ...and this is what differ high born from peasants! And house Arahil is the greatest of them all! - drunk young elf finished with loud smash of his wine glass on the table. I shook my head and sighed. His eyes narrowed as he turned his gaze on me. - And you? Who would you be to differ?

I looked upon youngling with detest

- I am no one. I was a simple soldier and i was the only one left alive when druchii hit my lands... - i closed my yes and sighed - Hurt, scared and lone i moved thru ravaged lands.

You could think i deserve to be a warrior of Chrace. The elite. Some of my kin would probably disagree.
I haven't killed Lion of which pelt i am wearing... It was dying. He protected his young ones... Hurt, bleedin, fighting three druchii and death itself. I struggled for a moment but eventually i stepped in. Last arrows from my quiver killed two of them. Third almost killed me but claws of that majestic predator splitted him in half.

I was standing there, shaking from exhaustion and afraid that i might be next.
Then he fell. In his eyes i saw wordless question... Ask for a favor.
Emotions, pack loyalty, care for the cubs... I knew what need to be done.

I took his pelt as some warriors used to do, surrounded by his scent i took the cubs. I entered plains and somehow i knew where he splitted with his pack and his female companion. That's where i met her.

She jumped on me, throwing on ground like adult would do with a child. She felt blood of her partner on me... As well as blood of druchii. Then lil ones started to cry. Demanding food. They crawled out of my pack - safe and sound. I was sittin there. Watchin as she feed em as well as other of these great animals walk around. One growled and wanted to attack me but after she growled back all of the pack lost their interest in me.

Then i understood. He was leader of this pack. He sacrificed himself to slow down druchii advancement... That explained piles of the torn bodies. Cubs ind the defiance to parents orders left pack after their dad - tahts how he ended up protecting them... And meeting me.

Images appeared in my head, wasn't sure if it was spirit if that great animal which pelt i wore or the way that female that fed her kid was comunicating with me. Thinking of this, tired, hurt i fell asleep...

Wet tongue on my chick woke me up. Smell of fur and silent humming. Took me a while to realize where i am. Next to me alfa female stood watching at me carefully. Her huge yellow eyes pierced into mine. Her hot breath could be felt on my chick.

*Weak. Soft. Yet... Brave. Change. We will change this.*

Stern voice in my head. Was it realy her i thought? Amused snort. So it was. I did heard stories from mages that these great predators can create bond and communicate but i never experienecd anything like it before...

"Mages. They are soft. They don't know how to hunt. Their words hurt and they break our spirits. Come. Bad blood gone. You will be ok. "
Her stern voice made me stand up, tho i felt like a group of greenskins run across me. My robe was torn, my wounds were clean. Considering smell and blood drops probably cleaned with a toungue. She exchanged few growls with the rest of the pack and cuddled lil ones then walked away.

"Come." She said and i followed.

For months we wandered the plains. We've ran, we've hunted. We fought. It was simple life. Good life. I became predator - alike my companion. We killed druchii scouts, hit small units, broke their supply lines. Hit and hide. I scavanged corpses for anything of use. That's where i get my weapon - bearded axe on long handle, it didnt had a grim aura around it like weapons of other druchii and felt well in my hands, with time i wiped off druchii markings with stone - With every hit that was taking druchii blood my new friend growled... Vengeance for her compannion... and lil step to bring a better world for her young.

We ate.
We slept.
We killed.

No idea how many moons it took. I became more liek animal then child of asur i once were. We saw small units of masters from hoeth, we hid behind trees and grass when shadows for Naggarythe killed treacherous druchii in sleep or in ambushes. But it wasn't Our Way. Let them fight for the kings, for the lords that sit safe in their castles... We just wanted to kill as many as possible to make plains safer for the pack. And to avenge Hagrarr.

One day, close to the dusk we passed one of the elven duckts in the plains - it was there were everything changed.

It was recent when we killed some druchii scouts - led by elven witch. I really hoped i applied proper herbs on wounds cause poison that dripped from her blades didnt looked like a good thing to meddle with... There were few of them. Two swordmasters, their catlike movement and balance told me they weren't any of the sort i met before - buffons that were babbling about family interests and honour, these were not younglings that thought they are invincible - saw many fools like that fall a moment later. Nah. These lots were natural born killers. I could say that after all that time encountering various enemies. They were accompanied by stunning beauty surrounded by calm aura, her staff didnt left any doubts who is she.Last two was spoted by my companions eyes, two silhoutes blended in shadows on both sides of their provisional encampment, bows in their hands and quivers close to their hands. Their horses were tied to nearby trees. Mage was tending wounds of the warriors. Their silent whispers despite my keen senses were unteligible. I barely remembered how to speak my own language when i succumbed to the inner predator.

We are what we are to survive.

Hoofbeat was closing in. from afar i saw an elf with massive axe on his back... WIth lion at his side. They were advancing fast - dark figures followed. Chracian shouted warning moment before few dark arrows hit him in the back. Without single words everyone got ready to fight - warriors from Hoeth stood before mage that started her incantations. Shadow Warriors blended deeper in the dark - all i heard was silent music played by their bows and released chords - time after time. I heard their targets short screams and their mounts squeeks. Chracian jumped off the horse and slapped his back so he run off. He said something with feral smile. Mage layed her hands on him and after streatching his arms they were all ready for enemy advance.

They came in numbers. six heavy armored warriors in spiked armors and havy glaives in their hands behind there were four crossbowman a mage in dark robes acompanied by damned elf women in decorative, robes. Two of the riders - probably not the brightest ones - charged on asurian position with warcry on their lips. Warcry passed in shriek when great swords cut trhu bones of their mounts and they fell on the ground. Chracian dug dip into one of the opponents chests while other was hitted repeatedly by long sword of one of the shadow warriors. Rest of the druchii stopped. Few arrows sent from the shadows fell on ground deflected by invisible barrier. Archer put his bow on back and joined rest of the grp with naked sword in his hand.

After moment that seemed to last for eternity two groups clashed together. Heavy armored foes with their long weapons in front, shooters put their crossbows aside and advanced with their swords at hands while druchii sorceror and elven witch started their unholy chants. After first two kills it looked liek asurians are goin to pull this, they exchanged blow for blow dancing in the trance chracian and his companion harassed them from sides while shaow warriors looked for a gap in their defences and the mage was chanting and dispeling whatever evil magic was brought upon them by sorcerer and their dark priest.

It was then when i felt it.
After a while being left on your own you start to FEEL things even if your eyes or ears miss it. Six more attackers lurked in the shadows... Obviously heading for the mage in white robe and shadow warriors as less armored targets. I heard stories, boasts of young lords at campfires of my unit - glorious deeds exaggerated by every cup of wine, coountless foes dying on tip of their spears - this would be perfect tale for a night at campfire. But this was not a story. And it deemed to not end well.
I saw many of my kin died from druchii hands. Sometime i allowed it when numbers was much not in my favor... But this time i felt i could not just leave them.

Frantically i searched my mind for proper words while i stood up and headed into fight.

- BEHIND YOU! WITCHES! - i yelled while i leapt in surprised mage and priest that looked at me in terror. Druchii axe i was uing bit deep into arm of sorceror separating it from the body i passed him with a momentum of the hit and swinged back at level of his head. At that time Shirai - "Relentless one" as i called her in my thoughts - fell on priest and torn his chest in two.

When i looked back i noticed swordmasters facing only three heavy armored foes, archers dead and chracian with two nagarythe warriors faced toward six witch elves totally lost in bloodlust. I leapt behind damned blackguards barking and growling one glimpsed back just to see druchii axe heading toward his head. When he fell i chopped his body dozen of times. Meanwhile two swormasters in fluent moves dealt with otehr two - no matter how fancy armours you wear can't face master from Hoeth in one on one fight and expect to survive to tell a tale... WIth curses on their lips nad my axe in her head last from the witch elves perished a moment later.

With their swords ready to face new opponent they all turned in my direction while i decapitated last of the witches lying on the ground.

"Stop it." - stern voice in my head. Voice that saved me from danger many times. That cooled me off when my inner beast was taking over. I stood still - axe in firm grip of my covered in blood hands. I felt her move and standing at my side, reassuring presence while i silently growled watching their hands on swords. The one that looked more stoic then other sheathed his blade and showed me his unarmed hands. I knew he could reach for it before i blink my eye, but this still was a nice gesture. Chracian and his companion stared at us with mixed feelings on his face. His lion barked - Shirai responed. Lions, after this short courtesy just lied down on the ground and started to clean their fur from blood laeving us Aurs be. Swordmaster took a step forward. It was first elf that i met and i wasnt forced to kill since my unit was slaughtered. I flinched.

- Easy there my friend, i mean you no harm - he said with calm voice but aura of authority surrounded him like a thick cloak.
His companions were just standing there watching what time will bring. I stared at him and at some point i let my axe touch ground. I nodded and after a moment of struggle i menaged to articulate my thoughts.
- Dead. But there will be more. It will be better to go your way. - i pointed on the road, my voice seemed strange to me. - Fast. These plains are not safe. Many. Many dead.
- Yeah... We know... Our little group is hunting them down for quite some time now. - he smilled bitterly - Where are your men? Your unit? Or are you a scout of lord Arahil?
I tilted my head on side. Starring at them suspiciously.
- I haven't heard that name in a while... No. - i shook my head - Arahil probably sit in his palace. Safe and sound. My unit... - i coughed gripping handle of axe firmer - my unit died some time ago... At the fight near Lake of Tears.
Now my interlocutor looked shocked. He watched on his comrades. Most of them hid their weapon already. Other swordmaster shook his head in disbelief.
- It is not possible! This dreaded battle took place almost three years ago! - he replied in stern voice.

I looked at him in desbelief. Three years? How this can be... I remember... Blood... Killed druchii... Cave, warm fur and silent humm of the lions breath. I remember scavanged bodies, for food, material for robes... Time was passing. But then i didnt care. I looked on elves before me, their robes were white, although stained and worn from journey and fights yet still with recogniseable heraldry. Then i looked on myself. Black and red material was visible from under my incompetently fixed mail. Bracers from leather of wild animals, pelt on my back, druchii executioner axe in my hands... No wonder they were thinking if i am not their enemies as well. I lowered my head and turned around ready to leave without a word.
- Wait! I want to know who is it that survived all these horrors on his own? - asked leader.

I was thinking about reply, my name was just word, hunters dont need names... Finally i found it and hold onto it.
- Arethalas. They called me Arethalas. - i stopped, streighten up with a slight smile on my lips, like with remembering my name i get back some of dignity and self identity. I watched back. Mage was kneeling next to one of the shadow warriors tending his wounds, chracian put his axe on the ground and with long sigh sit down next to it, his great companion next to him. Other shadow warrior was sheathing his blade after cleaning it and then moved toward enemies to retrieve arrows. Other swormaster didnt looked that scary as before, as battle dust fall down his maniacal grimase disappeared and he looked calm and was smiling and joking about archer effort to retrieve arrows.

Leader was stil standing facing me. He raised his hand waiting.
- Gilharas is the name. - he said - And we never deny another fine man to hunt these scum, what say ya?

..and this is how it started.

- So dont tell me about glory and honor of the houses little lord. Cause here in Host even prince shake a hand of a peasant and there are no houses. - i emptied cup of wine an dturned to exit of the tent that was provisional cantine of the main forces that head to ruins of Anlec. - If you look for glory and honour better get back to your father house and have some duels in your gardens. You will find no honor and glory here. There are many unsung heroes which saga ended here. In blood and pain. But we carry on remembering them. While inner elven lands are torn apart by politics and disputes, outern shores struggle in war with druchii, greenskins and forces of chaos. Many have fallen here, many have fled but few brave and noble souls gathered to prOtect their homelands. With ancient rites of magic, strength of their arms and arrows, hailing from shadows. If your spirit is strong and heart pure, do not hesitate and join...

The few, the proud, the unbroken. The Eternal Host.
Last edited by zgolec on Thu Feb 28, 2019 8:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lions pelt

Post#2 » Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:05 pm

Guess its either tldr... Or just no one liked.

...dreams of becoming a skald shattered :( QQ

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Re: Lions pelt

Post#3 » Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:21 pm

i loved it !

please publish s01e02 soon.
Hao of Phalanx.

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Re: Lions pelt

Post#4 » Fri Aug 17, 2018 1:08 pm

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Re: Lions pelt

Post#5 » Fri Aug 17, 2018 5:19 pm

I like it. I would lets someone proofread, but I dont want to hack on the typos now. The story itself is great. It has drama, a tragic past, it is about a white lion, something I love even more.^^

But honestly. You did everything right with it.
Andyrion Ulthenair
Arphyrion Soulblade

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Re: Lions pelt

Post#6 » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:41 pm

I don't get on here as much as I'd like lately, my RL has been too busy :/

Anyway, I enjoyed your backstory and style. Not entirely sure lore supports WL telepathy, but you're not the first to go that route in WAR and likely won't be the last. I probably shouldn't talk anyway, I've use telepathy a la demonic possession myself :P

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Re: Lions pelt

Post#7 » Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:40 pm

Mystriss wrote: Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:41 pm I don't get on here as much as I'd like lately, my RL has been too busy :/

Anyway, I enjoyed your backstory and style. Not entirely sure lore supports WL telepathy, but you're not the first to go that route in WAR and likely won't be the last. I probably shouldn't talk anyway, I've use telepathy a la demonic possession myself :P
Nah telepathy is not mentioned precisely but "link" is mentioned in both some of the chracian lords and hoeth mages [here is more an arcane influence]... Nonetheless thank you very much for your kind words ^^
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Re: Lions pelt

Post#8 » Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:42 pm

Theseus wrote: Fri Aug 17, 2018 5:19 pm I like it. I would lets someone proofread, but I dont want to hack on the typos now. The story itself is great. It has drama, a tragic past, it is about a white lion, something I love even more.^^

But honestly. You did everything right with it.
Thanks a lot! :) as mentioned in text english aint my first language so i know it can have some mistakes, dunno rly anyone that could do the "proofred" / edit it for me...
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Re: Lions pelt

Post#9 » Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:42 pm

Sophia wrote: Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:21 pm i loved it !

please publish s01e02 soon.
Soon :D
SM 82 / IB 82 / KOTBS 82 / WL 82 / WP 72 / SW 75
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Re: Lions pelt

Post#10 » Mon Aug 20, 2018 4:24 am

zgolec wrote: Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:42 pm
Theseus wrote: Fri Aug 17, 2018 5:19 pm I like it. I would lets someone proofread, but I dont want to hack on the typos now. The story itself is great. It has drama, a tragic past, it is about a white lion, something I love even more.^^

But honestly. You did everything right with it.
Thanks a lot! :) as mentioned in text english aint my first language so i know it can have some mistakes, dunno rly anyone that could do the "proofred" / edit it for me...
Sadly I cant edit anything. I dont have the rights to do something.^^
When i come around to it, perhaps I copy it and corect it and send it to you via pm. But I cant promise when I will be able to do it.
Andyrion Ulthenair
Arphyrion Soulblade

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