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[Pre-Production] White Lion

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Re: [Pre-Production] White Lion

Post#31 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:01 pm

I started my WL Stoprun (83rr) cuz i want to play solo/smallscale, i played 24/7 and it was pretty good in sc/ganks/orvr i could kill anyone 1x1-2 exept good healers. I liked Guardian archetype, when your pet deal dmg not you. I have a lot of good experience in 6man too, cuz i played in Zaxx/Fanda/RU premades and this archetype allways was easy to counter, just kill the pet and if u want to nerf it you just should increace the cooldown of pet call.
Atm in WB you can be usefull, but only like AOE moraledrainer. WL havent any other advantages: no pounce and no pet, no anything unique. As a WL i dont understand why i should choose WL to play in WBs. Any Slayer/BW/SW will be more usefull.

In my opinion WL still playeable and rly nice only in 6 man glasscannon build and the way of making WL=Mara isn't good, as a player i want to play on unique class with unique gameplay, not just on Marauder with different model. So now with all this changes and death of solo WL i feel disgust to my toon and almost stopped to play in WHO.

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Re: [Pre-Production] White Lion

Post#32 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:19 pm

Ethereal Cleave updated to correct value. As a reminder, please use this post as the basis for your feedback response. Posts which do not follow this outline may be moderated.

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Re: [Pre-Production] White Lion

Post#33 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:37 pm

If you wanna make wl like Mara turn wl pull on int instead of str.
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Re: [Pre-Production] White Lion

Post#34 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:45 pm

Read the Foreword before posting here:

dansari wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:00 pm Foreword

~~ snip ~~~~

This topic will serve less as a discussion and more as a feedback-obtaining exercise, thus the balance team will refrain from responding back to your feedback and simply take it down for consideration. Further, we ask that you not quote any comments unless you’re quoting this original post. In your posts, please follow the template listed here: (viewtopic.php?f=78&t=28604). We ask you follow this template so that we can assess your perspective, how much experience you have with the class or its mirror, etc.

To assist you with understanding the below, we have updated the career builder to match these changes. ... white-lion


- this is not a discussion; this is a feedback post

Discussion = you discuss with the players in this thread and quote them = NOT WANTED

Feedback = you quote OP and give your opinion on the ability tactic etc. in question = WANTED

- viewtopic.php?f=78&t=28604 ; every post should awnser the questions given in the templet

- there is a request to quote the initial post and give commentary of single aspects or to name the ability / tactic / tree / morale in question; a general feeling of agreement or dislike is not valid feedback

Input which is not following the format will be barely considered as valid Feedback, rather as whine.

Feel free to edit prior posts, and turn them into valid feedback.

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Thanks for reading and the input so far.
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Re: [Pre-Production] White Lion

Post#35 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 1:13 pm

1. Do you play the class in question?

only on live, but leveling one; was my first char in live.

2. Do you play the mirror class of the class in question (or at least the same archetype)?

marauder level 40 RR50

3. What perspective do you speak from? What is your experience with the class in question (be that playing the class, or playing against it)?

played only against it in solo or smallscale enviroments, in warbands WLs are a dead slot currently and before said changes, excluding aza WL patch from a few weeks back.

4. Your feedback
dansari wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:00 pm
11: Merciless Blows (new tactic at 11pt Hunter which augments Shattering Blows to increase target’s cast times by .5s). This affects all abilities, even instant casts.
Shattering Blows additionally increases your target's cast times by .5 seconds.
This was a very difficult decision, and one that may be the most controversial of the standard Hunter/Axeman builds. This is an incredibly strong tactic which we will obviously monitor closely once implemented. The main goal for the placement of this tactic is that it has to at least compete in viability with the 11pt Axeman tactic. The tactic currently in this slot is very lackluster.

I share the thought with prior posters, this tactic seems overperforming on paper and potentially ingame.
It slows down an already slow game.

about losing the pet in warbands:
no marauder starts to pull a single target in a bomb fight, the possibility is in theory there, but starting a 3 sec channeled cast which has to bypass an avoid check and requires line of sight is not really an option, you loose a whole wrecking ball or 2-3 demo spams or crucial debuffs you could have placed or or or.
so for me it's not a big deal; it's not used on mara and it will barely be an issue for WL.

this is all under the premise and assumption ofc. that the numbers get tweaked to be in line with the rest of the game.
especially with the spirit dmg tactic for aoe fights.
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Re: [Pre-Production] White Lion

Post#36 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 1:30 pm

7: Spirit Strike (tactic adds a 50% bypass to all Woodsman abilities)
While using Trained to Stay, all of your Woodsman abilities bypass 50% of your opponent's Spirit resistance.
We think previous WL iteration was OK but not quite as potent as it should have been. We're mirroring the 50% bypass available to warband Marauder here to reflect that.

This is exactly what I suggested before. Make tactic or guardian/Woodsman abbilities deal spiritual dmg so finaly Swordmaster AOE spirit debuff has real meaning for anyone else than by him self. If so, bypass 50% rezistance is not necesary and bit overkill. The fact that WL gonna deal spiritual AOE dmg means it bypass 100% armor which can be upped over 100% reduction, why most ppl run with 40% reduction from rezist. After SM AOE spirit debuff they gonna deal hack loads of dmg and with 50% reduction will be OP as hell.

11: Hack Them Down (mirror Marauder Crushing Blows)
While using Trained to Stay, all of your Woodsman abilities have a 25% chance to remove 225 points of Morale from the enemy.
Now that WL will get its morale drain back we may remove morale drains from other Order classes, though Morales are a whole discussion in and of themselves that we will tackle later.

If so, there will be changes to WH morale drain from Dragon Gun and theyr role in warbands will vanish. If You want morale drain on WL, You need also give AOE WH another tool to be wanted in warband.
Please follow the correct structure and answer the questions that have been set out for you. Look at the above post for an example post. This has been mentioned several times now. Once you have done this, you can delete my spoiler tags and my message from your post (which is a good one, not withstanding). - ptp3
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Re: [Pre-Production] White Lion

Post#37 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:36 pm

1. Do you play the class in question?

Yes. Have video proof.

2. Do you play the mirror class of the class in question (or at least the same archetype)?

Very much so.

3. What perspective do you speak from? What is your experience with the class in question (be that playing the class, or playing against it)?

Typical RoR has-been. Play solo, small scale, and 6man. Not much WB experience on RoR.

4. Your feedback

The AoE changes seem fine. Except for what I interpreted as a return of old-school disorient. IMO there should be a standard for disorient, and no class exceptions.

The thing is though, I thought the changes were supposed to fix WL WB viability, so why are you buffing WL ST damage?

WL ST damage is fine as it is. Great burst and mobility.

With the restrictions on AA tactic gone, why run trained to hunt stance at all?

The combination of pack synergy and loner will result in sick dmg and mobility. Atleast with Aza's changes there were stance restrictions increasing the skill level. Because of the great mobility on the class this will be without a doubt the most forgiving mdps to play.

This is how it all looks from a mara perspective:

WL gets good stuff from mara. Wl gets to keep good stuff it already had. Mara gets nothing.

Its like Santa Claus has come to RoR in the form of the new balance team. Just giving away unnecessary buffs.

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Re: [Pre-Production] White Lion

Post#38 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:41 pm

1. Do you play the class in question?
yes, but only in pve because i am roleplayer

2. Do you play the mirror class of the class in question (or at least the same archetype)?
not yet

3. What perspective do you speak from? What is your experience with the class in question (be that playing the class, or playing against it)?

Small scale 2 to 6 man, sometimes 12 during guild events.

4. Your feedback :
Not interested in Aoe tree, cause i dont want to play WL in a bomb wb. Still spirit dmg is too good to be AOE for a melee class.

I am curious how % dmg will stack with Axeman : 15%flanking + 25%loner +50%crit +25% primal fury seems a bit too bursty , but lets see if the Pet actually can do better than 25% dmg from loner, and if the pet is fixed.
Gwelthas : WL 86 The Eternal Host
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Re: [Pre-Production] White Lion

Post#39 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:24 pm

Updated Pack Synergy in the OP.

7: Pack Synergy (Moved from core tactics. Kept the pet restriction and added an exception if you have Trained to Stay active)
You and your pet's critical hits will inflict 50% more damage as long as you have a pet active or you are using Trained to Stay.

Feedback is received and being compiled. We'll discuss your concerns further internally.
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Re: [Pre-Production] White Lion

Post#40 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:21 pm

So... if you have your WL next to your pet and you hit blade and claw that is 1800 damage from the WL and 1800 damage from the pet which is 3600 30ft. Is this correct?

The old version was 2400 total damage.

Which if this is true that is the highest AoE 30ft morale damage on a single class, which btw is on a class that has a self morale pump tactic.

This also means if you have 2 WL's with this spec that's 7200 damage 30 ft. That's only 2 player's... ... ...
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