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Played at original launch of the game,thinking about try it again

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Posts: 6

Played at original launch of the game,thinking about try it again

Post#1 » Wed Mar 20, 2019 4:41 pm

Hey guys!

Im a spanish kid(if 32 years old can be called kid haha)that have played to every mmorpg, so i played to ror at the launch for maybe 2 months?

Me and my rl friends left the game and never came back due to how unfun was at 30+

We prefer pve to pvp and at launch the game had almost 0 pve( almost every dungeon was buged) and at 30+ the game was empty and was imposible get people to lvling doing public quests.

Also the pvp was a BLAST at around lvl 10-20 but when we got to 30+ was the most boring and umbalanced game that i never seen.

The pvp was a order lane-----empty space-----destro lane

EVERY player who tried enter to this empty space was INSTA deleted by the overpowers and umbalanceds bw\sorcs

Yes bw\sorc was so broken that the game wasnt fun for pvp and pve was empty and buged so i left the game and never came back.

I played almost every character,but my mains were a squigherder and a white lion at around 36\38 or something

Now after the rant i have started to play to age of sigmar and then i remembered this game.
I am playing dispossesed mixed with fyreslayers in the tabletop(dwarfs) so im thinking about try the game again but have some questions.

I guess due to be a private server the game dont have lowlvl playerbase and i gonna have to play alone all my journey?
Focusing on pve because i want see the map and every monster and so if i can.

Also the game is so umbalanced in pvp with bw\sorcs single winning every map?

I remember when i played with my brother that we could disband of the battleground group that tye game joined us,join only my brother shaman and me with my sorc,then i could spam the sorc aoe with my brother healing me all the damage that i was doing to myself and i could end with as 3000% more damage and kills than the second of the battleground and my brother and me got the 90% of the all the battleground due to be us who kill every player.

Is this xploit even in the game?are bw\sorc so broken even?

Also what class do you recomend me? I prefer a order class,i dont mind betwen dwarfs or elves because i love all. Thinking about ironbreacker because i love them in the tabletop but i want a class that i can play in solo pve,so i guess the slayers gonna be bad for solo?

Thanks for your time if you have read all this and thanks to the mods who have let me try again this game even if it is dead allready!

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Posts: 6

Re: Played at original launch of the game,thinking about try it again

Post#2 » Thu Mar 21, 2019 4:50 am

I finnally started some hours ago,i lvled a ironbreaxker to 9, a swordmaster to 6 and a thunderer to 6.

The ironbreacker is my prefered for felling of the aestetical,but it is boring to play,keep bufs,and see how the grudges go up slowly and i run out of energy fast.
The swordmaster feel a bit girly with the robe but i guess i gonna get plate soon and it is insane fun to play with the rota skills.
The thunderer feel a bit slow with the long cast of skill but it was pretty fun also.

Tomorrow i gonna try slayer and white lion

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