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Patch Notes 13/07/2019

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Re: Patch Notes 13/07/2019

Post#91 » Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:36 pm

no0kiee wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:17 pm
Sulorie wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:05 pm
no0kiee wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2019 5:51 pm online dropping, balance untouched skirmish sw still does no dmg even with full invader +61 weapons no proper aoe for wb slot nice nerfes of mechanics barely worked previously, choppa pull still ruins the game untouched, WE oneshots before knockdown ends, rvr bugged, keep up this way and server will die even before WoW Classic will be launched.
Not all are good enough to play skirmish SW. Good for you, that there are plenty other classes. Oh btw, invader is bad for SW.
invader is bad for a lot of classes as far as i know for Runies it doesn't even works, one more point for awesome development, also according my tests invader is still best gear for skirmish sw then any mix with raw stats because it let's you at least hit people "sometimes" through tones of def stats and armor stacking even if it 250-450 dmg with SFA per 1 sec cast per gcd, better then nothing isn't it? meanwhile bw/sorc does 1500~ instant cast dmg and 2500k~ per 2 sec cast as a good example of balanced class, they don't even need high end gear to do this, meanwhile full invader SW with best weapons performs TWICE worse while it should do some dmg, i did a long journey with my main and in the end of that journey i feel fooled, feelsbadman
You've been invited in the past to produce a thoughtful proposal and diagnosis of the problems you find with the game to have a meaningful discussion about these issues. If you're just going to bitch, then there's not a whole lot for us to dissect and take as legitimate feedback.

Also, we don't give a single solitary **** about Classic, and whatever it does has absolutely no bearing on what we're doing. We have a small number of amateur volunteers, they're a multi-million dollar company.
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Re: Patch Notes 13/07/2019

Post#92 » Sat Jul 20, 2019 7:12 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:36 pm
no0kiee wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:17 pm
Sulorie wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:05 pm

Not all are good enough to play skirmish SW. Good for you, that there are plenty other classes. Oh btw, invader is bad for SW.
invader is bad for a lot of classes as far as i know for Runies it doesn't even works, one more point for awesome development, also according my tests invader is still best gear for skirmish sw then any mix with raw stats because it let's you at least hit people "sometimes" through tones of def stats and armor stacking even if it 250-450 dmg with SFA per 1 sec cast per gcd, better then nothing isn't it? meanwhile bw/sorc does 1500~ instant cast dmg and 2500k~ per 2 sec cast as a good example of balanced class, they don't even need high end gear to do this, meanwhile full invader SW with best weapons performs TWICE worse while it should do some dmg, i did a long journey with my main and in the end of that journey i feel fooled, feelsbadman
You've been invited in the past to produce a thoughtful proposal and diagnosis of the problems you find with the game to have a meaningful discussion about these issues. If you're just going to bitch, then there's not a whole lot for us to dissect and take as legitimate feedback.

Also, we don't give a single solitary **** about Classic, and whatever it does has absolutely no bearing on what we're doing. We have a small number of amateur volunteers, they're a multi-million dollar company.
you are right it might look like a bitching, but i was patient and mostly silent for long period of time even when my guild gone year ago to another game, but it's just a soul cry because i care about the game i love and the the class which made me fall in love with the game long ago, i've tried another classes made a couple of toons just to be useful for my guild, but i'm bored cause i can't play my class even solo properly, yes you've made great job with assault tree, but if i want to play melee i'd rather play my WL/WH cause they have more untied stance abilities and options for melee character.

About forum discussions a lot of people post good proposals with "easy numbers dmg tweaks" which you could use to at least let people play class they love and not "bitching" while you do the real rework, and "hard mechanic changes with tactics" all those things were already posted.

The only thing i can add there is a free gear slot (left hand) you could make Quiver slot for this and make different types of arrows for armor piercing (bodkin arrows) AoE arrows (elemental/fire which spreads aoe like BW's aoe dots) slow arrows (crippling/frost) for solo kiting, because "kiting" as a fact does not exsists in the game atm Keen Arrowheads tactic is not working cause every melee class have multiple slow cleanse abilities/items, also SW have no any movement speed increase like greenskins have so how are we supposed to kite those? On live we had Odjira for this. Those quiver mechanics could solve multiple class problems, but i know you are not going to make a lot of custom stuff and it's too hard to code things like this.

So the question is why you just don't want to do minor numbers tweaks to make people enjoy the game and give you positive feedback while you do the real rework or other important stuff?

Posts: 7227

Re: Patch Notes 13/07/2019

Post#93 » Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:40 pm

no0kiee wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:17 pm invader is bad for a lot of classes as far as i know for Runies it doesn't even works, one more point for awesome development, also according my tests invader is still best gear for skirmish sw then any mix with raw stats because it let's you at least hit people "sometimes" through tons of def stats and armor stacking even if it 250-450 dmg with SFA per 1 sec cast per gcd, better then nothing isn't it? meanwhile bw/sorc does 1500~ instant cast dmg and 2500k~ per 2 sec cast as a good example of balanced class, they don't even need high end gear to do this, meanwhile full invader SW with best weapons performs TWICE worse while it should do some dmg, i've made a long journey with my main and in the end of that journey i feel fooled, feelsbadman
Try it with full Bloodlord set, best phys rdps set by a mile. The skirmish spec SW I play with actually contribute, so I will guess it is the player and not the class. Obviously for warband they suck at the current state but there are many more classes, who lack proper warband specs.
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