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Lock Out /Temp Ban?

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Posts: 423

Lock Out /Temp Ban?

Post#1 » Mon Dec 30, 2019 10:48 pm

I was playing my new engi all day, I have not played destro in some time. I was farming mats trying to get my talisman ranked up. Server shuts down for patch. I log back in and continue my farming when I hear an announcement Fort is on in Fell Landing. Ok I zoom over to flight master to go Caledor, now I am Locked out from using that character?? For how long?? I am not able to go back farming as my character is locked to Caledor now and it just puts me to base screen. Is this how it is intended to work?? Just lock characters down for trying to fly to fort??
Order: 70 AM / 76 RP/ 72 Knight/ 58 WH
Destro: 82 Sham / 79 Zealot/ 70 DoK /70 Magus /68 Mara
Many alts on both sides now ruined by new currency change

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Posts: 53

Re: Lock Out /Temp Ban?

Post#2 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 4:45 pm

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