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Sovereign set redesign ideas/feedback

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Posts: 1896

Sovereign set redesign ideas/feedback

Post#1 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:26 pm

Since no one else has bothered to make a thread regarding Sovereign set ideas, coming with new procs/ideas to replace current bonuses/procs, I guess I'll make a big post about it.
I play various classes, and as the sets are currently in game, don't feel hyped at any specific set, general 2-3-4 bonuses are "ok", some 5-6pcs are "okay" and some 7pcs make me "hmm".

I'll present my obviously flawed and subjective and variously biased ideas below. Many will most likely be totally ignored, but even if maybe few go through, some Sov sets might maybe improve. (or maybe something can be salvaged for Dark Promise in the distant future)

warning, some procs might seem OP as hell, but again, they can be adjusted/nerfed at any time, but the general idea is that grinding 1-2 years of cities should be rewarded with a gear where the 5-6-7 bonuses make you salivate.
Some sets may make more sense than others, on some I had more creative ideas, on some less. Please don't be too angry.

DPS classes
main Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 parry
5 crit
6 meleepower
7 critmodifier+20

def Sov
2 wounds
3 tough
4 reducedcritchance
5 reducecricdmgtaken-25%
6 woundsproc-1k-10sICD
6 900armorbuff(uniqueStacking)

2 init
3 str
4 wounds
5 crit
6 steal140ToughbuffWS140
7 armdebuff800

main Sov
2 int
3 wounds
4 init
5 crit
6 magicpower
7 critmodifier+20

def Sov
2 wounds
3 tough
4 reducedcritchance
5 reducecritdmgtaken-25%
6 speedproc
7 800absorb-5s-ICD

2 int
3 wounds
4 disruptstrikethrough
5 magiccrit
6 corpdebuff300
7 onBeingHit500hp-5s-ICD

main Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 ws
5 armorpen
6 meleepower
7 critBoost [crit+critmodifier, same in some OS sets]

def Sov
2 wounds
3 init
4 str
5 parry
6 reducedcritchance
7 800absorb-5s-ICD

2 str
3 WS
4 meleepower
5 meleecrit
6 steal140Tough buffWS140
7 armdebuff800

main Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 init
5 meleecrit
6 meleepower
7 critBoost [crit+critmodifier, same in some OS sets]

def Sov
2 wounds
3 tough
4 str
5 parry
6 reducedcritchance
7 800absorb-5s-ICD

2 str
3 init
4 wounds
5 meleepower
6 meleecrit
7 +35%AAdmg

main Sov
2 int
3 wounds
4 init
5 magiccrit
6 magicpower
7 critBoost [crit+critmodifier, same in some OS sets]

def Sov
2 wounds
3 tough
4 int
5 reducedcritdmgtaken-25%
6 Pilfer (on being hit, 25% steal 300 HP, 3s ICD)
7 900 armorbuff(uniqueStacking)

2 int
3 wounds
4 disruptstrikethrough
5 magiccrit
6 speedproc
7 onHit reduce Targets Dmg by-15%(uniqueStacking)

main Sov
2 Bal
3 Wounds
4 WS
5 rangedcrit
6 rangedpower
7 critBoost [crit+critmodifier, same in some OS sets]

def Sov
2 wounds
3 tough
4 Bal
5 reducedcritchance
6 reducecritdmgtaken-25%
7 800absorb-5s-ICD

2 Bal
3 wounds
4 WS
5 rangedcrit
6 +30AAhaste
7 GottaGoFast +15% movementspeed(permanent unique effect)


main Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 parry
5 crit
6 meleepower
7 critmodifier+20

def Sov
2 wounds
3 tough
4 reducedcrichancet
5 reducecritdmgtaken-25%
6 woundsproc-1k-10sICD
7 900armorbuff(uniqueStacking)

2 init
3 str
4 wounds
5 crit
6 steal140Tough buffWS140
7 armdebuff800

main Sov
2 int
3 wounds
4 init
5 crit
6 magicpower
7 critmodifier+20

def Sov
2 wounds
3 tough
4 reducedcrit
5 reducecritdmgtaken-25%
6 speedproc
7 800absorb-5s-ICD

2 int
3 wounds
4 disruptstrikethrough
5 crit
6 elementaldebuff300
7 on Being Hit 500hp 5s ICD

main Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 ws
5 armorpen
6 meleepower
7 critBoost [crit+critmodifier, same in some OS sets]

def Sov
2 wounds
3 init
4 str
5 parry
6 reducedcritchance
7 800 absorb 5s ICD

2 str
3 WS
5 crit
6 steal140Tough buffWS140
7 armdebuff800

White Lion
main Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 init
5 crit
6 meleepower
7 critBoost [crit+critmodifier, same in some OS sets]

def Sov
2 wounds
3 tough
4 str
5 parry
6 reducedcritchance
7 800 absorb 5s ICD

2 str
3 init
4 wounds
5 meleepower
6 meleecrit
7 +35%AAdmg

main Sov
2 Bal
3 wounds
4 init
5 rangedcrit
6 rangedpower
7 critBoost [crit+critmodifier, same in some OS sets]

def Sov
2 wounds
3 tough
4 Bal
5 reducedcritdmgtaken-25%
6 Pilfer(on hit, 25% steal 300 HP, 3s ICD)
7 900armorbuff(uniqueStacking)

2 bal
3 wounds
4 dodgestrikethrough
5 rangedcrit
6 speedproc
7 on Hit reduce Targets dmg By-15%(uniqueStacking)

main Sov
2 Bal
3 Wounds
4 WS
5 ragedcrit
6 rangedpower
7 critBoost [crit+critmodifier, same in some OS sets]

def Sov
2 wounds
3 tough
4 Bal
5 reducedcritchance
6 reducecritdmgtaken-25%
7 800absorb-5s-ICD

2 Bal
3 wounds
4 WS
5 crit
6 +30AAhaste
7 GottaGoFast +15% movementspeed (permanent unique effect)


main Sov
2 wounds
3 toughness
4 critreducechance
5 block
6 avoidanceprocs
7 on being hit +10% Heals On Party

off Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 parry
5 crit
6 meleepower
7 on Parry +5% Crit For Party

2 str
3 wounds
4 meleepower
5 on Hit steal 40AP 3s ICD
6 tauntproc
7 900armorbuff(unique)

main Sov
2 wounds
3 toughness
4 critreduce
5 block
6 avoidanceprocs
7 on being Hit 600absorb 5s ICD

off Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 parry
5 crit
6 meleepower
7 critmodifier+20

2 str
3 wounds
4 meleepower
5 AAdmg+25%
6 tauntproc
7 +15parry(unique)

main Sov
2 wounds
3 toughness
4 critreduce
5 block
6 avoidanceprocs
7 on being hit +200morale 3s ICD

off Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 parry
5 crit
6 meleepower
7 Targets chance To Be Crit +7%

2 str
3 wounds
4 meleepower
5 AAhaste30
6 tauntproc
7 incoming DMG -10%(permanent unique)


main Sov
2 wounds
3 toughness
4 critreduce
5 block
6 avoidanceprocs
7 on Being HitSnareAttacker-20%

off Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 parry
5 crit
6 meleepower
7 +15%parry(unique)

2 str
3 wounds
4 meleepower
5 on Hit steal 40AP 3sICD
6 tauntproc
7 900armorbuff(unique)

main Sov
2 wounds
3 toughness
4 critreduce
5 bolck
6 avoidanceprocs
7 on Being Hit Party Gains +20AP 3s ICD

off Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 parry
5 crit
6 meleepower
7 spiritdebuff -200(unique)

2 str
3 wounds
4 meleepower
5 AAdmg+25%
6 tauntproc
7 +15%block(unique)

main sov
2 wounds
3 toughness
4 critreduce
5 block
6 avoidanceprocs
7 on being hit +200 morale 3s ICD

off Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 parry
5 crit
6 meleepower
7 Targets chance To Be crit +7%

2 str
3 wounds
4 meleepower
5 AAhaste30
6 tauntproc
7 outgoingDmg +10% (permanent unique)


main Sov
2 willpower
3 wounds
4 init
5 critreduce
6 healcrit
7 SEregenproc

off Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 ws
5 armorpen
6 meleepower
7 critboost

2 wounds
3 str
4 willpower
5 block
6 +15strikethrough
7 All Crit rates +15

main sov
2 willpower
3 wounds
4 healpower
5 APproc
6 healcrit
7 critmodifier+20

off Sov
2 int
3 wounds
4 init
5 magiccrit
6 magicpower
7 critboost

2 wounds
3 willpower
4 init
5 healcrit
6 critreduce
7 900armorbuff(unique)

main Sov
2 willpower
3 wounds
4 healpower
5 APproc
6 healcrit
7 critmodifier+20

off Sov
2 int
3 wounds
4 init
5 magiccrit
6 magicpower
7 critboost+20

2 wounds
3 willpower
4 init
5 healcrit
6 critreduce
7 900armorbuff(unique)

main Sov
2 willpower
3 wounds
4 init
5 critreduce
6 healcrit
7 RFregenproc

off Sov
2 str
3 wounds
4 ws
5 armorpen
6 meleepower
7 critboost

2 wounds
3 str
4 willpower
5 block
6 +15strikethrough
7 All Crit rates +15

main sov
2 willpower
3 wounds
4 healpower
5 APproc
6 healcrit
7 critmodifier+20

off Sov
2 int
3 wounds
4 init
5 crit
6 magicpower
7 critboost

2 wounds
3 willpower
4 init
5 healcrit
6 critreduce
7 900armorbuff(unique)

main Sov
2 willpower
3 wounds
4 healpower
5 APproc
6 healcrit
7 critmodifier+20

off Sov
2 int
3 wounds
4 init
5 magiccrit
6 magicpower
7 critboost

2 wounds
3 willpower
4 init
5 halcrit
6 critreduce
7 900armorbuff(unique)

feel free to point if something is absurdly too much, might edit values etc. or if you come up with something better, just post your ideas as well, maybe something gets implemented some day

edited formatting few times, will try check later what errors I have at some points
Last edited by Aurandilaz on Fri Feb 28, 2020 5:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Posts: 344

Re: Sovereign set redesign ideas/feedback

Post#2 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:29 pm

For the most part, I think the stat allocations on individual pieces needs looking at more urgently than the set bonuses.

But for your thread: Heal shammy. The only set bonus i would change would be the -armour pen for toughness or -crit chance. -armour pen is kind of a weird set bonus on a cloth class with terrible base armour.
For dps shammy, the +2 mastery is useless (where it is most certainly not for heal shammy) and as the final proc is obsolete in any situation where there's a BG running crimson death, you're unlikely to go past 5 pc. Which you are unlikly to do anyway as you need to mix and match sets to get your int close to softcap.
Tushi Splats Tush Emoalbino Podge

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Re: Sovereign set redesign ideas/feedback

Post#3 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:01 pm

I kinda agree, the last 3 or so sets prior to Royal sets for BW have had 2dodge 2disrupt on belt slot and all 3 versions on these new sets have the same 2% instead of the good old offensive 36magicpower as we saw on Vanq and Conq belts.

Smallchanges like that on the individual pieces would be a welcome addition. Apart from that i think the bonuses are alright. No BoostV proc to compete with Onslaugh makes for a hard product to sell imo. And masterypoints are not equially attractive for some builds/careers.

The BW/sorc 7piece proc was last seen on Overload set and only proced on whoever you had targeted and couldnt proc on Aoe targets you dont have targeted so this makes pretty much all of the royal sets with this proc only be attractive on singletarget, which is an other shame.
Bombling 92BW
Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP

Gombling 85MSH - Chopling 83Chop - Notbombling 83Sorc - Destroling 81Zeal - Goldbag 80Mara

Posts: 214

Re: Sovereign set redesign ideas/feedback

Post#4 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:25 pm

Just going to build off of your proposed changes on the WP/DOK since this is my main class. Also reformatted it a bit so it's not so much word vomit and a bit more appealing to the eyes.


willpower Sov
2piece - willpower
3piece - wounds
4piece - init
5piece - crit damage reduction
6piece - increased heal crit chance
7piece - mechanic(SE/RF) regen proc (I don't see a problem with mirroring the onslaught proc - on heal 10% chance to regen 45 RF/SE over 3 seconds)

off/block Sov
2piece - str
3piece - wounds
4piece - initiative

5piece - increased armor penetration or crit damage reduction
5piece - crit damage reduction (ranged DPS sov set bonuses will utterly wreck shield spec, especially since shield spec already struggles against dealing with ranged classes. don't @ me)

6piece - block %

7piece - Current AP regen on block is decent given how AP starved you can be, and how being AP drained is one of the most effective counters against the class.
7piece - On defense - 25% chance to increase Parry, Evade and Disrupt by 10% for 10 seconds
7piece - On Being Hit: 10% Chance to increase Parry, Block, Disrupt, and Dodge by 7% for 10 seconds

warlord I'm utterly confused what you were trying to go with on this spec? For this one, I'm just going to assume this is for 2h/DW build.
Warlord is a bit more difficult since DPS WP/DOK already have a great set from bloodlord, so the ideal behind this is just an alternative set. Idk, just spitballing.
2piece - str
3piece - wounds
4piece - increased armor penetration
5piece - increased strikethrough
6piece - +25% AA Speed Haste
7piece - On Hit: 10% chance to increase all damage taken by your target by 4% for 10 seconds

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Posts: 482

Re: Sovereign set redesign ideas/feedback

Post#5 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:49 pm

Aurandilaz wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:26 pm ...
Your IB set suggestions are extremely awful, pls don't suggest anything else in this line.
Gryyw - Ironbreaker

Posts: 83

Re: Sovereign set redesign ideas/feedback

Post#6 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 9:00 pm

kmark101 wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:49 pm
Aurandilaz wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:26 pm ...
Your IB set suggestions are extremely awful, pls don't suggest anything else in this line.
Maybe you should say what's awfull instead of dropping this a passive agressive oneliner?

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Posts: 482

Re: Sovereign set redesign ideas/feedback

Post#7 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 9:54 pm

blechkautz wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 9:00 pm
kmark101 wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:49 pm
Aurandilaz wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:26 pm ...
Your IB set suggestions are extremely awful, pls don't suggest anything else in this line.
Maybe you should say what's awfull instead of dropping this a passive agressive oneliner?
It's not passive aggressive, but for a start whoever is not placing weaponskill into the IB's offensive set bonus has such a tiny knowledge about the class that it's pointless to make any kind of discussion. In other words, people with zero knowledge of classes should not give suggestions. I'm sorry if my comment sounded offensive, it just pissed me off for a second. :)
Gryyw - Ironbreaker

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Re: Sovereign set redesign ideas/feedback

Post#8 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 11:19 pm

kmark101 wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 9:54 pm
blechkautz wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 9:00 pm
kmark101 wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:49 pm

Your IB set suggestions are extremely awful, pls don't suggest anything else in this line.
Maybe you should say what's awfull instead of dropping this a passive agressive oneliner?
It's not passive aggressive, but for a start whoever is not placing weaponskill into the IB's offensive set bonus has such a tiny knowledge about the class that it's pointless to make any kind of discussion. In other words, people with zero knowledge of classes should not give suggestions. I'm sorry if my comment sounded offensive, it just pissed me off for a second. :)
A class that has access to ST armor debuff ability, a morale 1 armor debuff ability (stacking) and self buff to WS, and you want how much more of WS?
I looked through various IB gear sets, couldn't found WS anywhere IIRC, but feel free to prove me wrong or go make your own thread about IB gear suggestions since you are not posting anything of value here?

Posts: 31

Re: Sovereign set redesign ideas/feedback

Post#9 » Thu Feb 27, 2020 12:29 pm

I like some of your suggestions and i believe some sets are much less optimized than others at their current state, for lot of classes seems like 4-5 sov is the way to go so far stacking insane crits/crit dmg if available (on the other hand this bring some more optimization to the table than all endgame been 8 set sov) etc and the +2 to a path that might not been even be useful for lots of classes too yea we can try a few more weird builds .
So about your suggestions seems like you follow a pattern for melee dps and seems that they are a bit op for a few of them instead of those generic 6-7 dmg bonuses i would like to see some career flavor there add something to a career add something interested to that class like WE dots have a chance to do X for example

Anyway i believe those sets are a nice way to fix a lot of classes that they lack in some way to a specific way of play and those 7-8 can be an easy way to fix and test changes in the future since they don't like to mess with the trees, lots of classes got beyond useless tactics, morales and underperforming abilities on them. This sets come from a full RvR WB play environment and i think at least SoV should be designed around it.

I skipped warlord but i agree with them mostly and i like how you made them focused on small scale and more attractive overall
Lots of pure dmg for a squishy class i like and hate parry at the same time as a 4 set bonus seems like a very optimized set and maybe the 20% crit dmg is a lot for a melee seems like a set that solo WE will like to nuke people during a stun but seems like high risk high reward maybe

WE Sov Def
Not sure about the wound proc on a that high defensive set, how long will be the ICD or the uptime if you get focused ?

Sorcs Sov DPS
i like that you moved crit dmg mod to 7 set an added magic power so its not about stacking sov +onslaught

Is that 6 bonus proc a movement speed proc?
And toughness could be replaced with armor here

Choppa Sov DPS
Seems fine with your choices nothing crazy

Sov def
Maybe less dead choppas seems like a fine solo roam set for a choppa but not familiar with that class for that kind of play

Mara Sov Dps
Fine stats and generic crit chance and damage but rly needed for ST mara

Sov def
Generic shield proc but hard to put something else here mara already got nice utility maybe something related to his mutations like increase their chance to proc or their potency

Magus Sov DPs
well same as sorc but current version 7 set is one of the best

Sov Def
I like that you went with HP steal here and not just a generic shield proc

Squig Sov dps
Generic dps stats nothing crazy maybe we get to see more ranged squigs with all those dmg modifiers still meatballs will be the kings

Sov Def
More annoying version of squig yikes :(
Same as WE generic dmg boosts for a squishy class for a pure dps set nothing wrong for it

This class rly needs some more dmg for warband play nothing else to add than what i said for sorcs

WL Sov Dps
I would like to see sov dps add some kind of utility to this class like intead of init add some kind of debuff this class lacks any utility for wb play

Sov def
A defensive wl that would be something to test but not sure if it fits the career fantasy with the current state they are atm

SW Sov dps
Generic dps stats nothing crazy maybe we get to see more ranged SW with all those dmg modifiers still they lack utility as wl and most order dps classes
I hope we can keep this thread clean without the usual flaming war, blaming, talking **** to other people suggestions like every other thread ends.
Plus one last thing and not sure if it is possible it would be nice if devs response in those comments , suggestions or how they think making those set bonuses and what are their factors when they making them so people will be able to suggest changes knowing their way of thinking and not going crazy the end decisions are yours anyway.

Posts: 885

Re: Sovereign set redesign ideas/feedback

Post#10 » Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:15 pm

suggestion of SM is super weak.
7proc +AP? what a rubbish compare to invader
and the warlord 7proc +20% block???????who will use a shield with warlord? no eyes see

only the off sov is ok which reduce target 240 spirit resistance
and I think make some related proc to the property of a class
This time the sov set if 100 is full i give 60

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