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New xRealm Lockout

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Posts: 2

Re: New xRealm Lockout

Post#161 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:06 am

I don't agree with this. My party and I were unaware and just wanted to do some PVE partying and it has kinda ruined that for us.

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Re: New xRealm Lockout

Post#162 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 6:06 pm

xRealm lockout seems a good idea to me.

But please, could you apply the xrealm lockout when someone goes to RvR zones and gets flagged for rvr instead of every time you switch toon?

I mean, sometimes i log on a toon to check Auction house or to farm potion items and then switch to another faction and i get the 90 minutes lock, without going to pvp...

Posts: 3

Re: New xRealm Lockout

Post#163 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:11 am

We've been discussing this in guild chat and alliance chat recently. Apparently there is an old Destro guild which has re-emerged and it seems many xrealmers have flipped sides to destro. I'm not sure if this is true, but it sure feels true.
With all this in mind and seeing first hand how lopsided some things can be and keeping in mind the toxicity of some players attitudes in-game, I have a recommendation.
I believe the best option is to change the lockout to run from the time T2 opens until the end of City siege. This might be once a day or once a week. Choose a side, fight hard.
Next, I believe the timer should only apply to doing pvp(rvr) fighting. Doing pve or other things like checking AH need not be penalized.
Also, T1 RVR should be EXEMPT from this lockout. This will give people something to do and T! is just a crazy place anyway.
Lastly, having a message pop on character screen alerting you of any faction lockouts/restrictions would be nice.

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Re: New xRealm Lockout

Post#164 » Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:16 am

Not strong lockout (only 90 min.), bu can be enought. very good option is PVE exception from lockout.

In current rvr campaign 90 min it's not to long, many times il see takeing zone is many many longer, so xrealmers have a time to relog (after zone + fort for example).
Image Ashghul | Image Snurfz | Image Kyrathrin / Karak Azgal

Posts: 23

Re: New xRealm Lockout

Post#165 » Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:23 am

Is the lockout looking at IP address or some details from a PC? My son plays RoR too, but his main is SW, while mine is DoK - and we are often unable to play in succession.

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Re: New xRealm Lockout

Post#166 » Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:25 am

I said 90 min, but if i decided about lockout timer - il give 8h. And what is point for leachers who cry this side lockout? If You want play - you play by side you want, doesnt care lockout for xrealm. What is priority? xrealmers?
Image Ashghul | Image Snurfz | Image Kyrathrin / Karak Azgal

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Re: New xRealm Lockout

Post#167 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:04 pm

I believe this 90mins are perfect.
I would even suggest one extra way to do it too.

Place 60mins lock + 30 mins chicken debuff if the player touch any T4 RvR area.
Like at nordland when u reach lv.16 if you enter the RvR, you become chicken... simple way to prevent xrealms, because it wont matter the level at T4. Anyone with the xrealm debuff will become chicken if step in T4 RvR area and unable to join any fort/city queue.

Posts: 24

Re: New xRealm Lockout

Post#168 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:58 pm

This type of thing should really only apply to those that have participated in RvR. I switch sides in order to play on whichever side needs more players, or to play with friends and family. Creating a lockout for everything, dungeons and SC's, will only dissuade me from playing entirely. what I see in many of the posts calling for additional punishments like longer or harsher lockouts seem to be making arguments based on an emotional response to losing zone flips rather than real information. As such, creating many hours long lockouts or adding some debuff in which you are turned into a chicken or any variety of things are terrible ideas.

Additionally, is there actual data that supports the idea that people are constantly xrealming? Is the decision to add lockout timers even needed based on evidence that large portions of the player base is constantly switching sides? Just because people are leaving a zone after a failed siege or anything else does not automatically mean they are swapping to the other faction. Even using in game mods to "prove" that xrealming happens is disingenuous as we can't actually make a real determination that the population fluctuations are related to xrealming, correlation does not imply causation. Of course, if I have missed some discussion which included verified data that this is an issue and not anecdotal, emotion based arguments as why xrealmers are ruining the game then I would gladly withdraw my statements.

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Re: New xRealm Lockout

Post#169 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:55 pm

The current lockout system is dumb anyway because, unless I'm missing something, you can still switch at least once. I'm newer to the game and trying a bunch of toons out, currently don't have anything higher than level 28. I can freely switch from one side to another once before triggering a lockout.

So how is that beneficial when it comes to crucial RvR moments? I can just pop over once to get the perks and hangout for 90 minutes.

The way I see it, if people are so against xrealming then either only allow people to create characters on one faction at a time, or do away with lockouts altogether.

WoW had PvP servers where you were only allowed one character on one faction. I get RoR only has one server, but just apply the same rules. Or, let people xrealm. It's a private server game that could use a growing player base, and I only see harsh penalties against xrealming hurting the potential population.

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Re: New xRealm Lockout

Post#170 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 6:03 pm

I think starting the lockout on logout would be nice, that is if the goal is to stop the player from playing the other side.

But I suppose people could just login and logout and start their 90 minutes or whatever.
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