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New WE player - can't kill healers?

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#21 » Mon Mar 02, 2020 11:06 pm

We took many nerfs. The class you are looking for is a melee shadow warrior. Super broken atm.

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Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#22 » Thu Mar 05, 2020 7:35 pm

Koro wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:12 pm
CeeJay89 wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:00 pm To be honest, a properly played/specced healer in similar gear shouldn't be killed by anyone in a 1v1.
? Don't play that class cause it has no role to accomplish, unless outgeared or 2vs1 in which case roles doesn't even matter ? I mean seriously what am I missing here?

I loved playing WE when the game released - it was very challenging but also rewarding back then. Now I just don't recognize this class at all.
This exactly. On live I got my WE up to RR100 and here it's like being totally obsolete.
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Posts: 21

Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#23 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:47 pm

I also came from Live and was one of the top WE of my server before I left. I recently found ROR and built up my WE to 40/50 over the last couple weeks (thank you x2 week!).

While surely a small sample, and I don't have best in slot gear, this class feels like it needs help.

I accept the glass cannon role. I accept that I will die more easily than the majority of classes and my MDPS brethren. But right now it feels like all glass and no cannon.

I have wonderful utility at my disposal but in order to put myself in position to utilize it, where the chance of success seems very low (so far!).

I'm not sure what all the changes were from live, or what the devs' vision for this class is, but it currently feels like no mans land.

As a huge fan of the previous the WE and "assassins" in general - I couldn't recommend this class to anyone in it's current state.

Posts: 3

Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#24 » Thu Mar 19, 2020 12:39 am

Idk, I rolled a WE alt recently and despite early issues like the ones described here I feel like I'm finding my footing. As has been established killing healers 1vs1 is a rarity and shouldn't be relied upon. My go-to strategy became waiting for a team fight to get underway and 5-10 seconds in jumping on a dps or a healer already engaged by my tank or another dps. That both significantly increases my survivability (due to enemies already engaging other targets) and decreases target's ability to defend (I look for blown detaunts specifically). Good BG is especially great of a wingman between all the debuffs they deliver along not-so-bad damage.

Acting as such force multiplier more often than not results in a quick kill or two forcing healers to scramble to respond which can lead to a chain reaction and total enemy team collapse. Epecially since your ranged snare is a perfect match for your tanks' and other mdps' melee one. And once this train starts rolling every positioning mistake by enemy backliners gets punished hard. It work particularly well on maps such as Mourkain Temple that force tight team formations.

SO, while this is still early days I do enjoy my WE quite a bit, despite a certain heartache brought by not being able to singlehandedly explode people.

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Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#25 » Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:43 am

Your role is not to kill healers solo in backline.
When you atk a healer in backline, they are forced to heal themselves, because for this you have enough pressure. They cant heal their team then.
When 1 DD could solo kill 1 healer, then you wouldn't need healers at all, because they will be useless.
To kill a healer, assist with at least one other DD.
Obviously there are plenty squishy healers as well, which you can kill solo. Not everyone is tough or knows how to play.
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Posts: 21

Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#26 » Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:33 am

Sulorie wrote: Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:43 am Your role is not to kill healers solo in backline.
When you atk a healer in backline, they are forced to heal themselves, because for this you have enough pressure. They cant heal their team then.
When 1 DD could solo kill 1 healer, then you wouldn't need healers at all, because they will be useless.
To kill a healer, assist with at least one other DD.
Obviously there are plenty squishy healers as well, which you can kill solo. Not everyone is tough or knows how to play.
This is the response you'll get from a lot of people. What they don't get is being an assist is better done by all the other MDPS classes. Our class was built as an assassin and it's failing to perform at an acceptable level for most.

Being able to 1v1 a healer, doesn't make a healer useless. But the rock paper scissors is currently broken at the moment.

Posts: 7227

Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#27 » Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:06 am

Jazlizard wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:33 am
Sulorie wrote: Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:43 am Your role is not to kill healers solo in backline.
When you atk a healer in backline, they are forced to heal themselves, because for this you have enough pressure. They cant heal their team then.
When 1 DD could solo kill 1 healer, then you wouldn't need healers at all, because they will be useless.
To kill a healer, assist with at least one other DD.
Obviously there are plenty squishy healers as well, which you can kill solo. Not everyone is tough or knows how to play.
This is the response you'll get from a lot of people. What they don't get is being an assist is better done by all the other MDPS classes. Our class was built as an assassin and it's failing to perform at an acceptable level for most.

Being able to 1v1 a healer, doesn't make a healer useless. But the rock paper scissors is currently broken at the moment.
Can you read my post again and actually understand it?
Being an assassin doesn't mean, that the target has to be a healer. Solo DD in backline get killed because it's no 1vs1 the moment all other enemies notice your presence.
WE could solo anyone a few month after release, until it was fixed, as the class was broken OP. Even on live it wasn't possible after it got fixed. This doesn't mean you can't kill a healer solo, as there are many who have a squishy build and don't find their detaunt button.
The game is about assist and your stealth means, that an enemy might use their single target detaunt on someone else, when your assist buddy draws the attention first.
Nobody said btw, that you can't 1vs1 healers. You will just fail to kill the good ones, the rest is up to you.
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Posts: 72

Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#28 » Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:50 am

Remember though in most group-focused rpgs or even mmobas assassin classes are not as much supposed to 1v1 everyone as much as to pick off running/low hp targets.
This is a very group-centric mmorpg, 1v1 fights don't really have much meaning. Even supply runs are usually done in 2-3 people even on empty maps.

I actually haven't played much wh/we but I guess your role should be to watch the fight and assassin players that get somehow a little detatched from the group when they take some kind of hits.

You may for instance assist a sorc and see when she's about to blow that oeverextended guy and you'll just make sure to be around if they'll get out of range and you'll actually finish them off and get the kill for your team

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Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#29 » Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:49 am

WE is the useless class of the game. Not even a shadow of what it where in live. Thanks to all nerfs, it is not a assasin, it is maybe a utily class (Heal Debuffs - moral pump). If u want a assain, reroll a WL and u can kill while doing other stuff irl.

If u wanna still play WE, u need know:
-Wounds debuff finisher no dmg the wounds it debuff, just max wounds on target lowered (fun part is wounds buff does heal, but that is other tale)
-Kiss have internal CD, soo forgot the basic from live. Here is no fast daggers also, but not really matter cos of this nerf.
-No crit buff tactic, since last times a WE where able kill a no AFK, players just spam Agonizing Wound, cos do more dmg than any finisher, soo got changed for 5% dmg on finisher, but still long way behind of BAL.
-Try all finisher WE have and look what u like more (SPOILER- All are useless). On end, u will use Witchbrew 90% of time, Heart Render on low armour targets (spect only 1-2 double crit at day),
-Till u get invader+ gear and 70+, u will not kill anything but AFKs (care what u try kill AFK, some WL pets will kill u before u kill the AFK WL)
-If u meet a WL, u are dead before recover from stun since CC inmune from RA got removed from game.
-If u meet a WH, u are dead, even if u perfect jump he. After recover from stun (u cant kill anything on the stun time), he will pop parry buff and kill u with riposted + BAL (unlest u have invader)
-U only have 1 proc weapon tipe, dont look WH options or u will cry. U will need grind all dungeons to be able use one of the weapon u need.(SPOLER- teams dont will take u in team for the dungeons unlest they are u friends and do it for u)

best advise i can give u is dont play it as main. Roll other class as main and leave WE as anything to play time to time. Real assasin in destro for solo is shaman or mSH

That all the main nerfs is becouse lead GM where a WH some time ago, is just a urban legend, dont listen to it :roll:

Posts: 7227

Re: New WE player - can't kill healers?

Post#30 » Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:59 am

bctakhy wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:49 am ...yadayada...

best advise i can give u is dont play it as main. Roll other class as main and leave WE as anything to play time to time. Real assasin in destro for solo is shaman or mSH

That all the main nerfs is becouse lead GM where a WH some time ago, is just a urban legend, dont listen to it :roll:
Your game knowledge is surprisingly small, you should talk about your own WE only and make no general statments.
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