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T2-T3 keep mechanics

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T2-T3 keep mechanics

Post#1 » Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:25 pm

First off i want to apologize in advance if what i propose has been addressed before, as i find it difficult to find any suggestions similar to this. Also if there is some mechanic with this system that i dont understand that would make the following proposal impractical or impossible. This is just an idea that i would think would be awesome coming from a DAOC player, that being said....

I think it would be cool to see the T2-T3 orvr lakes/keeps being able to be open and seiged at any time without zone locks, separated from t4 and not connected to the campaign to get to the city. i enjoy the current system as is, warband play and zerging is fun, but i find small man roaming and small man keep taking equally as enjoyable to me and that is not seen as much, i try but as soon as flames go up zergs roll in, which again is fine and i enjoy that too.

RvR in DAOC was taking any of the keeps available at any time to bring rr/xp/buff benefits to the realm. I think a system like this in t2/t3 (or at least the 3 t2 zones) would be a cool addition to that style of gameplay. I dont know how or if it would affect t4, other than separating the zergs a bit, allowing for more roaming for those not interested or feeling like zerging or small maning in a crowded zone. You may have to limit keep rewards as to not be farmed for gold bags or whatever, but being able to take at any time the 6 t2 keeps or 6 t3 keeps to bring a 1% rr/xp bonus(or whatever the bonus may be) to the entire realm per owned keep would not be game breaking but may bring another style to the game with different incentives than bag farming for a keep. You could have objectives still to run supplies to warcamps to get rams for when both keeps are controlled by one faction. however the logistics with it come to be, i think it would be a great addition, as long as it doesnt take too much action away from the main t4 objectives.

Hopefully i dont get yelled at about every little mechanic about how this will not possibly work, I do not expect anything to come of this, i just thought i would be a really fun aspect of the game (not that the game needs any more of it i love the server the way it is and what the amazing devs have done for all of us). This is just a suggestion to do exactly what the thread says is to bring my ideas :D thanks

Posts: 5

Re: T2-T3 keep mechanics

Post#2 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:14 am

Sorry if not on topic and sorry for my English.

Are the developers planning to split Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4 or not?

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Re: T2-T3 keep mechanics

Post#3 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:40 am

It's been discussed plenty of times with different ideas and suggestions for it, unfortunately they just don't wanna change this no matter the argument for it. One of the main reasons the population will dim down and go back to whatever it was before the spotlight was on them.

It also doesn't help that people that only play 40 don't want it. Their power trip would be over.

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Re: T2-T3 keep mechanics

Post#4 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:26 am

Do the developers explain why they don't want to do this?

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Re: T2-T3 keep mechanics

Post#5 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:37 pm

Teolast wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:26 am Do the developers explain why they don't want to do this?
Yes. Multiple times. People don't listen or care, which is fine. Neither do we after the 10th explanation.
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Re: T2-T3 keep mechanics

Post#6 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:53 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:37 pm
Yes. Multiple times. People don't listen or care, which is fine. Neither do we after the 10th explanation.
I am very sorry. I find it very difficult to search, because I speak very bad English. Tell me please where can I find this information?

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Re: T2-T3 keep mechanics

Post#7 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:03 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:37 pm
Teolast wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:26 am Do the developers explain why they don't want to do this?
Yes. Multiple times. People don't listen or care, which is fine. Neither do we after the 10th explanation.
many new players dont know about your 10th times explain. thats why they ask, maybe take a break if its to much, to give them a link to a post/topic where you have explained it ? sad to hear when devs "dont care"
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Re: T2-T3 keep mechanics

Post#8 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:37 pm


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Re: T2-T3 keep mechanics

Post#9 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:36 am

I understand that the staff answer the same questions over and over, but digging up anything on the game/server is really hard. The wiki is perpetually outdated / missing information, replies are buried in threads that aren't easily searched, there's no FAQs or well thought out central info hubs. All of this stuff *could* be compiled by community members rather than staff, but it hardly seems fair to consistently get snappy at people for not drudging through pages of forum post results
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Re: T2-T3 keep mechanics

Post#10 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:50 pm

Ruscour wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:36 am I understand that the staff answer the same questions over and over, but digging up anything on the game/server is really hard. The wiki is perpetually outdated / missing information, replies are buried in threads that aren't easily searched, there's no FAQs or well thought out central info hubs. All of this stuff *could* be compiled by community members rather than staff, but it hardly seems fair to consistently get snappy at people for not drudging through pages of forum post results
At least I'm consistent about it. There's a difference between asking what mechanics exist and asking that mechanics change to suit your own desires. Clearly if we intended them to be different, they would be different. After several years of implementation, one might imagine we are satisfied with the results and have no real intention to rework massive and complex systems to fit inconsistent feedback. That's really not how we operate when it comes to any other sort of implementation, there's no reason to expect we do it on items we consider finished. If anything that we implement needs feedback to better support the devs, we will happily ask for it, usually in the Development section of the forums.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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