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testing some performance addon

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Posts: 23

testing some performance addon

Post#1 » Tue May 12, 2020 7:24 am

A lot of players report lagging/stuttering every 3 secs when in warband. I've noticed some ui function calls regularly happen each time there's micro stuttering in warband.
I've modified some default module to prevent those calls and it seems to improve performance on my hand when in warband. It will still happen after really big battles and stuff like killing lord I think.

But I'd like to know if it's not only placebo so I put it here for more feedback.

I've also fixed the entering zone lags (preventing the suggested opened party stuff to happen, nobody uses that and just manualy browses the open warbands by pressing L if they want to join one anyway I guess).

Note: I'm by no mean a well versed lua dev or even a decent dev so this is really rough and will break a few things:
No more party/warband unit frame. You need to use an addon like enemy to see them now (it will still work just fine with an addon)
No more visible members in the wb manage window/scenario party lobby, don't use this if you lead wb.
It breaks the friend suggesting tools too.
It could break more stuff I haven't noticed.

Just unzip those in the addon folder.
You may need to delete the related folders in user/seetings/martyr square/yourcharactername before using it for it to work
You only need to install one version, I recommend the latest

1.0 ...

1.1 (this one also breaks the assist function, you need an assist addon if you need assist with this one I guess)

Last edited by balshv on Fri May 29, 2020 8:33 am, edited 13 times in total.

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Re: testing some performance addon

Post#2 » Thu May 14, 2020 5:01 pm

balshv wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 7:24 am A lot of users report lagging/stuttering every 3 secs when in warband. I've noticed some ui function calls happen regulary when the micro stuttering happens in warband.
I've modified some default module to prevent those calls and it seems to improve performance on my hand when in warband. It will still happen after really big battles and stuff like killing lord I think.

But I'd like to know if it's not only placebo so I put it here for more feedback.

I've also fixed the entering zone lags (preventing the suggested opened party stuff to happen, nobody uses that and just manualy browses the open warbands by pressing L if they want to join one anyway I guess).

Note: I'm by no mean a well versed lua dev or even a dev and this is really dirty and it will break a few things:
No more party/warband unit frame. You need to use an addon like enemy to see them now (it will still work just fine with an addon).
No more visible members in the wb manage window/scenario party lobby, don't use this if you regulary lead wb.
It breaks the friend suggesting tools too.
It probably breaks more stuff I haven't noticed.

Just unzip those in the addon folder.
You may need to delete the related folders in user/seetings/martyr square/yourcharactername before using it for it to work ...

edit: woops, I forgot a module, updated the download link
Great addon set, fps drop and stutter in WB play RvR and fort/City i tested today is amazing.
Great job, only 1 thing it needs improvement. Can you bring back scenario window function, while city there is no way to switch parties and thats crucial.

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Posts: 27

Re: testing some performance addon

Post#3 » Thu May 14, 2020 5:44 pm

Phantasm wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 5:01 pm
Great addon set, fps drop and stutter in WB play RvR and fort/City i tested today is amazing.
Great job, only 1 thing it needs improvement. Can you bring back scenario window function, while city there is no way to switch parties and thats crucial.
/script WindowSetShowing("ScenarioGroupWindow", true)

Slap that into a macro to open the party window. I use Vinyui and the party button has missing at the start of every city.

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Re: testing some performance addon

Post#4 » Thu May 14, 2020 7:48 pm

GrandmaGary wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 5:44 pm
Phantasm wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 5:01 pm
Great addon set, fps drop and stutter in WB play RvR and fort/City i tested today is amazing.
Great job, only 1 thing it needs improvement. Can you bring back scenario window function, while city there is no way to switch parties and thats crucial.
/script WindowSetShowing("ScenarioGroupWindow", true)

Slap that into a macro to open the party window. I use Vinyui and the party button has missing at the start of every city.
Its not that, one of addons disable groups in WB and sc UI, there is no problem with opening it, they are just empty. I understand it for WB UI but I`d like to have SC UI still available.

Posts: 23

Re: testing some performance addon

Post#5 » Thu May 14, 2020 9:34 pm

I think you can still switch parties, I did a city and switched party you just need someone to tell you the group you need to switch to ^^ I'll have a look at it tomorrow but I removed this scenario function because strangely enough it was called even in rvr.

Posts: 48

Re: testing some performance addon

Post#6 » Fri May 15, 2020 10:59 am

I've been testing this in some large scale RvR and the difference is honestly pretty staggering with these modules enabled. Even with an i7 8700k, the game will routinely become borderline unplayable with constant freezes/stuttering after a few hours of being in large battles / keep takes, but so far your modules have pretty much entirely eliminated this.

The freezes i get from transitioning zones seems to have been fixed too, and my average fps has raised quite a bit during large battles.

If you could figure out how to fix the issue with names not showing up in the party window whilst keeping the performance gains then this would be an amazing addon.

Posts: 1

Re: testing some performance addon

Post#7 » Fri May 15, 2020 1:36 pm

I just installed it myself and so far its been good.
I haven't had the chance to try out RvR yet but when gaining a level the game does not freeze up.

Thank you for creating this and if you are so inclined I wonder what other kind of magic you can perform with this addon.

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Re: testing some performance addon

Post#8 » Fri May 15, 2020 3:28 pm

Thank you! It fixes the micro stutters and my overall per. is better too.
I Havethe same problem, that the party window is empty, so would be glad about a fix far that.

Posts: 23

Re: testing some performance addon

Post#9 » Sat May 16, 2020 9:40 am

Ive just quickly checked and I think the sc lobby is tied to the wb manage stuff, I could be wrong. I have no plan to fix it for now since I level an alt mostly in sc atm. If someone more knowledgeable wants to make this more functionnal, go ahead.
Basically what I did is use the debug tool (/d) during siege and look for the function calls that were happening during the micro freezes. Then deleted the event handlers in the core modules related to those calls. That's basically it. You can get the default modules with easyMyp and the ea util one is from the thread with the fixed default core modules. The manage wb stuff might have an impact on performance or not. Thank you for the feedbacks and I'm glad it fixes some issues for some, I dont have the time or the will to test more for now, sorry.
The freezes issues could come from the server doing wrong or too frequent calls, I don't know, cause I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing when I mess with this stuff most of the time :D

Posts: 5

Re: testing some performance addon

Post#10 » Sat May 16, 2020 12:56 pm

I installed the pack and experienced moderate stuttering in scenarios that I hadn't noticed before. It might just be coincidental or this pack is interacting with one of the many mods I have enabled. I've removed the pack and the stutters seem to have stopped.

Just wanted to add my experience for some data.

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