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[Order] Friday Night Warfronts

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Posts: 898

[Order] Friday Night Warfronts

Post#1 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 7:59 pm

Good day loyal citizens of the Empire! Due to abundance of threads demanding PUG que for Weekly Warfronts I’ve thought about organizing some stuff for players who have issues with organizing groups for themselves, based on pre registrations as I already did in Bene Tleilax. Which lead to 2-3 premade SC groups every friday evening past few months. Maybe it will work as good as with guildies, or maybe it will miserable fail in case of strangers, but regardless I would like to try!

Now, how is that supposed to work?
Well, everyone who wants to participate has to SIGN UP HERE. After end of sign ups, which will be Thursday 23:00 Altdorf Time. I will try to build as many viable groups as possible. Parties will be announced on discord, so you can just join discord, login before event is starting and invite people into your party and start playing. Simple as that. However, if there will be huge amount of dps, but enough healers and tanks to create only two 2/2/2 parties, then I will create only two parties from given pool!

So the goal is just to create 2/2/2 premades, who can use voice communication if they want?
Exacly, but not only. Since entire thing requires discord channel to keep it running for both organization purposes and for voice communication channels, I'd like to create a friendly place where people can
organize Scenario groups, search for people, or just seek advices for this kind of gameplay. So, everyone will be able to join #roles channel, react with class emote to give himself a role. Given role allows two things (for example if someone picks a Warrior Priest role):
  • Everyone can ping players of given role by writting for example "looking for @Warrior Priest".
  • Person with Warrior Priest role, should be able to see #Warrior-Priest channel in "advice" tab.
  • Discord.
  • Career rank 40.
  • Ability to assist.
  • Ability to respec if needed.
  • Ability to understand english.
  • Ability to play as part of the team.
Important to know:
  • Event Time: 20:00 - 24:00 Altdorf Time.
  • Trolls and drama queens ain't needed here.
  • Engineers are least desired DPS, only the best among them may find groups.
  • When you sign up for 20 : 00 - 21 : 00, you're supposed to be able to stay for ENTIRE time YOU have declared. Don't come late!
SIGN UP HERE for 26.06.2020

Posts: 898

Re: [Order] Friday Night Warfronts

Post#2 » Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:59 pm

Sign up, don't play Weekly Warfront alone on friday!

Posts: 898

Re: [Order] Friday Night Warfronts

Post#3 » Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:26 pm

Sadly, only 2 people signed up, so idea gets scrapped.

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