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Archmage Catwalk

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Archmage Catwalk

Post#1 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 8:05 pm

I've recently started investing some time into my AM and I'm loving the playstyle! I do have to say that I'm not hugely inspired by the armor sets that I've come across so far and I don't see any standouts in the appearance guide thread. Do any of my fellow AM's have any styles they can share with me? Something a bit unique...or I'll even settle for a robe with a large dyeable area!

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Re: Archmage Catwalk

Post#2 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 8:26 pm

its all the same when you really look at it, both male and female have the same style dresses all the helmets are pretty much the same. I guess I would say pick a robe your comfortable at staring at, the Sov cape is pretty cool in my opinion, the helmets pretty much look the same so apply the same prosses of descension making you did on the robe do the same with gloves and boots too, pick a flashy looking shoulders and belt, your staff is your money maker pick the best looking one you can think of. now theres not really much to work with when customizing your arch mage so get creative with your dyes make sure the colors all tie together.

i honestly never played an archmage because of its style but i have experience when customizing my character and have people compliment my chosen and knight here and there when theres not much to work with just pick what you think makes you stand out and especially pick some good dyes theres not really a right or wrong answer when playing fashionhammer.
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Re: Archmage Catwalk

Post#3 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 8:37 pm

Check chapters for inf rewards, quite a few of those hold interesting (some even unique) skins for armour and weapons. Then there are lair drops starting in T1 all the way up to T4 (every map has at least one lair). Last but not least there are dungeon sets, you can see the look of those with appearance guide thread on forums.

Slap few trophies on and apply coherent dye scheme and you're set :)
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Re: Archmage Catwalk

Post#4 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:40 pm

you get to choose from 20-30 slightly different looking nightgowns, some of which can be dyed or not

my current look, robe is maybe with t1 appearance if i remember right

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