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Posts: 34


Post#1 » Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:23 am

I want to know if its possible to make as balance system,a system where if there is 100 destros online and only 50 orders,to make 25 destros FORCED to log on order to make 75 destros online and 75 orders online...or to be more precise,on login window a server tracker where if there is a huge difference between realms to FORCE players to log on lower populated realm till we get sure it will be like old times and destro will get more players becouse of the fact destro toons and enviroment is more attractive than order....i said once to mythic they should fired the guy who designed order!
Its like comparing gothic/punk/metal etc etc people with the jeans ones...jeans are not attractive....mythic tried to create that bullshit of giving more renown to those who are lower populated but thats crap and never fair and balanced....theres no point i get 2x 3x or 10x more renown when i cant even get out of warcamps
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Re: Balance

Post#2 » Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:38 am

You can force your dog to take a **** wherever and whenever you want. But don't tell me which toon to play.

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Re: Balance

Post#3 » Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:13 am

+1 to Grugnir.

So... if i have no chars on Order, i have to creater one to play?
Are u serious?

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Re: Balance

Post#4 » Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:14 am

This is not such a good idea, forcing people to play a faction because of a number. Sounds communistic. Also there's no way to know out of those players who are actually active or not (afking in the city etc)

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Re: Balance

Post#5 » Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:30 pm

That really sounds like a pretty dumb ideea, no offense.

People should be able to play whatever they want, it's not like pop was always balanced even when the game was still up. Hell, you could mostly rely on the population being unbalanced. One way or the other.

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