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Archmage vs Shaman

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Archmage vs Shaman

Post#1 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:18 am

I play both classes and am wondering why the Archmage gets to cleanse Shaman dots but a Shaman cannot cleanse Archmage?
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Re: Archmage vs Shaman

Post#2 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:33 am

oh well. good question.. this is my theory. one. must always be superior .. this is called mirror class palance ..

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Re: Archmage vs Shaman

Post#3 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:45 am

You can cleanse most but NOT all forms of DoTs: AM can cleanse Shammy, RP CANT cleanse Magus dots but CAN cleanse from Sorc and Shammys for ex. This go on thro all classes
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Re: Archmage vs Shaman

Post#4 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:52 am

Because Shaman can't cleanse Boiling Blood...
Well, AM can't cleanse WoP as well, but I hope you get the point.

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Re: Archmage vs Shaman

Post#5 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:57 am

she is the nightmare opponent for every shaman .. precisely because of that ..
it shouldn't be difficult to adapt this ability it can clean everything or not. just as the shaman against them .. it's just a skill would they manage it. Then we would be the first mirror class on this server .. my opinion ..!!

sry 4 bad english. G-translator..

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Re: Archmage vs Shaman

Post#6 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:17 pm

like BO can shatter SM but SM can't shatter BO.
welcome to most complex rock/paper/ scissors.
if you escalate it to grp cleans
you need spreadsheets to compare.
after that you realize how futile it is to compare 1on1.
like comparing rock/paper/scissors.

or it's just me, i gave up comparing cleanses/dispells.
SM8, SW8, AM8, WL7, KoBS5, BW6, WP8, WH7, IB7, Eng5, RP5, SL6
BG8, Sorc8, DoK8, WE7, Chs8, Mg8, Ze7, Mara8, BO6, SH7, Shm6, Chop4
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Re: Archmage vs Shaman

Post#7 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:36 pm

because of original WAR game racial pairing debuff options,
for example Sorc casts Curses, Magus Hexes, Shaman Ailments
BW casts Hexes, AM Hexes (orignally Curse heavy), Engi Hexes, RP Ailments...

it's a mess that started pre-2007, the mess got messier as they tried balancing who could cleanse which enemy racial dots/debuffs, it got messier when they realized instead of being able to cleanse 1 they should rather cleanse the 2 other types, and it got messier once they started redesigning so that the cleanse spammers dok/wp would be able to cleanse larger variety and now its even messier because of various extra changes over the years.

original design was probably something along lines of;
Dark Elf vs High Elf, Curses vs Curses
Chaos vs Empire, Hex versus Hex
Greenskins vs Dawi, Ailments versus Ailments

then it started getting more and more confusing

Posts: 423

Re: Archmage vs Shaman

Post#8 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:47 pm

Aurandilaz wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:36 pm because of original WAR game racial pairing debuff options,
for example Sorc casts Curses, Magus Hexes, Shaman Ailments
BW casts Hexes, AM Hexes (orignally Curse heavy), Engi Hexes, RP Ailments...

it's a mess that started pre-2007, the mess got messier as they tried balancing who could cleanse which enemy racial dots/debuffs, it got messier when they realized instead of being able to cleanse 1 they should rather cleanse the 2 other types, and it got messier once they started redesigning so that the cleanse spammers dok/wp would be able to cleanse larger variety and now its even messier because of various extra changes over the years.

original design was probably something along lines of;
Dark Elf vs High Elf, Curses vs Curses
Chaos vs Empire, Hex versus Hex
Greenskins vs Dawi, Ailments versus Ailments

then it started getting more and more confusing
This is very interesting , I will do more comparing to see if it actually equals out. If both factions get the same amount of cleanses would be interesting to see one way or the other. Why would AM be switched to hex from curse?
Order: 70 AM / 76 RP/ 72 Knight/ 58 WH
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Re: Archmage vs Shaman

Post#9 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:12 pm

There are 3 types of debuffs in the game, every healer can cleanse 2 of them, but cant cleanse the other.
And since the debuff types are evenly distributed, you can cleanse 8 of the opposing realm classes, but cant cleanse the other 4, this goes for every healer in the game.

Taking AM and Shaman for ex, Shaman can't cleanse BW, Engi, SM and AM, while Archmages can't cleanse Choppa, DoK, Chosen and Sorc.

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Re: Archmage vs Shaman

Post#10 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:47 pm

Aurandilaz is correct. In Warhammer lore greenskins are vulnerable to high elves, and with racial parings you wouldn't fight any elves until you locked KV and took the fort. Until you unlock the other parings all you would see in the lake are dwarves. I think it's a good idea, but obviously it didn't make it into the game.
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