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LotD Test and Community Engagement

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LotD Test and Community Engagement

Post#1 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 4:07 pm


Necropolis of Zandri
Share your Feedback!

Thank you for participating in the second Land of the Dead Necropolis of Zandri public test.

Feel free to share your feedback about the zone, the mechanics and anything that you may want to address as we aim to build an experience that you would enjoy!

Community Management
Expanding the CM Team:

In 2021, we've opened a dedicated Community Management team (CM Team) that aimed to strengthen the communication between the Team and the Community. The CM Team also worked closely with focus-groups in order to properly gather accurate data through feedback in order to voice the community's concerns inside the Return of Reckoning team, whether it was targeted towards the developers, game masters or leaders.

As of 2022, we've decided to grow this team in order to prioritize and highlight even more on the role of the community towards the success of the project.

If you're interested in joining the Community Management team, please head to the Misc Application section.

Realm Champions
Expanding the RC program:

The Realm Champions program aims to provide decent feedback and proposals to class balance. If you're keen on being part of a team that heavily analysis classes, come up with fruitful proposals and clear feedback, feel free to apply on the Realm Champions section. Please make sure to read the rules & guidelines for Realm Champions before applying.


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