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Apothecary: Chance of Something Better

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Posts: 4

Apothecary: Chance of Something Better

Post#1 » Mon Jan 24, 2022 9:19 am

Has marsh root (chance of a better pot) been implemented? There seems to be little difference in the proc rate if I use it or not.

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Re: Apothecary: Chance of Something Better

Post#2 » Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:11 pm

According to the Crafting Info Tooltip mod Marsh Root gives +9% super crit chance (3x gives 27%) and it does work but using just 1 might not feel much better than baseline % and there's just very few recipes where it's useful.

Not needed for linis..
Or for any other lvl 200 ingredient you need 2 stabilizers, and then you either trade 55 mins duration (Gobswort) or 4 pots (Fusk) for a small 9% improved chance of blue.

Only really useful for twinking lvl 100 and below main ingredients, where you only need 1 to 0 stabilizers and can sacrifice quantity or duration for getting extra stats from blue for bolster :lol:

Maybe if when an unstable recipe super crit, it would give 5x 60 min blue stable potions then it would be worthwhile using 1 stabilizer with 2 Marsh Root, but for now they are pretty useless/niche :)
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